Pain Clinic Result

woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
edited 30. Jul 2009, 07:00 in Living with Arthritis archive
I went to the Pain Clinic today. The consultant there showed me the X-ray and MRI, he asked me to describe all my symptoms and examined me. He said I have early OA in my right hip, but not enough for a hip replacement, which I thought was fine. My spine has a discs that have slipped out of place and causing pressure on the spinal cord, but not enough to operate on. My spine is the wrong shape! :shock: On the part that goes inwards at the middle of the back it goes in too much, which means that the musles supporting it have got too weak, which makes the spine go in more!! :shock: :shock: Trust me :roll: He is changing my medication to a long acting form of tramadol and as he thinks this is why I get pain in the night, so I will only take them night and morning. :? He is referring me to a specialist Spinal Physio at the big hospital, as he thinks they will be able to do a lot more with my spine there. :)

I wish that they had referred me to a specialist before!! Still better late than never. He didn't think much to the Rhummy, just discharging me, I don't think. Well I feel more positive now. They can't repair the damage, but they can try and make my muscles stronger to help the joints. To tell the truth, I did feel a bit of a fruad, everyone looked quite ill, but I felt quite OK, as it was a better day! :oops: So, I'm hoping for the best. He said its exercises for the rest of my life :(:lol: Love Sue


  • kathbee
    kathbee Member Posts: 934
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sue

    Thats very interesting to hear about your visit to the clinic
    and it seems to have gone very well.

    At least the doc found out some things you didnt know and
    thus can work on them. Shame on the rheumy discharging

    I feel like telling the rheumy dept to take a running jump, but
    I wont of course.
    I am hoping to be referred to a pain clinic soon as the
    pain is just getting too much now and back pain is
    giving me a lot of grief.

    Hope all goes well for you.

    Kath xx
  • smillajasperson
    smillajasperson Member Posts: 37
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sue
    Well it sounds like a positive appointment! Hopefully they will be able to get your medication sorted properly now they have the fuller picture. :D
    I'm still waiting for my 1st visit to the pain clinic but with a bit of luck it'll be late August/early September.
    Your back sounds very similar to mine. I had a bad fall 18yrs ago when I was 9 months pregnant, landing on my spine. 12yrs ago I had xrays at my chiropractors which showed that during the fall I had basically crushed the lower lumbar region causing the curvy bit of my spine to compress and squash together and dip in too far - note the technical terms, but I guess you'll know what I mean! In my recent xrays it showed I now had OA in that area - apparently a very common cause of this is due to earlier trauma. They also suspect disc damage which my MRI should reveal.
    I'd be interested to know if your OA is also the result of an injury? Do you find sleeping and getting comfy in bed very difficult? I toss and turn (as far as I am able to!) all night and some nights get up 5/6 times as lying still is impossible.
    I also have very bad episodes when it feels like I've put my back out and can hardly move at all because of the pain - one bout last year meant 4 months off work and I've just had another 6 weeks off. During this time I can be bedridden for the 1st couple of weeks - although I do know staying in bed is supposed to be the worst thing to do, but it really is a case of no choice! When I'm up again I'm completely lopsided and my spine is very bent and looks all out of alignment - does any of this sound familiar to you?! Gradually I straighten up again until I'm back to my 'normal' self with everyday pain that I have at least for the most part learnt to manage. I also feel a bit of a fraud when I'm at my best!
    Unfortunately they've never managed to find any medication that suits me - its either ineffective or makes me throw up! But I live in hope.....!
    Very glad that you're getting somewhere at last though :D:D:D Love Smillajasperson
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Yes, I fell down the stairs about 15 or so years ago and the next day the pain was so bad I went to A&E, the x-ray showed a small crack in the sacrum area at the bottom of the spine. After a few weeks in bed, (doctors orders!) I gradually got back to normal. Thats the area that has the arthritis and collapsed discs, I'd stupidly never put 2 & 2 together!!! oa does tend to follow injury sometimes, I've read. I was offered physio at the time but didn't bother as I felt better and had had a lot of time off work! And when I lay down, sometimes, it feels as if my spine is going to brake. Its hard to get comfortable in bed, thats why the tramadol long lasting stuff was suggested. Theirs a lesson for people!

    Hopefully the muscles will be able to strengthen and I can do more and maybe get back to work, which I do miss. Love Sue
  • mistywillow
    mistywillow Member Posts: 711
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    woodbon wrote:
    Hi Yes, I fell down the stairs about 15 or so years ago and the next day the pain was so bad I went to A&E, the x-ray showed a small crack in the sacrum area at the bottom of the spine. After a few weeks in bed, (doctors orders!) I gradually got back to normal. Thats the area that has the arthritis and collapsed discs, I'd stupidly never put 2 & 2 together!!! oa does tend to follow injury sometimes, I've read. I was offered physio at the time but didn't bother as I felt better and had had a lot of time off work! And when I lay down, sometimes, it feels as if my spine is going to brake. Its hard to get comfortable in bed, thats why the tramadol long lasting stuff was suggested. Theirs a lesson for people!

    Hopefully the muscles will be able to strengthen and I can do more and maybe get back to work, which I do miss. Love Sue

    Hi Sue
    Glad your appointment was helpful and physio to strengthen your spinal muscles is a very good idea. The stronger your back the less you will strain it and hopefully that will help ease the pain.
    love Gillx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,107
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sue
    That sounds like a really useful apt!
    You have found out a lot! Good luck with the new treatment regime - I will be genuinely intersted in how it goes. When do you start to strenthen those muscles? and how?
    Take care
    toni x
  • watson15
    watson15 Member Posts: 1
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Its good that you undergo this treatment.. Exercises can cure your problem completely.. I can suggest you about online back pain treatment (link deleted) it includes postural exercises.. it may help you..

    Arthritis Care Website links policy doesnot allow promotion of links to sites for unproven therapies or products.
    Moderator (ECM)
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    The Pain Consultant did say abuot postural exercises and that is why he is referring me to the specialist physio at the big general hospital. I don't know how long I will have to wait for an appointment, but I will let you all know how I get on! Moans, groans and all, (you may be sorry...) :lol: I'm feeling positive at the moment, as I feel that might be important, but I have a few aches and pains from the examination! Love Sue :)
  • mouseymousey
    mouseymousey Member Posts: 283
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thats interesting thanks for posting Sue. I didn't realise a pain clinic would be so holistic. mmmm I'm going to ask my GP about that now..
  • debatat
    debatat Member Posts: 659
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I am glad you had such a positive appt Sue. Sounds like you will get some real benefit from this appt. You will have to let us know how you get on at the specialist physio.

  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks every one for your support. I'll certainly let you know. I think the point of pain clinics is to have a holistic approach to the pain rather than the disease. Love Sue