ESA Medical

woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
edited 27. Nov 2009, 08:32 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi, I've just made an appointment for my ESA medical :x
10th of December, so thats the next thing on my list after the bone density scan tomorrow! :?

I asked if they would be contacting my GP, but the reply was, that they don't always bother as their own doctor was capable of doing an assessment without that.If you want to, you can ask your gp for one and take it with you, and the doctor MAY read it. :x Gee, thanks a lot, fills me with confidnece, I don't think!

When I saw last saw my GP, she said that she wanted to write a report. She thought that these days they often don't bother to contact the GP. So would I let her know. So I phoned the surgery.
She's not in until Monday, so I've booked a phone call and see for myself, also some of the information on the form they sent me has altered as the hospital are doing more tests in a different department. OHHHHHH would the nhs have more money if they did away with all this paperwork?

Sorry to rant on but I do seem to be going through the mill this week. I appologise for being boring. :wink:
Love Sue


  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    HI Sue,

    you are never boring and with all that you are going through right now it is not surprising that you need to let off steam!

    I too have felt that at times there would be fewer problems if the NHS relied less on paper and more on talking face to face and actually listening to what patients tell them!!!

    good luck - sounds like you have a good GP - so if you go armed with a report then it can't do any harm.

    hugs ((((((((((())))))))))))
  • jenzie06
    jenzie06 Member Posts: 708
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good luck with the medical.
    At mine the doc didn't look at my medical form let alone talk to my GP. Then when I proved I couldn't do things he said I could. I'm in the appeals process at the mo. The medical reply letter was funny as it came on the day I was bed bound, couldn't dress myself or even dish out my own meds. It said I had no limited capability to work - I laughed my head off.
    Don't be too downhearted if you get refused first round - its quite common. But I do hope you get it straight away.
    In my appeals letter I included a letter from my consultant and letters from my old workplace as I was told the medical is to determine if you can work. The doc never asked me one question about work and what I'd done to desperately try and stay in employment.

    Will (try) and cross my fingers for you. On your medical date I'm having my scan to find out whether I'm having a boy or a girl - exciting!!
  • sharmaine
    sharmaine Member Posts: 1,638
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Sue

    You're wise to take a letter from your solicitor. I don't see how these independant health people can know your medical history from one visit!!!!

    I hope it goes ok on 10 December.

  • penfactor
    penfactor Member Posts: 366
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Sue
    I'm so sorry to hear you are now having to have some tests. At least, hopefully they will result in getting much more help to resolve your problems. Know just how you must be feeling about Med form though. You sent yours about same time as me & since things have changed for both of us. Typical eh?! I'm still waiting to hear about mine. I am meant to be having 2nd Pathways interview Monday & really don't know how I am meant to get there!
    Bad times as my son would say!
    love Pennie X
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks so much for all the support you Guys have given me, its so good be able to just say how I feel (it also saves the hubby getting ear ache as soon as he gets home!). I am lucky to have a good GP too, she knew something like this would happen and told me to ring her for any help I need. It must be awful for all the many ill people who are going through this alone.

    One thing, they can't send me back to the Council, as they have classed me as unfit and given me an enhanced pension. Its not very much, as a part-time worker of only 7 years, but it all helps. :wink:

    The stupid thing is that I'd so love to be back in my job. They are carrying on with an activities programme that I have trained for and want staff the qualifications and experience I have, but i know I physically can't do it. Its with mid to end stage dementia people. I've just been reading the jobs page.

    Never mind, I have a lot to get sorted with the scan tomorrow and then sorting out what I need to take. My husband is able to come with me, as its after school.

    I'm feeling a lot more positive, and thats because I've had lots of support from everyone! :D

    Love Sue
  • merlin
    merlin Member Posts: 4
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    i went for a medical and it was a farse the lady asked me to do things she cud see i couldnt do.then after a fortnight they said i could work i went to the CAB the man there laughed and we appealed we ave another on the 3rd Dec. GOOD LUCK WITH YOURS
  • penfactor
    penfactor Member Posts: 366
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Also, if they pass someone as being fit when they are not, once they get to a proper job interview it will be clear to that company what one can & cannot do! They are then going to ask the Jobcentre what on earth they are doing!
    I've heard that this whole system has been deemed a failure & they are looking to change it (again!)
    love Pennie x
  • haagan
    haagan Member Posts: 84
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    They never contacted my GP or Consultant. So taking a GP letter with you is a good idea. Hopefully they will read it.
    I phoned ESA as I had received a letter asking for another sick note. I explained that I had won my tribunal but had heard nothing and did I need to get one. The answer was yes as there is a major backlog at Tribunal HQ due to the number of successful appeals. So that is more proof that the medicals are a farce and that they are going to have to change the system and They could start with reading the info you give them and contacting the people who are treating us.
    On the good news front payment is backdated to week 13 if you are successful.
    Good luck for your scan and medical Fay
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello me again,
    I went to the hospital and was seen straight away, no wait at all! :shock: A very nice lady did the scan, I had remembered to wear an ordenary bra, with no underwiring, I don't wear that sort much anyway, as they are harder to put on. The only trouble is that it does up at the back and I can't reach, so had to ask her to help, thats all I had to do, I could keep it on with the rest of my clothing!:!: :lol:

    Its so quick and easy, I was amazed. I asked if she could tell me anything and she said that unofficially, my bones look good from the figures, but it would have to be read by the radiologist, who may find a few problems, but she would be surprised. So, thats done with and it looks good to relax about now. Ahhhhh.

    Lots of love for all the support, Sue