reasonable adjustments query

maccajo Member Posts: 47
Hello everyone,

I have just recieved my report from my OH, who was lovely. Stated in the report was the fact that Iam clearly physically unfit to contemplate a return to work in any capacity.

I need my condition to remain stable before restrictions and adjustments can facilitate my return. It is early days as I have only just been diagnosed, 3mths ago, with PA and tests and symptoms indicate I will progress to frank rheumatoid.

I was wanting to know if anyone works in a primary school and knows what adjustments may be put in place? OH would like to see me back in work in the new year?

Is there any need to inform the union about myself or is that only if I have a problem with definite decisions?

Apprieciate any feedback thanks


  • oneday
    oneday Member Posts: 1,434
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I always say see the union because they will have experience of your situation and will be able to guide you. For example the union may say ask about a phased return to work which you may not have considered, they may suggest other things to ease you back.
  • maccajo
    maccajo Member Posts: 47
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    oneday wrote:
    I always say see the union because they will have experience of your situation and will be able to guide you. For example the union may say ask about a phased return to work which you may not have considered, they may suggest other things to ease you back.

    Thanks and hello oneday,
    Yeah, you're right good to explore all avenues.

  • maccajo
    maccajo Member Posts: 47
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    delboy wrote:
    I do hope the union is good for you mine wasn't. :(

    I had to fight for a phased return following a tendon replacement as the union rep was too busy being busy and looking after number one. :roll:

    I had no ends of hassle from the council I worked for but turned it ot my advantage in the end and 'made' them offer me VR.

    Tip: Household insurance often has legal cover including employment disputes. :wink:

    Handy to know, I will look mine out and ring the union to see what they have to say.
    thanks delboy.
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi maccajo,

    Your OH assessment should have identified what supports, adjustments need to be put in place to support your return to work in the New year? eg..phased return.

    You can also make an application via your local jobcentre for an Access to Work assessment once you have a date for returning to work; they will assess your support needs and provide a report to your employer outlining their recommendations. It's all very quick..only takes 10 days from an assessor being appointed to a report being provided.

    hope that helps. Iris x
  • maccajo
    maccajo Member Posts: 47
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    dorcas wrote:
    Hi maccajo,

    Your OH assessment should have identified what supports, adjustments need to be put in place to support your return to work in the New year? eg..phased return.

    You can also make an application via your local jobcentre for an Access to Work assessment once you have a date for returning to work; they will assess your support needs and provide a report to your employer outlining their recommendations. It's all very quick..only takes 10 days from an assessor being appointed to a report being provided.

    hope that helps. Iris x
    Hi Iris,
    I have another meeting with OH in Dec, I think phased return may be brought up then?
    I didnt know about jobcentre, Is that standard precedure, I have no idea?
    I wonder what adjustments can be made, I can do all the things I used to do but now I hurt after it and I am so tired, when I have bad flares I'd be off? It has only been three months and I don't know if It will get any different?
    I dont think work will have me back untill I'm stable on meds?

    Thanks Iris for information and support, I 've a lot to learn? maccajox
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hiya maccajo,

    We are all still learning...that's what's so good about the forum.. there is always someone (or lots of folks) willing to share their experiences and to give support and a listening ear...also good for laughs too...!!

    Access to Work assessment application isn't automatic and it is something you have to prompt.....not the employer or OH.
    If you go to website you can find out more about it. If you do phone you'll find the advisers very helpful..s/he will talk you through the application and tell you whether you meet the criteria for them to do an assessment. After that, they'll send you out the application to sign (already completed by them) and that gets the wheels in motion.

    There are lots of us on the forum who have PA too, so you're not alone!x If I can help at all just let me know....been there, done that & bought the T shirt! Iris xx
  • dave20
    dave20 Member Posts: 7
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Guys,

    I ould contact your union ASAP. i have advise my company about my Artherits. After 2 weeks of me informing them, they dismissed me from the company due to unsutability. I asked them hat they mean of unsutability and there respons as " we have got no position in our organisation for a disabled person".

    I am no in the process of an employment tribunal, and they are claming:

    1, i have not got a disability
    2, I did not inform them of my disability.

    So i ould advise anyone to inform there union.

    If anyone has got any advice for me on disability discrimination, please let me know, as im repersenting myself at the tribunal.
  • maccajo
    maccajo Member Posts: 47
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    dorcas wrote:
    Hiya maccajo,

    We are all still learning...that's what's so good about the forum.. there is always someone (or lots of folks) willing to share their experiences and to give support and a listening ear...also good for laughs too...!!

