Need help please

alicea Member Posts: 111
edited 7. Oct 2009, 16:23 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi everyone , i am in need of your help I am really down . If anyone remembers my post a few weeks ago, my doctor retired and when i rang for my painkillers i was atacked and told over the phone by a doctor i had never meet that i needed to come off the med i was on ( Diconal) when i said why she told me i was addicted to them and all the other doctors in th practise dont like diconal. she told me to half my dose and she wouldnt give me anymore after i ran out . I went to see my new doctor and told her what she had said , she told me she would send me to the pain clinic .
I have an apointment for 15 october and have just been having diconal in halves which meant i have been having sweats all day which she said is withdrawals , i am also in a lot more pain .
Last week i decided i felt so horrible i would come off them.
What a horrible week i havent been able to sleep for more than a couple of hours a night. my musles are really sore and having cold sweats all the time. My pain in my neck and ears ,head are horrible and my joints are really painful .
Sorry to go on but i am sat here in tears and dont know what to do about the pain . i have a appointment tomorrow afternoon with the doctor , but i have also got an appointment with the hospital tomorrow with womens trouble and am having a scan and inturnel scan i am not sure i will be able to lie down long anough to have it done .
Thanks for listening and any advise . sandra


  • kathbee
    kathbee Member Posts: 934
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    So sorry to hear you are in tears and so down Sandra.

    Seems like your surgery are being very unhelpful by
    just reprimanding about certain drugs. They should be
    giving you support and help with painkillers and medicines
    in general. I dont have any experience of Diconal although
    just know that it is a med for moderate to severe pain.

    Surely something similar can be prescribed for you.

    Hope you feel better soon and hope you get some
    very positive advice as well.

    Take care
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi I totally agree that their method of treating you is very brutal to say the least. The surgery prescribed the tablets and kept you on them, not you. If you have a dependancy on them then thats not your fault, but theirs, and they know this.

    What you need now is their help and support all the way. They should provide councilling and encouragement with the proper supervision of a doctor trained in drug dependancy.

    Don't feel ashamed or let them bully you. ITS THEIR FAULT. Don't know anything about the legal position but, reading about some of the people who have had problems from drugs prescribed to them like this, you may even have a legal case against them if you wanted to. I'm not saying I know this for certain and I'm not sure it would help you in the long run, but I expect they are awhere of this!
    :( For your sake now I hope you soon get over this, and back to normal. Love Sue
    ps Good luck for the future, when you are through this bad patch! :D
  • jovigirl
    jovigirl Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I am so sorry to hear about your problems I hope it eases soon for you I've recently been to the gyny at Hospital and had scans etc resulting in them finding a hugh fibroid along with a lot more of them its affecting my back a lot , so all I can say is be strong and know it wont last and maybe you will feel totally different afterwards, any kind of pain is awlful, having had 5 kids all with no pain relief I thought I could cope with any pain but with childbirth you know its over with soon, but this type of pain is ongoing and wears you down but I am so hoping you will be feeling much better soon and as for your Dr well :x good luck hope you feel better soon :D
  • annebr
    annebr Member Posts: 730
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    What a horrible way for a doctor to treat you. I would have thought they would have carried out a more controlled withdrawl and provided a substitute for the pain?

    I agree with what everyone else is saying and would make it clear to the doctor that they kept you on it, Sue worded this better then me. They should also give you some alternative pain relief.

    Keep us all posted on how you are getting on.

  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sandra,

    I am sorry your feeling down, its no wonder given the way they have treated you. Its hard to say from the things you feel what is withdrawal and what is the arthritis but they should have given you something to give you the same degree of pain relief. I really hope you can go in and see either this horrible doctor and tell her what she has done to you or better still see a nicer and more understanding one. Take care and please let us know how you get on. Cris
  • ritwren
    ritwren Member Posts: 928
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Best of luck with your appointment. I would say in no uncertain terms that you are not at all happy with your treatment. It is totally unprofessional of them to tell you over the phone to cut your medication like this without offering other pain killers. From the sounds of things you are having very bad withdrawl symptoms, perhaps they can also give you something or suggest something to help with these too.
    I do hope it all goes well, will look out to see how you got on.
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Alicia sounds flippin awful, this new Doctor is obviously one of the bad ones that are out there she sounds like she want’s to be in total control of you, I had a similar problem as you my old GP, he was really he crap missed my OA for 3 years just kept telling me to take more gout tablets by the time it (my OA) was clocked it was to late.
    The long and the short of it is I thought to hell with matey boy so I went to see the GP who did diagnose my OA the first time I saw him, he was still as nice and helpful as ever so I thought about it for a day or two then e mailed the surgery to ask what I would need to do if I wanted to change GP??, they e mailed me straight back asking who I would like to change to I gave them a name and they did it for me!, no more captain care less all over in less than 1 hour!.
    Bottom line is don’t put up with it, you are well within your rights to not accept the bad treatment you are getting, the power theses day’s is more in your hands than you probably know , a good doctor should be helpful and sympathetic and not confrontational and dictatorial. So stop worrying about it “empower yourself” and simply change.
  • alicea
    alicea Member Posts: 111
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi everyone and thanks for the kind posts , i am better today as far has the withdrawals go but in a lot of pain with the OA . I have got myself an appointment today to see the doctor and hope they will give me something for the pain . I will not let it go when i have got myself sorted i am going to go in and see her . you have all helped me so much .yesterday was horrible i was really down but i will have my say, i will post and let you all know how i go on.
    thanks again you lovely peps xxx
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi alicea good to hear your are a bit better I'll keep an eye out for your post, I am also keeping me fingers crossed for you, just remember though if you get no joy go and see another GP straight away, and forget her. :wink:
  • sharmaine
    sharmaine Member Posts: 1,638
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sandra

