Burning Feeling and Red Lumps on toes !?!?!

dean76 Member Posts: 112
edited 31. Jul 2009, 09:06 in Living with Arthritis archive
I go to see a specialist at another hospital in less than 2 weeks for a 2nd opinion. As people will know from my postings my previous consultant was a waste of space and so everything I have ever said he has ignored and made me feel like I was wasting his time. This has knocked my confidence and I now dismiss things that could be important in my treatment.

When I walk a get a strange burning hot type feeling in my feet. Sometimes happens when Im just resting but normally when I get out of bed in mornings or while walking I see red rash type marks on my toes when the burning feeling is. Lasts about 15 minutes and then fades a bit.

Trouble is I deliberately dont wear shoes/slippers/socks around the house so its not irritation marks like my previous doctor said it was.

Also on the side of my big toe and base of my little toes there are like knuckle lumps protruding under the skin quite large. Sometimes these are red but sometimes the redness is also on parts were there arent any lumps.

Can somebody please tell me is this normal and what can you do too stop the burning feeling ????


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,087
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Dean!
    I got a little knuckle lump at base of my 2nd toe the day before yesterday!!! So glad I am not alone! The balls of my feet hurt quite a bit too and the day I found the lump I had 'done something' to it and it had really hurt!
    Will check for redness - promise!
    Toni x
  • dean76
    dean76 Member Posts: 112
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi there again!

    Glad that you know you are not alone and we can help each other. Thats why this site is fab and Im so glad I came across it.

    Is the base of your feet pain in the ball of foot and arch of foot (sort of alongside ankle bone) but on the inside of foot? If not, were is yours because someone else reading the postings maybe able to advise you too if it is not.

    Weird if it was. I have been taking pictures of my toes using my mobile phone camera; as soon as they are red/sore before I forget - so I can show Consultant.

    Woman in photo shop yesterday thought I was crazy. lol. But I explained I havent a toe fettish and she laughed and said it was a good idea!
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,087
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Dean
    I LOVE the photos!
    That is a good idea though if it 'comes and goes'. When do you see specialist?
    I see rheumy next thursday so I will be mentioning my toe then.
    The pain in the feet it underneath in the balls, but the pain that preceded me finding the lump was right through the foot.
    Had a very similar pain in rt wrist/thumb twice at the weekend which stopped me from cutting up my tea!!!!! Luckily it was pasta! :wink:
    Good job we can laugh eh?
    Toni x
  • dean76
    dean76 Member Posts: 112
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I go on the 3rd August to see mine, was supposed to have been 13 July but they cancelled it the day before so lets hope this one doesnt get cancelled aswell.

    Weird enough my new Consultant is called Mr Toh. lol. Everyone thinks that is totally hillarious for a Foot Specialist! Especially as my previous Consultant was Mr Butcher. Foot Specialists seem to have the coolest surnames I think! Has yours got a funny surname? Because as you say you need something to make you laugh.

    Hope it goes well for you and let us know what he says about the redness if you dont mind? Dont mean to be nosey just curious.

    Dean76 x
  • kathbee
    kathbee Member Posts: 934
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Dean

    I went to see a specialist at ENT last week about my sinus problems and he was called. MR SMELT, no, I'm not kidding. I know, it sounds like a Tommy Cooper joke.

    I have quite deformed toes and the lumps and the redness too, all caused with RA. Years ago before the diagnosis of RA had been made I had an operation on my left foot to straighten a couple of toes and they still didnt work out that it was arthur. And to add insult, the second toe which overlapped the big toe and had a 4 inch pin inserted in it for 6 weeks to straighten it , now overlaps the 3rd toe.!!

    Dont blame you for getting a 2nd opinion, I feel like doing that sometimes.

    Hope you go on alright with your next appointment.

  • dean76
    dean76 Member Posts: 112
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I believe you with the Mr Smelt. Seriously they have some funny names dont they.

    Kath, just read your posting and have to say that I was born with deformed toes too, which are also not straight; infact none point in the same direction. Do you find your toes are much much smaller in size than other peoples and compared to big toe are tiny??

    I have pins put in both big toes and a knuckly bone which I now know is Arthur was rubbing my shoe and causing holes in my socks all the time. So he took pin out without an Xray and said he had great trouble taking the pin out because a bony growth had grown over the place of insicion????????? He wanted to discharge me but I said the pain was worse and so he said he would do Arthroscopy/Chrondroplasty without an Xray because he said an Xray couldnt show Arthur!?!?!?!?

    But I had an X-ray, he operated and then he discharged me and said everything he did I said made pain worse so could no longer treat me.
  • kathbee
    kathbee Member Posts: 934
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Dean, that sounds just awful.

    What people have to put up with is abysmal sometimes.
    And only by 'chatting' on here do we find out
    these things.

    To be honest, wearing winkle-pickers with 3 inch heels when I was a teenager wont have helped my feet (yes, I am that old) . I will admit to that, but RA and OA have a lot to answer for regarding my feet.

    But lucky for me my hands arent too bad, I have a friend with terribly deformed hands thru RA but her feet are reasonable. Something has to give I suppose.

    Do take care

  • bailey27
    bailey27 Member Posts: 689
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have had this before. It sounds like Raynauds. I have sent you a message with some info.
  • dean76
    dean76 Member Posts: 112
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks for that, is so kind of you. Id never heard of that but your right it does sound like it. I will certainly tell the consultant about it on 3 August.

    Thanks once again, much, more appreciated xxxxx
  • jenzie06
    jenzie06 Member Posts: 708
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I know this is non arthritis related but could it be chilblains?
    My sister gets them and her toes are incredible red, hot and lumpy. They are very sore too!

    Then again my feet get all hot and fat and lumpy and thats my RA.

    Sorry its not much help!
  • dean76
    dean76 Member Posts: 112
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Toni

    Hope it all went well yesterday. Kept my fingers and well was going to say toes (heee heee heee) crossed for you.

    I go and see mine on Monday! Hopefully I will have really good news that he can help me in someway after the recent plonker I have had ....and be the happiest woman ever.

    Dean x