I've no one to blame but myself

carol71 Member Posts: 131
edited 6. Aug 2009, 04:27 in Living with Arthritis archive
Have been sat pondering why me, and i've come to the conclusion that it's my own fault I'm in this pain.

It's all down to all the head banging I did in my youth, it must be. No turning back the clock though and at the time I had such fun.

But now it seems I have to suffer for it.

Sorry for the wo is me post, feeling a bit sorry for myself .

Carol xxx


  • sharmaine
    sharmaine Member Posts: 1,638
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hey Carol

    At least you enjoyed yourself! Arthritis is genetic and I hope nothing to do with having too much of a good time during your youth!

    Sorry that you're in pain. Have you taken all your meds? My answer to pain is a nice bath; music and candles. Then a good film..and if that doesn't work have a good cry and hopefully there's someone around to give you a hug and a kiss. My hubby is wonderful as he always says something daft when I'm feeling low and I end up having a good giggle.

    Try and relax and hopefully that pain will float away.

    Take care.

    carol71 wrote:
    Have been sat pondering why me, and i've come to the conclusion that it's my own fault I'm in this pain.

    It's all down to all the head banging I did in my youth, it must be. No turning back the clock though and at the time I had such fun.

    But now it seems I have to suffer for it.

    Sorry for the wo is me post, feeling a bit sorry for myself .

    Carol xxx
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    We all feel sorry for ourselves at times (or I do ). But as for you causing your arther, life isn't that simple, so don't go putting 2 and2 together and making 26!! Even my maths arn't that bad.
    Take care. Love sue
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi carol 71 very sorry to hear it and I can sympathies totally with you as it’s the same for me, use to help my brothers rock band in the 1980’s travelling round Reading area doin a bit of ed bangin along the way and a bad RTA in the 1980’s didn’t help either, I spent 22 years complaining to various doctors and until one very nice East European chap sent me for an X Ray and low and behold they found I had a disc problem between the C6 & C7 vertebra, you don’t say!, anyway what have you been prescribed?, have you tried Nortriptyline I was given it for the OA in my patella post op last April.
    Funny thing it did my neck the world of good but not much for my knees. 8)
  • carol71
    carol71 Member Posts: 131
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks everyone. :)
    You know what it's like when things play over in your mind. As I don't know much about the condition I didn't know if it had hindered the problem iykwim.

    Not been prescribed anything as yet Mellman. Just awaiting physio.
    Doc told me if the pain got too bad to take ibuprofene.

  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Dear Carol

    It is not your own fault that you are in pain now. It cannot be down to the head banging because others did it in their youth and they are not in pain now. There is no hard and fast rule for who gets "arthur" and who doesn't - that is my humble opinion anyway. Sometimes it may be hereditary but that is debatable.

    Why do people doing exactly the same job, ie builders, posties, a paper pusher, not all get "arthritis".

    If you are finding the pain unbearable visit your gp again and ask for some stronger meds and anti inflammatories or to be referred elsewhere. You have to keep knocking on the door, otherwise they leave you to flounder, not knowingly but to be fair to them if you don't keep going back they think you are getting on with it all ok.

    Please do not blame yourself. I sincerely hope you feel more upbeat tomorrow.

    Elna x(())

    ps Just reread your last post and I see you will be seeing a physio so that is a step forward, but if you are really suffering still ask for stronger meds.
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • debatat
    debatat Member Posts: 659
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Carol, I understand your feelings. We all want an explanation for why me, and our natural instincts is to blame ourselves. I have lupus, aps, Ra and cervical spondylosis. I didn't do head banging when I was younger :cry: So I have missed out and got arthur!! :D Seriously, it just happens, call it luck of the draw, unfair but true. There is life after arthur though. We need time to grieve before we can move on. Keep posting we will help you. Take care

    Deb x
  • lindah
    lindah Member Posts: 445
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I blamed it on me being a tomboy and a sporty type at school. I am also extremely accident prone.I cannot walk through a doorway without hitting an elbow or a hip bone.
    My parents both had dodgy hips,my mum died before hers was replaced but dad had 1 done and was waiting for his other when he died so is it in the blood.
    I don't know but I think it's part of the greiving process for your old self to shove blame somewhere.
    Think it will be easier to predict the 6 numbers tonight than say who will get Arthur.
    Chin up. Linda H 8)
  • carol71
    carol71 Member Posts: 131
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks Deb, Elna & Linda.

    Carol xxx
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi carol71 please don’t beat yourself up it’s just the way things are you’re not to blame OK, Just remember one thing you don’t have to suffer with pain like I did, if you’re not happy with the pain relief diagnosis or general attitude of your current GP don’t put up with it go and see another, when you find one you like change that’s what I did and all by e mail and I haven't looked back, anyway the main thing is you’ve found this site so your not alone anymore, take care and let us know how the physio goes OK. :wink:
  • debbierose
    debbierose Member Posts: 403
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I used to take my vest off as soon as I got to school.
    and roled my sox down to my ankles.
    does that me for deserving of RA than my friend who used to keep her sox up to her knees,
    its the luck of the draw babes, so don't beat yourself up
    arther will do enough of that .
    use your thought for good feelings,
  • airwave
    airwave Member Posts: 579
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    carol71 wrote:
    Have been sat pondering why me, and i've come to the conclusion that it's my own fault I'm in this pain.

    It's all down to all the head banging I did in my youth, it must be. No turning back the clock though and at the time I had such fun.

    But now it seems I have to suffer for it.

    Sorry for the wo is me post, feeling a bit sorry for myself .

    Carol xxx
    I blame my parents! I tried to tell them that I was the newer improved MK11 version but something went wrong..........
    8) Its a grin, honest!
  • carol71
    carol71 Member Posts: 131
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks for making me smile.
    It's what I love about you people, you may all be suffering with a great deal of pain but you never lose your sense of humours.
    Long may that continue, I suppose if we didn't laugh we could well cry.

    Carol xxx