    My goodness you have been put through the wringer by your GP! This cannot be right. You need to go back and tell them how you've been feeling. Women's problems on top of arthritis is not good. I had really serious problems with my monthly's and on top of OA pain ... well it was unbearable. Thankfully that part was sorted out by an operation.

    I hope you get some relief soon and they find the right meds for you.

    Don't leave this too long - make an appointment and go.

  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello, When you see you new GP, make sure that she knows what you've been through and that the pain is bad from the arthritis so you need help with that. I still feel that doctors are quick to write out a prescription and then if theres a problem, quick blame the patient for taking the drug! :roll: Thats life, I suppose, no one is willing to help in case they get blamed and today sued! Life has got very silly sometimes.

    On the other hand, you are doing really well coping so be proud of yourself. Take care, love Sue
  • alicea
    alicea Member Posts: 111
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    glad ya feeling a bit better sandra xxxxxxx

    who the feck is sandra and wot she doing in this post !!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :oops:

    Hi pixyandfaries my user name is alicea but i am sandra just used my real name ,,, thanks for your best wishes ,
  • alicea
    alicea Member Posts: 111
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi everyone I went to the doctors yesterday and they gave me tramadol and ibupofen with a stomach protector as i have trouble with ibupufen .
    I asked what tramadol was and it seems it is still morphine but man made i dont understand them all that fuss about diconal and then put me on tramadol not that i am sorry i am i so much pain i would have killed her if she had'nt given me something . I am going to the pain clinic on the 15th october , i just hope they are better i have had enough, the OA is in most of my joints i have had my knee and hip replaced and need the other knee replaced . when it started in my neck jaw and shoulders it really finished me off the pain is terrible and i have ear ache and headache really bad . The last week came under the heading of torture for me and all your posts really helped so again thanks to you all and i hope your having a good day xxxx sandra or alicea ( my real name is sandra i used my second name as a username alicea i think i have confused some of you sorry )xxxxx
  • mistywillow
    mistywillow Member Posts: 711
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sandra
    I am glad you have been given something for your pain. What you went through last week sounds awful. I have found tramadol the best drug for me with the fewest side effects. (the sleepiness that you may feel when you first take them does wear off as you get more used to them) I hope you are now getting some relief.
    Take care
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi I have Tramadol slow release. They are the best painkiller I've had. I can't take anti inflammatories as I've had an ulcer. Hope you get some relief from the new pain killers, as whats best for me may not work for you, but they do have quite a range of things these days, its sometimes just finding the right one. Hopefully you'll find what you'v got OK. Love Sue
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    glad ya feeling a bit better sandra xxxxxxx

    who the feck is sandra and wot she doing in this post !!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :oops:

    Hey pixyandfaries is that a posh way of saying f*#k then??. :lol:
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    Just a note that might be useful (and save anyone like me having to delete part of your posts!!)

    If you type and post anything in error, you can revisit your own post -
    at the bottom it will say edit/delete this post
    and then you can correct your post.

    Then no need for a sneaky expletive!!!

    Take care

  • ritwren
    ritwren Member Posts: 928
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I've been away so only just catching up on posts.
    I'm so relieved that you're getting some good analgesia there and do hope it works for you. Tramadol especially the slow release kind are really good strong pain killers with much less side effects than morpine. They are ment to be less habit forming too. Hope by now your pain is starting to be a lot more liveable with if you know what I mean. They say you will always be in some degree of pain with arthritis. If you're not feeling a lot better I'd still go back to the Dr and ask for help again. There are lots of things and combinations to try.