RA & fertility / return of symptoms

cocjohnson Member Posts: 5
edited 6. Jul 2010, 07:32 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi all,

Am wondering if any ladies with RA have noticed changes to their menstrual cycle / hormones / etc.?

About a year and a half after getting the arthritis I started getting lots of heavy and irregular bleeding and lost all interest in sex. Having read there may be links between RA and early menopause, I got quite concerned. After about nine months of crazy cycles, I've now settled down to regular periods again - but they've changed completely and a much shorter and not as heavy. And I still have no libido to speak of. I'm 33 and hoping to have kids in the next few years, so still quite worried about these changes. Have spoken to a gyn consultant, who has tested there's no underlying problem, but any info on others' experience with RA and fertility would be very much appreciated.

Also, my arthritis has been quite well controlled with sulfa for the 18 months since I went on it, but in the last month my joints have become painful again (though without obvious swelling?) and my overall health feels pretty shaky - frequent extreme exhaustion, mild dizziness, painful chest, bunions appearing out of nowhere, etc., etc. Has anyone else had a long symptom-free period go south on them like this and do you have any tips for remaining healthy and/or positive?

Thanks in advance for any advice,


  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I was prescribed sulfa in the early days,it helped for 3 months then symptoms returned.Pretty much every new medication helps for a while,you feel much better then it all comes back worse than before.I have had sulfa,ibuprofen,diclofenic(not on these anymore),methotrexate,plaquenil,and now humira injections.I have also had two steroid injections in my knee and a THR.
    My cycle disappeared when started methotrexate,came back here and there and now is on a 21 day cycle.The medication interferes with your libido Im afraid.
    Take care Elizabeth,
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • wibberley
    wibberley Member Posts: 421
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Liv,

    My RA had been in remission for 17 or so years before it returned in June, which co-incided with my periods starting to go wonky. My rhemy said it was not related but I'm really not so sure.

    Your doc can take a blood test from you and check your hormone levels.

    Good luck,

  • pammi69
    pammi69 Member Posts: 36
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    yes ive noticed a changed, my cycles are closer and shorter and not so heavy but that is due to the prednislone steriods i am on.
    I am on 10 mg and shoud be weaning down to 5 mg soon but they effected my cycle.
    Iam also on sulfa but it has only been 5 weeks and i am on 4 per day.
    My pain changes daily but my hands are suffering regularly and my wrists are really painful along with my thumbs.

    I think you have to remain positive no matter what otherwise what is the point, you will only be on a downer.
    I get pain as well in my wrists and no swelling, so i just put it down to muscle pain.

    take care
  • suzster
    suzster Member Posts: 1,328
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    linido? whats that then?!
    mine left when i started meds, before RA i had a high libido, but now nothing!
    i've only been married for 5 yrs (on 26th of this month) and up until my ra started just after my youngest was born as i say i was fine.
    i've often wondered if there is anything gp's can do to up our libido? not sure i could ask actually!
    i mentioned it to my rheumy nurse once and she refused to agree it was the meds that caused it, so cheers then nursey!
    as for my monthly's, they have always been and still are very regular but they are much heavier than they used to be, but my mum had a similar problem at my age, so i guess that could be why?
  • yoshimi
    yoshimi Member Posts: 20
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I would be really interested to read the replies to this one. I'm 28 and thinking of having kids in the next few years. My periods have got lighter and unpredictable ( more frequent.) I have been on Sulpha for over a year and Hydroxy for slightly less ( no steriods dfr a year now ) I am thankfully in what I have been told a remission controlled by my meds!

