trying times

queenfan Member Posts: 563
edited 5. Sep 2009, 04:59 in Living with Arthritis archive
I am due to go back to school next week, but I am ashamed to say things have gone wrong, I have had my kidney results back, which have come back showing kidney not functioning properly shrivelled up containing cyst, also my doctor has given me full blood tests to see why I am swelling up all over my body,I have seen her a couple of times & each time I have seen her I am ashamed to say I broke down,

Due to my blood results & results of my scan she has had to take me off all my anti inflammatory tablets, because she doesn't want to damaged my good kidney, she gave me Strong pain killers called oxynorm, also told me I am very depressed, I have gone back wards instead of getting better
what else can happen to me.
I hope you are all keeping well
Sue x


  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 4. Sep 2009, 15:02
    OH Sue I really feel for you.

    It is so hard living with arthritis and then having other problems on top makes things so much harder to cope with.

    It is no wonder that you are feeling so down - the pain alone must be difficult to live with, let alone adding in the worry and stress.

    All you can do is accept whatever help is on offer to you, and to do everything you are told to help your body on its way to recovery. If that is sleep all day and rest up, then you know it is not a bad thing to do it - your body needs your help in it's struggle to heal.

    I will be thinking of you and I send you lots of hugs to cheer you.
    Just know that there are lots of us who live with depression, and there is a lot of help available if you ask your GP.

    all my love,
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Sue

    Sorry to hear of your kidney problems. Are you a teacher :?: I don't think you should feel ashamed in the slightest if you can't return to school. If you are not well, and depressed too, school is the last place you should be. I know only too well how exhausting it can be, and you really need to be fit and well. Everyone will be understanding and sympathetic, I'm sure, so I think you need to concentrate on getting well. Take care.

  • queenfan
    queenfan Member Posts: 563
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you Wonkey You try to laugh thinks off on the outside but inside you feel awful, I am worried that at the moment I cant do my job,
    & the thought of losing it frightens me,
    Joan I am a special support assistant in a Nursery & have my own group of children one with special needs, there are a new lot starting next week I have ten to teach & am worried that I can no longer do my job, I know I have to accept the situation but cant
    thank you for your messages, & sorry to moan
    take care sue
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Sue,

    I am sorry your not doing so well. It gets hard sometimes but as well as echoing everything Wonky said you haven't gone backwards. Its not like that, you have huge things going wrong with your life and sometimes that makes you feel very low and its not surprising it does. You mustn't be ashamed you broke down, with all thats going wrong it would be surprising if you hadn't.

    I wish there was something I could say to help but i shall be thinking of you and well you take care. A gentle ((( ))) and Luv Cris x
  • queenfan
    queenfan Member Posts: 563
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Pixy the doctor wanted to put me on meds for depression but she has left me for a while to see how I go,
    Hi Cris I know I shouldn't feel ashamed of getting upset, but this doctor is not my normal doctor & each time she has seen me I have got upset,
    I must say thou she listened to me & said she would try to sort things out for me, I have got to go for another blood test to monitor how the good Kidney is doing, It's just all my joints are swollen & not coping not having my anti inflammatory tablets, you have just got to get on with it haven't you
    thank you for your replies take care Sue x
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Sue,

    She wont think any less of you. Doctors see us at are lowest and most vulnerable I think. Oh I do sympathise with you over having to stop your anti flams, I've had to mine cus I have another suspected ulcer. Are they giving you any other kind of pain killer? I really hope you have good news on the blood tests and well all I can do is send my love and hope having people here who understand will somehow help. Cris x
  • suncatcher
    suncatcher Member Posts: 2,174
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Dont feel ashamed you broke down its a lot to take in youve gone through so much dont rush to work see how things go you need a rest you are more important right nowlook after yourself just send you a cyber hug and accept the help the doc can give you i hope you are getting support at home youve got lots on here and plenty of people who will listen from joanne
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'.m sorry you'r so low at the moment but its understandable and natural, I'm sure your GP understands compleatly and seeing how upset you are may help her to know what treatments you need. As for going back to work, you will be much more able to cope when you are fit. Especially with all the colds and bugs around at this time of year, its something that could put you back a long way if you do it to soon.

    I hope things will be sorted out for you and you will rest and feel better.
    My love and best wishes Sue
  • debatat
    debatat Member Posts: 659
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. It is horrible when you love your job but are unable to go back to work.

    I have had to stop NSAIDs due to kidney probs, I do miss them as I did feel they helped. I am sure the doc doesn't mind you getting upset, I would think it is a normal response, they would probably be more worried if you didn't react. Concentrate on getting well, I know it is hard, but you need to put yourself first.

    Take one day at a time, I hope the docs manage to stabilise your condition and soon you will be back to your normal things.

    Take care

    Deb x
  • ritwren
    ritwren Member Posts: 928
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    You are having a terrible time I see and just wanted to offer a cyber hug and some support. Hopefully the oxynorm which are really powerful drugs will help take the edge off your pain. I do hope your blood tests improve and the swelling and pain settle down. It must be awful not to be able to have the anti inflammatories but I guess you have to go with what the GP says. Sounds like this GP of yours even if not your regular one is very good and supportive.
    As for being off work you really do have to think about yourself and not feeling guilty that you can't get to work. One of my friends is always saying to me how busy work is and how short staffed they are, I'm off work on the sick at the moment. There is nothing more important than your health. Hopefully things will settle down and you will get back to work again. I know it's difficult not to think about having to give up work, I do too and just would'nt be able to cope but try not to think the worst. Employers have some responsibility to try to make things more manageable for you and help in any way they can. Do hope you feel a bit better today.
  • queenfan
    queenfan Member Posts: 563
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Cris,Joanne,sue,Deb,& Rita
    thank you all for your support, I know I am unable to go far at the moment but I know that I wouldn't manage work at the moment, these tablets are very strong, but are helping with the pain,Just trying to get the swelling under control, still I will get there, I think I might have to go to the doctors for something for the depression i cant seem to lift myself up at the moment, but I know there are lots of people who are worse off than me.
    Rita I know what you mean about friends from work ringing you up about how they are going to be struggling they are doing the same to me, wanting me to hurry up back,
    thank you all again :wink: Sue x