psyart Member Posts: 600
edited 11. Aug 2009, 04:40 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi - have been on these injections since may and have been suffering from side effects. The hospital said that I should not feel nausa with the injections, but I have, sometimes worst than on the tablets :cry::cry: . I had 2 weeks with out the injections, as feeling so bad, as instructed by the hospital. The crappy feeling went away, along with the nausa and fatigue but the pain came back!!! Anyway, the point to this is, after reading people's fears about the metx medication, it does work but takes a long time to work :roll: I am still taking anti-sickness tablets to help the nausa and slowly feeling better after doing the injections. Is this making sense to everyone?? :!:
The moral to this long tale - please be patient! I expected to feel better straight away but havent and have found this very hard! The hospital have been good to a point, but I do feel that they have not really explained the bad side effects. One registra told me that I should be able to do everything I did before 'arthur' join my life n030.gif
but this has not been so easy as they made it out to be :cry: which made me question myslef and 'arthur' :?:
Does this make sense to others? any views on this?
Also - is anyone else having problesm with injecting themsleves? I am having problems getting the neddle to go into my belly!!

L x


  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I know just what you mean about thinking (or being given the impression) that things might suddenly change for the better.

    My experience of changing from MTX tablets to injections was a positive one, as the nausea did mainly go, and the MTX worked better too. But it does take time to get into the system, and I certainly do notice if I have to miss a week. When I missed four in a row in June (don't ask! :roll: ) it was terrible, but I'm getting back to where I was I think!

    As to having problems injecting .... at first doing my own injections was not so bad as I had feared - if arthur has done one thing it has made me better about facing needles. However, a couple of injections were tough (bleeding and pain) and after that I got worse and worse - worrying and panicing about it, and eventually I had to own up to missing a couple because I couldn't face doing the injection.

    now I go to my GP surgery and the Practice Nurse does the injection for me. it has taken all the worry away, so if it becomes tough for you do ask your rheumy nurse for help - there are all sorts of options if you are struggling.

    hope that helps and that the nausea passes soon.

    (((((((( hugs ))))))))))))))))))))
  • twiggypuss
    twiggypuss Member Posts: 14
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Are you taking folic acid to counteract the side effects? I'm taking 5mg folic acid per day, and it's certainly stopped me feeling sick.
  • janie68
    janie68 Member Posts: 1,186
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Yes I have probs too injecting my self but only since they changed the mtx. They are too small for me to hold properly now.

    Could someone else do it for you?

    Janie :)