immunio compromised and vegetarianism

cthornley Member Posts: 627
edited 16. Nov 2009, 11:09 in Living with Arthritis archive
Just wondered if anybody out there is immunio comprosmised either by health condition or medication and is a veggie?

A close friends girlfriend has recently been very very ill (in ICU for a bit) and this has been somewhat recurrent for the past year. Everything she tells me about it all sounds exactly like being immuniocompromised (well my experience of it) and her boyfriend keeps asking me if her being a veggie isn't helping matters.

I know that I was told that I couldn't get enough from a veggie diet and that it was strongly recommended that I eat a balanced regular diet to ensure that my immune system functioned as best as it could and that I could put on enough weight to remain healthy but I don't know if this was just good advice to me or whether it was a regular recommendation if you have a weakened immune system. Any feedback would be appreciated.


  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi cthornley, Well I did a night school course many years ago in human biology and we covered veggie eating, it comes down to the number of proteins in your diet (well that’s what the teacher told us) if your meat eater you get the full number of proteins your body needs ie 21, if you are a vegan you only get 17, it’s this difference that counts, we were told it’s ok if you still eat fish and dairy you still get them but if you’re a vegan you don’t get all of them and it’s these missing ones that are needed to keep the lining of your small intestine working correctly bottom line is your gut can’t absorb all the nutrients your body needs and that’s one reason vegans can suffer anaemia. The one exception to this rule however is Soya it’s the only plant that does contain all 21 proteins.
  • kathbee
    kathbee Member Posts: 934
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi C

    I havent eaten eat for a number of years now, although I dont class myself as a total veggie.
    I have RA and have immune suppressent drugs
    i.e. MTX and Leflunomide which I have taken for around 9yrs now.

    I just had a pre-op assessment re a hip replacement and received a letter to inform me that I have hyperchromic aneamia, so I have to see my doc to go onto some iron therapy before I have the op.

    Apparantly having RA can deplete your iron levels too.

    I am currently having a small glass of Guinness as I cant face eating meat, hope that works for me.

  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    I also have a few autoimmune things and haven't eaten meat for a very long time. I am not true veggie though cus I do still do dairy product....... There is some thought as Kath says (Hi Kath xx) about iron and for me vit b but supplements can be used. My own eating habits have to be sorted out now really cus well to say I am an erratic eater would be more than fair. One thing though my Crohn's has been more stable since I topped eating meat...... Mind thee is a whole chunk of veg I can't eat as well. Love the idea of a Guinness though :D Take care Cris
  • kathbee
    kathbee Member Posts: 934
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Cris

    I'm not into eating much at all at the moment, thru feeling
    not well. Its difficult what to think of to eat, my poor hubby
    keeps saying do you fancy so and so and quite honestly
    nothing can tempt me.
    I think I will ask the doc about B6,maybe I should have been
    on that ages ago.

    Hope you are feeling much better than you were a little
    while ago.

    Take care