high ESR

jordan7j Bots Posts: 346
edited 12. Oct 2009, 11:43 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi everyone, went to get bloods done on Fri 9th, the usual nurse was off, so another one tried to take my blood, no luck, veins are bad, so have to go back next week. I asked how the results are going, and she told me I have high ESR, I know that means inflamation is high. She asked me if I have much pain, I said yes, all the time. I had a cortizone injection the week before, but it made no difference. I read that you are supposed to rest after you get it done, I didnt know that, and anyway as I work with babies there is no chance of that. I know I dont rest enough, I work from 8 -6 2 days and 7.30 - 4.30 3 days. Could this be why I seem to be in permanant flare? The rheumy dont seem to give any info unless you ask, and even then it seems that you are being a pest. They seem to take everything so matter of factly. Do other people find this at their clinics? Jay g070.gif


  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello, It sounds as if you are working long hours. Does your Rheummy know how much you work? I know how hard it must be, but working with small children is a very tiring job and the hours you work sound long, I'm not surprised that you feel so tired. If I were you, I would talk things over with either your GP, Nurse, or Rheummy. They understand your condition and will be able to advise you about things and the reasons you are not too good.
    Take care, love Sue
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I think I have the answer to this high ESR thing. Mine is always high and I know that I do too much and don't rest enough. The last couple of days has taught me that I think.

    It must be very difficult in job like yours to get the help you need
    Working with babies, your own and others is very tiring and there is no chance of resting unless you get someone to help and that means having that person police checked and so on. I think you know what the other answer is.

  • jackie1955
    jackie1955 Member Posts: 632
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I don't know how your managing to work those long hours!

    My ESR is 30 which I believe isn't really high (?) I do get stiff, swollen and painful joints every day, but I have to say its the awful tiredness that is stopping me from doing a full days work! It seems to come on very quickly during the day when I just have to lie-down :shock:

    Well done you for managing to work - just don't wear yourself out will you.

    take care, Jackie x
  • jordan7j
    jordan7j Bots Posts: 346
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sue, My rheumy clinic knows what work I do, and Idid tell them the hours, they didnt make any comment. I also have to bring a child with me when I go, so they are more than aware of what I have to do to get to appts too. My gp also knows, as I sometimes have to take one with me there too!! Not had any advice, or comments from them, as I said, I find it hard to talk to rheumy nurses as they dont seem to be very interested, they just want to do tests and let you leave. When I have tried to talk to the nurse who usually does bloods, she just smiled and said "yes it must be hard work" so I dont feel I can say anything else.

    Hello Joy, how are you doing? I know exactly what you are telling me!!! Its hard when one of the parents is a friend, and the one whose child I have every day. I dont like to let people down.

    Jackie, hi thanks for advice, I know I shouldnt be tiring myself out, by the time I get home on the 6 oclock days I can hardly move. Eventually I know I will have to stop, especially with seeming to be in constant flare. Thanks all, love Jay d040.gif
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Jordan

    I'm sorry to say it, but it seems that you are letting yourself down at the moment. Hope you don't mind me saying it. I do tend to be blunt and to the point sometimes. Perhaps you haven't got a choice if it the income is important to you.
    I think you have got to give this matter some serious thought, because, at the end of the day, you are the one who is important here.

    I'm due for a blood test tomorrow and I have contacted my Rheumy nurse who will probably agree that I should leave MTX this next week. Had a very bad reaction to it last week which is unusual for me and can only be attributed to the virus in my system.

  • jordan7j
    jordan7j Bots Posts: 346
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Joy, I know you are right, I need to cut down on work. Its hard as one of the children belongs to a teacher friend, who tried a different childminder and it didn't work out for her. Prior to this I only did 2 days a week, which was fine. I know the family will have to move soon, as they are in a 1 bed flat, and finding it hard, as flat so small,so at the moment I keep telling myself that its not for much longer. Obviously financially its helpful, but working with 1 is enough really. Its also difficult to explain what RA does, as I look ok. Also when I go to appts nothing is explained properly, and they know I work full time and dont suggest cutting back at all. That then makes me feel that I am making a fuss over nothing. Its just really hard to know what to do. Thanks for being blunt, I know you're right. Jay
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Jay
    Again, sorry for saying what is obvious. I do think you will have to give your friends some clue as to how you feel. Why not leave lots of copies of Arthritic Care around. I know you can't leave sticks around with little hands grabbing out to play with them.
    Also, you could leave clues about your appointments. Do you think this would prompt them to make an effort to make other arrangements on that day? Or, you could just ask them. It would be less stressful for you and you can have a relaxing talk to your gp, nurse, whater. Perhaps, if your nurse or gp or consultant saw you without children clinging to you would give you more time, may be. Throw the ball into someone elses court and see what happens. I do keep on don't i. I won't say any more. Hope you have a good day tomorrow. The weather is going to be kind anyway
  • justinbarrow
    justinbarrow Member Posts: 338
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I phonned my Surgery and my esr was 33 but last month it was 59 and i have an ongoing prob with hemoriods (sorry :oops: ) and was told that any infection thats going on can put your esr up.

    I am just glad its going the right way...down and not up but do have pain and stiffness more so in my neck and legs.
  • daynas
    daynas Member Posts: 7
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    jordan7j wrote:
    Hi everyone, went to get bloods done on Fri 9th, the usual nurse was off, so another one tried to take my blood, no luck, veins are bad, so have to go back next week. I asked how the results are going, and she told me I have high ESR, I know that means inflamation is high. She asked me if I have much pain, I said yes, all the time. I had a cortizone injection the week before, but it made no difference. I read that you are supposed to rest after you get it done, I didnt know that, and anyway as I work with babies there is no chance of that. I know I dont rest enough, I work from 8 -6 2 days and 7.30 - 4.30 3 days. Could this be why I seem to be in permanant flare? The rheumy dont seem to give any info unless you ask, and even then it seems that you are being a pest. They seem to take everything so matter of factly. Do other people find this at their clinics? Jay g070.gif

    OMG you poor thing, how on earth do you manage to work and look after a family, theirs only my husband and i and he does most of the house work and shopping.

    You need to make a double appiontment with your gp, explain to him that you can no longer cope with working, You should seriuosley think of giving up working and going on benefit.
    You are intitled to get help, i know its not easy but ask to be refered to an occupatiobal therpist,Your Rhumey nurse can arrange this, they are very good, they will spend time with you going through things that you need help with, they can also arrange for you to have different massarges which will help you to relax.
    What medication on you on?

    When you nexst see your Rhumey nurse take a member of your family with you, get them to speak up for you, they tend to take more notice then.
    Hope this helps.