A tiny rant please

mistywillow Member Posts: 711
edited 30. Sep 2009, 17:07 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi I don't like to moan but since I wont to anyone in the real world please may I have a little one here :lol:
This last week absolutely EVERYTHING is hurting! The pain is driving me crazy. Everything I do is really difficult because of the pain. I can't sleep. Every step or movement is a huge effort. Would I sell my soul to the devil for some painfree time..........? maybe :wink:


  • vonski
    vonski Member Posts: 1,292
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Gill

    Ouch! poor you, you have my sympathy have you been doing too much to cause another flare or has it just started for no reason. Not sleeping isn't good because as you know you do need your rest. Ring your Rheumy or go to your Dr. and see if they can give you anything else, even if it's something to help you relax and get a bit of sleep.

    Love and gentle ((((()))))
    Vonski x
  • tamnwill
    tamnwill Member Posts: 93
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oh Gill, I've only just come out of RA pain in parts of my body thanks to steroid jabs and an op on my knee, so I sympathize totally..........it's so tuff staying on top of the pain AND every day life trials isn't it. Sending you a big gentle hug.........take a warm bath perhaps, it's good for the soul too xxxxxxx Love Tam x
    Energy is eternal delight.
    William Blake (1757-1827)

    Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.
    Mark Twain
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Gill

    Poor you. a (((()))) hugs. I have been like this for several days now. It is not much fun is it?
    At the moment I'm having injections make me sleep, but I know what you must be suffering.

    Try and ask your GP for something to help make you sleep.

    I hope you feel better soon

    love trisher xx
  • lindah
    lindah Member Posts: 445
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    You rant as much as you need,that's what friends are for.

    Is the weather different or is it a flare up.Hope you feel a bit better today.

    I was at the doc's crying again last week cos i just need to sleep through but she thinks I am depressed.I am not .I just need some painfree sleep,it wears you down.

    Sorry I seem to have had a rant on your post.

    Linda H 8)
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    that sucks u poor thing hope u getting some relief from the pain soon nothing worse than that type of pain . be kind to your self rest when u can (((big gentle hug))) thinking of u
  • mistywillow
    mistywillow Member Posts: 711
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi to all you FSP's (fellow sufferers of pain!!) It does help just knowing that other people understand what it is like, although truly I wish you didn't if you know what I mean!
    Hi Von
    so no pole dancing for us tonight then :wink:

    Hi Tam
    How are you bearing up with everything that you have to deal with right now?
    Cyber baths only as can't get out of a real one, its good physio trying though :wink:

    Hi Trish
    I hope those injections are helping you , I know you have been having a difficult time of it lately!

    Hi Linda
    You rant on my rant as much as you want! Thats what we are here for!

    Hi Val
    Thanks for your hugs
    I probably shouldn't push myself the way I do but it is the way I deal with the pain mentally and being active stops me getting down! I don't know, there is no perfect solution is there?? :shock:

    I hope you all have a good day today and that arthur goes and takes a long hike away from all of us.

    Love and cyber hugs
  • angel1
    angel1 Bots Posts: 1,464
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Your post really upset me Gill, because you NEVER moan. It must be bad.

    Do you take sleeping tablets? I know lots of people don`t like them, and I never did. Recently I`ve given in, when pain is really bad - Zopiclone - and I have to say, getting a good night`s sleep definitely has helped......Much love......Ange.
  • sharmaine
    sharmaine Member Posts: 1,638
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Gill

    I'm sorry you've been in so much pain. You're not over-doing things are you? If you're not sleeping at night go back to your GP. I couldn't sleep and the pain and discomfort kept me awake for a couple of years. I now take amytriptiline at night which relaxes your muscles and helps you sleep. It means I can face the day ahead.

    I hope you feel better soon.

  • lindalegs
    lindalegs Member Posts: 5,398
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Ah Gill,

    Ranting is prescribed as being a known aid to recovery :wink:

    So sorry you're hurting so much, it does sound like a flare to me - is there any chance you can get your bloods done to see if it is? I know you say you need to work to keep your mind off it but even little you needs some rest and it could help the pain to subside. :(

    Hope you feel better very soon.

    Luv Legs :)
    Love, Legs x
    'Make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing'
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Gill,

    Sorry I am late here. Your overdoing it again maybe? Is there any chance you can get a D.M. jab and have a bit of rest? That’s what I am aiming for next week, mind for me its not so much pain as the tiredness I am struggling with. Worse for you your not sleeping. I wish I could help you but I hope you are finding some time for your self and can get a bit of rest during the day for a bit. ((( ))) and love Cris xx
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'm so sorry to hear how much pain you'r in;it saps your will to do things and make the best of life. If its any consolation, I'm feeling a bit like that. My pain is nagging and won't go and I feel so tired, but to be honest I've done nothing to make me tired today! Maybe its the dreary sky after all those nice days last week, for me. I hope you soon feel better - take it easy and don't expect too much, thats my problem, I look around and see what I want to do and then it all seems too much, or I start and something goes wrong.
    Feel better soon, sorry to rant on your rant! :oops: Love Sue :wink:
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,137
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'm a bit late too Gill :oops: :oops:
    So sorry :(
    I do hope that you feel a tidge better today and that things improve for you :(
    You take care
    Toni x
  • kathbee
    kathbee Member Posts: 934
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Just caught your post Gill

    Sorry to hear you arent good, its not like you
    to tell us, but I hope you are feeling better today.

    Love Kath xx
  • page35
    page35 Member Posts: 1,081
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hiya Gill
    sorry your having a bad time at the mo
    hope you feel better soon
    could you not just have a day off work?
    all the best
  • mistywillow
    mistywillow Member Posts: 711
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    You are all so kind, thank you for advice, hugs and good wishes. I have actually taken some sleeping pills on a couple of occasions. I don't like doing it but it does help me sleep. As for increasing my pain meds, I am on so much already and I am seem to be having to increase the meds just to get the same level of pain relief. (if that is what it actually called :lol: )
    Its more my back I think than the RA (have my whole spine fused due to scoliosis and OA) I aggravated it travelling in the car to my daughter's graduation ceremony. We were stuck in a traffic jam on the motorway and it took over 3 hours to drive 25 miles!!!
    I possibly should have walked it, it might have been quicker even with my lopsided limp :lol::lol:
    will try to take things a bit easier, only its difficult to get that notion into my head!
    Thank you all once again, and I hope you are all doing ok.
    Love Gillxx
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Gillx
    Like everyone else, we all try and push ourselves too much when we know we should be taking it easy. I wish I could stay in bed, but even that hurts so much at times, I'm getting up at 6 a.m. just when I am looking forward to a lay in.
    Perhaps you need a check up to sort meds out or have an injection.
    I'm pleased to say that I don't take codeine any more and I have tramadol and pregabelin which seem to be suiting me added to which I hve MTX each week. Quite a cocktail. If I need a bit more help then I take a couple of Extra Paracetomol. Consultants and doctors are preferring these anyway. They say they are just as good.

    I can't say any more that the others haven't said (have I got that right?) Anyway, plenty of {{{{{{}}}}}}}s so long as it doesn't hurt too much. Hope you feel better soon. It's good to talk though isn't it. Puts a lot of things into perspective.
    Must stop saying anyway
    Love from Joy
  • annebr
    annebr Member Posts: 730
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    I do hope you feel a bit better. Try to take it easy.

    Anne x