  • pammi69
    pammi69 Member Posts: 36
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Sarah
    I also want to try for kids but it will be via IVf, Ive already had one failed IVF that is how i got my RA.
    That is why i am on Sulfa rather than Methotrxate.
    I have to watch what i have becuase it will all affect my egg production.
  • luckybug
    luckybug Member Posts: 205
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My periods have never been regular, I did go for fertility treatment when I was in my 30s to find out why and was told I wasn't ovulating and was probably down to all the drugs I've been on.. The funniest thing I have found is, when I'm due on my arm replacement and wrist gets very sore...lol, I never have a stomach cramp or any sign apart from that, it';s really weird!!!
  • clarelouise1
    clarelouise1 Member Posts: 43
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    cocjohnson wrote:
    Hi all,

    Am wondering if any ladies with RA have noticed changes to their menstrual cycle / hormones / etc.?

    About a year and a half after getting the arthritis I started getting lots of heavy and irregular bleeding and lost all interest in sex. Having read there may be links between RA and early menopause, I got quite concerned. After about nine months of crazy cycles, I've now settled down to regular periods again - but they've changed completely and a much shorter and not as heavy. And I still have no libido to speak of. I'm 33 and hoping to have kids in the next few years, so still quite worried about these changes. Have spoken to a gyn consultant, who has tested there's no underlying problem, but any info on others' experience with RA and fertility would be very much appreciated.

    Also, my arthritis has been quite well controlled with sulfa for the 18 months since I went on it, but in the last month my joints have become painful again (though without obvious swelling?) and my overall health feels pretty shaky - frequent extreme exhaustion, mild dizziness, painful chest, bunions appearing out of nowhere, etc., etc. Has anyone else had a long symptom-free period go south on them like this and do you have any tips for remaining healthy and/or positive?

    Thanks in advance for any advice,

    Hi Liv, I'm 35 and like you have RA. Since starting treatment my periods have been every two weeks and the doctor told me I need to have a blood teast to check my hormone levels as autoimmune diseases can cause early menopause. I'm going tomorrow to see the doc again as it is still happening. It may be that its just the medications, they are quite strong aren't they and have a powerful effect on our bodies. Try not to worry but I would go and see your doctor and see what they say.

    Kind regards

  • tillytop
    tillytop Member Posts: 3,460
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Clare

    Just saw your message and wanted to say that you are not alone! I have had "early menopause" type problems for a number of years (absent periods, outrageous hot flushes) and, although I know from my reading that autoimmune diseases can cause an early menopause, the docs, including the rheumatologist, just dismissed this idea. Actually, in my case it seems likely to be a problem with my pituitary gland at the base of my brain, for which I am seeing an endocrinologist but just a couple of tips for you:

    Don't let the docs fob you off with one hormone test. That's what they did with me - said it's normal so that's that! I have since found out that they need to do several tests (makes sense really, given the cyclical nature of our hormones) to get a proper picture of what's going on. Also, if you are showing other signs of menopause, ask to have a test for Prolactin levels as well. This was done for me only because the GP I saw, has a pituitary problem and recognised the symptoms. Apparently GPs don't routinely think to do this test.
  • clarelouise1
    clarelouise1 Member Posts: 43
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    tillytop wrote:
    Hi Clare

    Just saw your message and wanted to say that you are not alone! I have had "early menopause" type problems for a number of years (absent periods, outrageous hot flushes) and, although I know from my reading that autoimmune diseases can cause an early menopause, the docs, including the rheumatologist, just dismissed this idea. Actually, in my case it seems likely to be a problem with my pituitary gland at the base of my brain, for which I am seeing an endocrinologist but just a couple of tips for you:

    Don't let the docs fob you off with one hormone test. That's what they did with me - said it's normal so that's that! I have since found out that they need to do several tests (makes sense really, given the cyclical nature of our hormones) to get a proper picture of what's going on. Also, if you are showing other signs of menopause, ask to have a test for Prolactin levels as well. This was done for me only because the GP I saw, has a pituitary problem and recognised the symptoms. Apparently GPs don't routinely think to do this test.

    Its frustrating isn't it, as if its not difficult enough coping with the RA without an early menopause too. I'm hoping that the symptoms settle down when my RA does as I would have liked more children. Are you still having the symptoms? xx