voice loss can you help

chinablue Member Posts: 48
I have been diagnosed with 2 bulging discs in my neck at c6 & c7 and have been told i need an opperation to remove them and fuse the neck. the pain has been getting steaderly worse and i have been back to the doctors to ask if there was anything else i could take or do. the answer was no. I take per day 2 x diclofeneic 3 x gabapentine 8 x tramadol up to 8 x paracetamal and 1 antidepresant. I also have a ovarian cysit at the moment too which may also need an op too. last monday in the early hours i was in a huge amount of pain so i got out of bed and had to hold onto every thing i could to get to the bathroom then i managed to push the door open some how and held on to the door frame and slide down in the corner luckerly there was a bin in this corner so did not go on the floor but deffently was out of it i heard my husband rushing to me and he helped me and got me a cold flannel as i was feeling very light headed and like passing out again. then on friday this week it was my nephews 21st birthday and i had offered to help unfortunatly my husband also had a hospital app which we had to go to so i had a lot on on that day and had no time to rest and then attended the party in the evening then about a couple of hours in i lost my voice completely it came back the next day but do you think this could be to do with the neck problem and pressure from the discs any help would be appreciated thankyou sorry its so long CB :)


  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,613
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Chinablue

    This sounds like a really tough time for you and please don't apologise for the long email.

    Arthritis in the neck area can cause all sorts of symptoms but we are not medically trained here and I don't have the expertise to know if this has caused your voice loss. This is a question you need to ask your doctors.

    You are taking a lot of painkillers and I am wondering if you have been seen in the Pain Clinic. If not, your GP can make this referral.

    You also mention you need an operation on your neck discs so I hope you are seeing an orthopaedic consultant and are able to discuss your treatment options with him.

    If you would like to talk things through with one of us here please do ring us on our freephone number.

    Best wishes

  • chinablue
    chinablue Member Posts: 48
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thankyou for your reply I have RA and OA in places i have just changed rhemys eariler this year my new one sent me for all sorts of tests and had lots of things lined up like pain clinic but he said that the problem in my neck is so bad that i need to take it very careful until my op i have seen the specialist and am down to have the discs removed and fused as soon as they can but they have said it will still proberly be about 8 weeks or so. My rhemy has said when we have sorted the neck out then we can continue but until then he is reluctant to do anything. He is very good and i feel very confident in him unlike my old one whom i had been seeing for about 3 years with no tests of any sort and every time i saw him about any problems i had he would say it was due to my weight but i know now that was not the case at all and i just wonder if this had been sorted out sooner where i would now be facing an op. the surgeon has said to take it very easy and not to do much at all as it bulging near the spinal cord and if i have any incontance or more weakness in arms of legs go straight to A&E. So i supose i will just have to wait now. Just didnt know wether me loseing my voice was anything i should see someone about.anyway better finish now and thank you once again. :)
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,613
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    This time of waiting for treatment can be so difficult but I'm pleased you are getting on well with this new rheumy.
    Take it very easy till you get your op.
    Best wishes