GP Visit

woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
edited 14. Sep 2009, 19:36 in Living with Arthritis archive
I went to see my GP today, as I needed a certifcate and I had a few questions to ask her. I wrote them down yeserday, as I thought I would forget some of the things. When I got to the surgery I looked for the list and it wasn't there - I'd left it a home. :( :roll: Not a very good start, I thought, but never mind. When I went in I asked about a certificate and got one, she wanted to do it indeffinatly, as I could always be signed back on if things change, but we settled for six months. We discussed my hands and neck pain, my new type of medication and a few little things and I came home.

When I got home I started to remember some of the things I wanted to check with her ie no appointment yet from the spinal physio that was one of the major reasons I went. I could kick myself, but it might break my toe! I think she distracted me by taking my blood pressure and asking what I thought about stopping HRT. I don't want to, she said my bp was good and I have no cancer in the family and what not and because of arthritis it would be better to stay on them. Its a risk I'm willing to take, in fact I think I would have been shouting if she'd stopped them, as I know how awful I feel. Having had a hystorectomy at 30, I've been on them since then. They are patches and use a very low dose of natural oestrogen(sp?). So thats my day so far, I don't know whether to phone or leave it and hope for the best. Sorry, a long, boring rant! :roll: :wink: Love Sue.


  • ninakang
    ninakang Member Posts: 1,367
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sue

    I've done that myself, had a list of questions and then left them at home or not written them down thinking I'll remember them (as if!).

    It sounds like you have a lot you need to talk through with your GP who also knows your history. Why don't you ring to make another appointment and explain? I'm sure you'll feel better for it?
