Feeling of being lost ,can any one please help me

wordsmith Member Posts: 4
edited 13. Oct 2009, 11:38 in Living with Arthritis archive
I've only had osteoarthritis since early 2006, both hands( fingers ,thumbs) both knees, both hips and now neck( Rheumatology doc discussed surgery9 fuse spine) obvioulsy pain is excrutiating9 have very low level pain tollerance)
lately espeically since neck area affected feel so lost, out of it at times and depressed. as if i am on my own. plus can anyone suggest better pain medication other than dihydrocodiene 90mmg x 3 a day , have tried without any success anti inflamatories, gels
have hand/thumb splints, stick, neck collar, and looking for support for palm of hand as pain now there also at base of fingers
I realise so many worse off than i but does any one feel lost as pain goes on and on and on
thanks all for very kind reply
wordsmith(dave) Aberdeenshire


  • dutchess
    dutchess Member Posts: 79
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Dave
    Sorry to hear your having such a hard time at the moment and in a difficult place emotionally. Sorry I don't have oa but am living with arthur (ra/sjogrens etc). If the pain relief isn't working can you speak with your gp to see your rheumy sooner or they can consult with them over the phone to get advice re pain management, also do you have a advice line you can call at the hospital? Think arthritis care also run a pain management programme, think their gonna be doing an online one. Assume from the equipment you've got you've seen an occupational therapist may be worth getting re-referred by your gp or rheumy plus a referral to a physio therapist? Also in terms of your low mood you should really discuss that with your gp as it really won't be helping you manage the pain, its just a vicious circle. Also how about calling the arthritis care helpline just to have a chat thats what their there for. I've done it before when I've been very emotional and felt lost but it helped to talk things through. Also remember all the support you've got on this forum. Don't lose sight there's always options its just tapping into them.
    Take care
    Luv Kelly
  • maud48
    maud48 Member Posts: 170
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi dave
    I'm sorry you are feeling so bad. Arthritis is so diffiult to deal witha nd come to terms with, I'm still in the process of doing it myself. It must be so diffult for you as you're on your own as well. Sorry I can't offer any real help except to say that, as I know, there are so many people in this group to talk to when you feel alone,
    Take care,
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well Dave
    You have a lot to deal with so no wonder you feel so awful.If you could get the pain under control you would feel more able to cope so you need to keep on talking to GP and Consultants,and get them to deal with this issue.
    I can only wish you well and hope things improve for you.Keep in touch on the forum and let us know how things are proggressing.
    Take care Tkachev
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Dave :)

    Welcome to the forum but I am sorry to read your story. I am sorry to read also that you feel so alone with all this. Now that you are with us, there is no need to feel so like that. You will see that there are many of us here and we try to support and help each other the best we can.

    Are you thinking of going ahead with surgery?

    You really should ask the medics about pain relief for you as everyone is different. Sometimes we have to "make a nuisance" of ourselves so that those that are around to help us, begin to realise exactly how much pain we are in and how it is affecting our lives, both physically and mentally.

    I hope you will post again and join in with us on here, it may help you, even if only a little.

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,169
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Dave
    welcome to the forum from me too.
    I am so sorry you are having such a rough time of it, but am with Elna and the others you have to go back to Dr to get some more effective pain releif. There are loads of options and it would help so much as pain long-term is very depressing especially if you are on your own.
    As the others have said you are not alone now though because you have us lot to sound off to and top suggest things to help.
    I do hope you can get it sorted.
    Take care
    Toni x
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Dave been down the same road you have so I sympathise with you totally, I have had one hell of a time with my OA, I found it really breaks you down when the pain is unrelenting, the thing that has helped me the most is Capsicum cream, I had tried almost all the other pain meds, I tried it a few times but discarded it as it didn’t do any good, but a month ago I was really desperate one night so this time I did a bit of research into it and found I wasn’t giving it long enough to work(why is it us men never read the instructions properly) you have to use it regularly for a couple of weeks before it kicks in, maybe it might just help, you never know.
    Anyway Dave don’t give up hope, ok so you will probably have to fight for your right to proper pain relief but it will be worth it in the end you will get there, be honest and frank with your GP if he’s not very sympathetic then trying other ones until you find one who is in tune with you. And remember it’s the 21st century we should not be expected to just shut up and suffer with this illness.
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, I have oa in my neck spine, hips and hands. My GP sent me to the Pain Clinic at the hospital. They had at least one idea that has helped with my medicaion. I expect your hospital has something similar, they are worth giving it a go, should it be suitalbe, you have to be referred so its back to the docs to see what they say. Its all so much toing and frowing, isn't it and you just don't feel like it, I know thats how I often feel. :?

    I hope they can get you sorted out quickly with pain relief.
    Take care, Sue