Orthopeadic Appt - still in a muddle

craftyuk Member Posts: 47
edited 17. Sep 2009, 10:50 in Living with Arthritis archive
So i had my orthopeadic appt last week and they have decided that the x-ray does show some deterioration, but not enough to be causing my pain. due to previous surgery they are not looking at surgery as an option and now referring me for physio and an arch support as they think it might be tendinitis or nerve problems. In the meantime i have had to stop taking my cox 2 inhibitors and no longer am getting any pain relief. i am just going round in circles and i don't know what to do anymore. i really have reached the end of my tether. i have not been to work yet this week and as i can't drive to get there and everything else i am just lost. i am going back to the doctors today (3rd time this week) but i'm not sure what they can do. i am just feeling so low and i don't know where to start anymore. i don't think i can keep going with work but i just don't know what my options are anymore and not having a definite diagnosis really doesn't help. there are some times when i think it would be better for everyone else if i wasn't around anymore, but i wouldn't actually do anything about it.


  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi craftyuk
    so sorry u r going through all this waiting to go to rhummy and have put it off for this reason do not want him to say not arther nothing we can do to help if u r in pain there is something wrong so (((great big hug))) for u wish could help but just starting with all this good luck
  • mrsdalloway
    mrsdalloway Member Posts: 161
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Crafty I am feeling for you as we have all been in your boat in fact we all tend to get back in again from time to time!

    Like you say you are at the end of your tether now and I am guessing that you do like most of us used to do, when at the doctors you are being nice. You think that because they are doctors they are supposed to know what they are doing and help you....mmm Not necessarily, you need to tell them what you have just told us in that post and let them know how low you actually are.

    It took me a long time about 13 years actually to understand that by putting on a brave front and stiff upper lip they won't help. What works is losing your rag (and by this in my case that means saying 'this hurts now! lol') and getting upset and showing how much this is actually affecting your life. If you are not naturally like that it will be hard because it feels like you are losing control.

    You need to make another appt and if you don't feel like you can do it alone take someone with you who will shout your case or write it down how you are feeling. Ok I am blethering on now but you are not alone and you must come back on here and sound off, like I say we are all here for you. xx
  • debatat
    debatat Member Posts: 659
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Crafty, chronic pain gets us all down it is so wearing. Why did you have to stop cox 2 inhibitors? I wonder why you have not been offered alternative pain relief? There are so many options, I would discuss this with your doc. A good doc will understand how low chronic pain can make you feel. Let us know how you get on.

    Take care

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,057
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    No No No!
    Crafty It would not be better for anyone if you weren't around anymore!
    You must tell your GP how you are feeling - pain and how LOW!!!
    There are things he/she can do now to help. Diferent pain meds to try and sometimes low does anti-depressants can even help.
    Please do take comfort from all of us who have been through similar where you can't get answers and all you have is pain.
    Please will you let us know how you are getting on?
    Toni x
  • sharmaine
    sharmaine Member Posts: 1,638
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling so low. You are doing the right thing and going to see your GP. With regards to work well I resigned from mine last year after a lot of encouragement from my hubby to do so. I was so worried about bills and stuff but we've saved a lot of money on my petrol; parking etc. We also changed our insurances (got better deals); mortgage; phones etc. You just have to make the right decision for your circumstances. I was hoping to get a small job nearer home but in the end it wasn't worth it as I'm a lot worse, mobility wise, than I was last year. We manage quite well without me working.

    I hope you get something for the pain - you shouldn't have to suffer like this.

    With warm regards
  • craftyuk
    craftyuk Member Posts: 47
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    it is all very complicated but the Cox 2's were making me poorly - it was really only a matter of time as i wasn't really supposed to be on meds like that. So far this week it has been a opioid patch which made me very poorly, then off that and on to co-proxamal, now back on the opioid patch, but with anti emetics to help the sickness. i have been given a week off work and i am seriously looking for a job closer to home now.
  • hazelsmum
    hazelsmum Member Posts: 22
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    craftyuk wrote:
    So i had my orthopeadic appt last week and they have decided that the x-ray does show some deterioration, but not enough to be causing my pain. due to previous surgery they are not looking at surgery as an option and now referring me for physio and an arch support as they think it might be tendinitis or nerve problems. In the meantime i have had to stop taking my cox 2 inhibitors and no longer am getting any pain relief. i am just going round in circles and i don't know what to do anymore. i really have reached the end of my tether. i have not been to work yet this week and as i can't drive to get there and everything else i am just lost. i am going back to the doctors today (3rd time this week) but i'm not sure what they can do. i am just feeling so low and i don't know where to start anymore. i don't think i can keep going with work but i just don't know what my options are anymore and not having a definite diagnosis really doesn't help. there are some times when i think it would be better for everyone else if i wasn't around anymore, but i wouldn't actually do anything about it.

    Firstly (((((very gentle hugs))))). The others are right, you need to tell the doc how v.low you are, and in exactly the words you have just done on here. We all like to believe that we are invincible but frustration and not being able to get on with your life is the pits. You also need to ask WHY you have been taken off your pain meds, that cannot be helping. My doc told me that antidepressants are like a crutch, sometimes if you need a little help to cope you can use the antidepressants, having been told that, I didn't need them at that point. But having had depression ruin my life for 3 years, I do not wish anyone else to go down that road. You are doing the right thing, and if you are honest with them about how you feel, I think you will feel better and they will be able to help you better. Sometimes it is a case of confronting yourself rather than the system, be brave, any doc worth knowing will know how to help you. I won't lie IT IS HARD, but worth it in the end, I am testament to the fact that it will get better, unfortunately I can't say that about your arthritis.
    Best of luck (((((hugs)))))
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, I'm sorry you are so down, this sort of backwards and forwards does this to you. I suppose its better to be referred to the physio than have surgery and find that it was not the help you hoped for.
    I'm sure the doctor will see how upset you are and help you come through all this. Love Sue
  • vonski
    vonski Member Posts: 1,292
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Craftyuk

    Sorry you are having all this pain and I quite understand how you feel. I had my meds taken away years ago but then a nice Dr. sent me to the pain clinic. Even though he didn't really want to as I was high risk he gave me injections and they helped a lot. When he thought it wasn't worth taking the risk any longer he asked my Dr. to referr me to various Consultants, I've seen 2 ortho and 2 vascular and they did nothing at all. At last I saw a Rheumy and I think things are now being looked at. I know I'm waffling a bit here but what I'm trying to say is ask your Dr. about pain clinic or a Rheumy appointment.

    If you feel low come on here and moan at us, we all do it and it does help.

    Vonski x