i want to be positive but.......

jonty40 Member Posts: 8
edited 4. Sep 2009, 12:09 in Living with Arthritis archive
i'm having a bad day today. this evening my metarcarpals began to swell up. i have an undifferentiated inflammatory arthritis that is still being investigated. i am currently on NSAID's and steroids among other accompanying meds. i am off work as directed by my GP. despite the meds i am experiencing pain and inflammation in hands, wrists, knees, ankles and feet. i am showing signs of RA but my bloods so far are negative. very confusing but i am reading about ways in which i can help myself. Any ideas out there?


  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Jonty,

    Just a quick hi and welcome to the site, they are a good lot here. Before real diagnosis it can be hard but they will get there and at least in the mean time they are treating you with some things that may help keep it in check. There is a huge amount of helpful things on the site, if you go to the top and look at the about arthritis you see a lot of links, and one is self help. There s also a lot about the different types of arthritis and some of that may help you as well.take care and I hope you soon get sorted, Cris
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello, I'm glad you have found the site, you'll find lots of people on here who have had similar problems. I have oa, but lots of people have ra. Anyway welcome to the site. :) Sometimes it takes a while for a diagnosis to be made, I expect your GP will refer you to a rheumatologist if not already.

    You may find cold, ice packs, (peas or something, wrapped in a towel) and put on the places that hurt for while, helpful, I prefer heated things, but if you have inflammitory problems cold may feel better, anyway its a case of what feels best for you.

    I hope you soon have a proper diagnosis and treatment that works, it does sometimes, take a while for the write treatment to be found, but hold on! Take care, Love Sue
  • scattered
    scattered Member Posts: 326
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Apply ice to any swollen inflammed joints, and heat to joints that are just painful. Sometimes using an elasticated support can help, especially when the painful joint is one you use a lot, like your wrist.

    Do you have an appointment to see a consultant rheumatologist? Your labs being normal means absolutely nothing. When I was diagnosed I had Rheumatoid factor present in my blood, but my CRP was normal and my ESR only up slightly. More significantly I was anaemic. Since dx I have had major flare ups where everything has been hot, swollen, red and painful but my inflammatory markers have been normal. My doctors and I don't put a lot by my labs. When my RA is active my haemoglobin levels drop, so we use that.
  • jonty40
    jonty40 Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you all for your kind responses. As this has happened quite quickly i'm not sure how to respond to the symptoms. i woke this morning at 4.45am to the worst pain in my knees so far. i took some Tramacet and now i'm spaced out and still in pain. i've made an appointment to see my GP this morning. i do have a consultant but only get to see him every couple of months it seems. i'm not sure if that is average.

    i'm determined to have a better day today and am looking in to joining a tai chi class. thankyou again for suggestions and i hope you all have a good day!
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi welcome i have warm bath if stiff and pain but if swelling try cool foot bath for feet helps take some of swelling out and get some one to massage them gently (sorry about spelling not my strong point) swimming in warm water helps take weight off joints and do not mean 40 lenths gentle is the way with this anything giving u pain stop and listen to your body good luck take care
  • jonty40
    jonty40 Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    i've just received a letter from my consultant. He explains that CCP auto-antibody screen, urine calcium test and CRP all negative. he wants me to continue my 2 month course of steroids after which he feels i should see significant improvements. Although that would be great, of course, i am not yet sharing his optimistic view. i have also been to see my GP who is saying little but agreeing with the consultant with regard the steroids. he has also given me a stronger NSAID than Entodolac. I am now taking Indometacin. he has also given me Amitriptyline (for better sleep, pain and because i'm feeling low). I don't know what to do next. i feel i'm in a no man's land of semi-diagnosis. does anyone out there know of rheumatological disorders that can be completely dispersed by a dose of steroid treatment. if so can you let me know as this might be of some reassurance. i'm off to have a bath. (sorry for being so completely negative, i'm sure i will feel better after a long soak!).
  • debatat
    debatat Member Posts: 659
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, pre diagnosis can be a very frustrating time. Steroids dampen down inflammation, if they improve your arthritis then this gives them a clue that it is inflammatory arthritis. If it doesn't improve it, then it is likely to be osteoarthritis or something else such as fibromyalgia. Occasionally it might not work because you need a much higher dose of steroids but this would be unusual.

    Keep a symptom diary noting, fevers, pain, swelling, stiffness duration and any rashes etc. This can help you to see a pattern and aid diagnosis.

    Let us know how you get on.

    Take care

  • jonty40
    jonty40 Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    thanks Deb. i have been keeping a diary since my first GP appointment on 1st June. I'm building up quite a picture. Just being able to post and read messages on this forum is making me feel brighter, in an emotional way at least. it makes all the difference speaking to people who have actually gone through personal experience. it has made me feel connected to a community of people who care about others. Thanks again!