    Access to Work assessment application isn't automatic and it is something you have to prompt.....not the employer or OH.
    If you go to website you can find out more about it. If you do phone you'll find the advisers very helpful..s/he will talk you through the application and tell you whether you meet the criteria for them to do an assessment. After that, they'll send you out the application to sign (already completed by them) and that gets the wheels in motion.

    There are lots of us on the forum who have PA too, so you're not alone!x If I can help at all just let me know....been there, done that & bought the T shirt! Iris xx

    HI Iris
    I had a good explore of directgov site, very helpful, I think I'll know a bit more on my next rheumy visit, and OH appoint next month and then I will contact my union and AWS.

    Thanks for info and kind help.
    maccajo x
  • maccajo
    maccajo Member Posts: 47
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    dave20 wrote:
    Hi Guys,

    I ould contact your union ASAP. i have advise my company about my Artherits. After 2 weeks of me informing them, they dismissed me from the company due to unsutability. I asked them hat they mean of unsutability and there respons as " we have got no position in our organisation for a disabled person".

    I am no in the process of an employment tribunal, and they are claming:

    1, i have not got a disability
    2, I did not inform them of my disability.

    So i ould advise anyone to inform there union.

    If anyone has got any advice for me on disability discrimination, please let me know, as I am representing myself at the tribunal.

    Hello dave20,

    Thats terrible the way your company has treated you, good luck with the tribunal and keep us posted. I presume you have contacted the DDA and told them about your situation?

    I have contacted my union and they have sent a form out for me to fill in, although I don't have any issues with work or OH as no decisions have been made yet, I just wanted advice on possible reasonable adjustments, my rights and to let them know what was going on . They have said my branch will be in touch so I'll wait and see.

    My job is covered by the DDA so I think I will be OK there?

    Let us know how you get on.
  • ritwren
    ritwren Member Posts: 928
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Maccajo just wanted to add my support to all the others on here. I'm glad to hear you've contacted your union and I would mention that to OH when you go for your next appointment, just lets them know that you know your rights at the start.

    Adjustments to be put in place might be something like changing your classrooms so you don't have to climb the stairs or not having to do playground duties as it would involve standing for too long....... I'm sure there are tons of others which I can't think of.

    Best of luck, hope your condition settles down soon for you.
    Are you on any medication? I have PA and OA too.
  • maccajo
    maccajo Member Posts: 47
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    ritwren wrote:
    Maccajo just wanted to add my support to all the others on here. I'm glad to hear you've contacted your union and I would mention that to OH when you go for your next appointment, just lets them know that you know your rights at the start.

    Adjustments to be put in place might be something like changing your classrooms so you don't have to climb the stairs or not having to do playground duties as it would involve standing for too long....... I'm sure there are tons of others which I can't think of.

    Best of luck, hope your condition settles down soon for you.
    Are you on any medication? I have PA and OA too.

    Thanks for support,
    I think your right phased return, stay down in Key stage one not two to avoid stairs, off displays, ect, I'd like to carry on as before and see how I go but it looks like my symptoms have become more active so I don't know.
    I'm on plaquenil, naproxen, codene and amitriptelin.

    How long have you had PA and OA, do you work? and how are the moods, mine are on a rollercoaster!

    jo x
  • ritwren
    ritwren Member Posts: 928
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi jo, yes I work, am off at the moment but hope to get back in 2 weeks time. I'm really pushing it.

    I was diagnosed with OA last year and PA a couple of months ago after an emergency admission to hospital although my Rheumatologist says I should have been diagnosed last year and have finally started on DMARD I'm still coming to terms with it all especially the PA.

    My moods are pretty good on the whole. Like most people I get down sometimes but I have great family and friends. I live on my own so don't have to pretend to be cheerful all the time if you know what I mean. It's less of an effort when you only see friends and family every couple of weeks.

    Glad to hear youre started on a DMARD and pain relief and antil inflamms. Sounds like all bases are covered, especially with the amytriptyline. What dose amytriptyline do you take if you don't mind me asking. My GP has started me on 10mg but to be honest it has'nt done much.
  • maccajo
    maccajo Member Posts: 47
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi rita,
    My goodness, your very similar to me, diagnosed with PA, OA and chronic fatigue after hospital admission. In for 4 days swollen knee and hand absolute agony.

    Been going to docs for over 12 mths, different symptoms each time, feet, knee, night sweats, low moods, tiredness, chest pains, hand pains, shoulder, told I had PMT. Mind you when I look at the list I do sound like a hypo! I was never sick, never off , I knew something wasn't right.

    I take 10 mg amitrip too. I couldn't wake up of a morning at first, then my daughter kept getting up late for school and it took hours to shake the groggyness away. However, if I didn't take it I felt every niggle and pain and only shut my eyes for an hour a night
    if that.
    My rheumy said to take it at least 3 hours before bed time and it will get better and I will wake up less groggy. It is working out ok now but if I do have a really bad night nothing seems to help, thankfully thats rare.

    I dont think I could sleep without them now, I know some people can be on 75mg, I'd be out of it altogether!! I think it also has something to do with the patients build? What DMARDS are you on?
    jo x
  • ritwren
    ritwren Member Posts: 928
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Jo,
    yes indeed very similar, there are a few of us on the board with OA and PA and so many folk have difficulties getting diagnosed. I feel that so much time has been wasted when I could have been taking a DMARD but thankfully it's sorted now.
    I take Methotrexate, started off on tablets but for the past month have been on injections.
    I'm not doing so bad now and think I'm responding better to the injections, I get a lot of upsed tummys and think it was'nt being absorbed properly when I was taking the tablets.
    Thanks for the info about how and when to take the amytriptyline, I actually asked my GP to prescribe it as it was recommended by the Pain Team Nurse. I tried it but had the most dreadful nightmares so stopped again. I will hold off until I'm having another bad time and can't turn in bed with the pain again.
    Hope you have a good day. rita
  • miss_l
    miss_l Member Posts: 138
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi dont know if its any help but i have OA and am a teacher. Just had my hip replaced and been through OH, i had been off work for 8 months and had a phased return over 5 weeks which was excellent - and gave both the kids and myself time to adjust.
    I've also been given a high backled stool (am a science teaher) and a foot rest should i need it) The OH are the best people to talk to - when you start to think about returning they cwill give school reccomendations on how to make your life easier.
    Good luck with everything
  • maccajo
    maccajo Member Posts: 47
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    miss_l wrote:
    Hi dont know if its any help but i have OA and am a teacher. Just had my hip replaced and been through OH, i had been off work for 8 months and had a phased return over 5 weeks which was excellent - and gave both the kids and myself time to adjust.
    I've also been given a high backled stool (am a science teaher) and a foot rest should i need it) The OH are the best people to talk to - when you start to think about returning they cwill give school reccomendations on how to make your life easier.
    Good luck with everything

    Thanks MissI,

    Sorry I havent replied sooner. That is very helpful to know, I don't think I could manage going back without a phased return. How are your coping after your hip op?
    At the moment my flares and energy levels are bad, still very unstable and unpredictable. I wonder how people cope with work and home balance?
    I'm a bit concerned about council cuts at the moment, just recieved a letter about budget strategies to avoid compulsory redundancies and saving £22 million by offering voluntary early retirement and redundacy and cutting sick pay ect... I don't think it will come into force until march but just another thing to worry about.
    Thanks for info and let me know how your doing. Jox
  • maccajo
    maccajo Member Posts: 47
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    delboy wrote:
    maccajo wrote:
    I'm a bit concerned about council cuts at the moment, just recieved a letter about budget strategies to avoid compulsory redundancies and saving £22 million by offering voluntary early retirement and redundacy and cutting sick pay ect... I don't think it will come into force until march but just another thing to worry about.

    If you can manage financially go for the redundancy, I did 3 years ago and Arthur didn't bother me as much. Stress in the workplace is a major cause of flare ups and depression which causes more flares so a never ending circle. That was my experience anyway.

    Thanks for reply delboy,
    How have you managed financially? I'm worried that if I do go for redundancy i'll never get another job.
    Ive worked for the council now for 9 yrs, 10 at the end of January, don't know if I'd get that much, they have already taken enough for redundancy and early retirement until March and have declined a further 50 who will wait on a list for the next phase!I know what you mean by stress of the workplace just thinking about it fills me with dread. However I don't want to make a desicion I might regret?
  • miss_l
    miss_l Member Posts: 138
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    At the moment i dont have much of a work-life balance! I come to work and by the end of the day im exhausted and tend to go straight to bed for a bit and then take it easy for the evening. I'm hoping after the holiday it improves and i can get some form of life back!!

    I'm finding day to day a challenge, some days im fine and full of spring some days im in lots of pain and struggle to do the simplest task - returning to work isnt the easiest but its given me a lift in my spirits to feel 'normal again'.

    I find my collegues the hardest point, being in my 20's they cant see why i needed a THR or indeed how i could have arthritis so arent the most supportive.

    Good luck with your plans to return - apart from some lows i'm glad i returned in a phased way!
