Any advice for rheumy appt?

tillytot41 Member Posts: 48
edited 4. Dec 2009, 12:12 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hello there its me again.Well am very nearly there,rheumy appt on tuesday,i am sooooooooo nervous.I think i might need to make a list of things i need to ask as im sure i will forget it all once i get there.Still feeling rubbish but i did manage to get out yesterday with my daughter to a garden centre to see the christmas stuff,she pushed me round in a wheelchair and i found that exhausting!!!Then i was nearly wrestled out of the chair at the cash tills by a lady wanting it for her husband so i had to walk quite a long way back to the car.Am i going to have to get tougher?There was another woman wanting the wheelchair too and she was quite snotty i gave it to the other lady!!I didnt know there was all these politics over a wheelchair!!!!!
Have to go shopping today and i dread it now but i also enjoy it because it means i get out but im so weak now ohhhh its all so confusing.
As for the rheumy appt,should i not expect too much?Im sort of thinking they will come up with a miraculous cure and know what is wrong straight away although i have had 3 rheumy appts this year but im alot worse now and showing loads more symptoms.Im pinning my hopes on this appt but i dont want to set myself up for a fall.
Ali xx


  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Ali,

    I think the wheelchair thing is awful, I hope they get more chairs if thats what its like. Its good you got out though and you mustn't let it put you off going anywhere.

    Good idea taking list so you remember what to ask when you see your Rumo. Mine took a while to get the diagnosis but he did add in some tablets while waiting for results etc and hopefully yours will help you immediately.

    What to expect is possibly down to individual rumo's but mine examined me, took a history and sent me for more bloods and xrayed. He was very kind and very thorougher and I hope you appointment goes well and help is soon given to you. Take care Cris
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Have you asked your Occupational Therapist about having a wheel cair of your own? We had one from them for my Mothe-in-Law, as she couldn't walk very far outside, but was fine inside.

    Also the Red Cross will lend wheel chairs to cover waiting periods or holidays or special occations we did that until the wheel chair services got round to sending out a chair for MiL. Might save you from wheelchair highjackers!!!! :) Glad you enjoyed your visit out, I hope that its made you feel in the Christmas Spirit! :wink:
    Love Sue

    PS I think the Red Cross need a letter from your GP to say that you need it for long walks out. Sue
  • harmony
    harmony Member Posts: 37
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    tillytot41 wrote:
    Hello there its me again.Well am very nearly there,rheumy appt on tuesday,i am sooooooooo nervous.I think i might need to make a list of things i need to ask as im sure i will forget it all once i get there.Still feeling rubbish but i did manage to get out yesterday with my daughter to a garden centre to see the christmas stuff,she pushed me round in a wheelchair and i found that exhausting!!!Then i was nearly wrestled out of the chair at the cash tills by a lady wanting it for her husband so i had to walk quite a long way back to the car.Am i going to have to get tougher?There was another woman wanting the wheelchair too and she was quite snotty i gave it to the other lady!!I didnt know there was all these politics over a wheelchair!!!!!
    Have to go shopping today and i dread it now but i also enjoy it because it means i get out but im so weak now ohhhh its all so confusing.
    As for the rheumy appt,should i not expect too much? Im sort of thinking they will come up with a miraculous cure and know what is wrong straight away although i have had 3 rheumy appts this year but im alot worse now and showing loads more symptoms.Im pinning my hopes on this appt but i dont want to set myself up for a fall.
    Ali xx

    Hi Tilly,
    When you see your GP next tell him about needing and using a wheelchair to get around. He will recommend you to your local council disability people and they will sort you out with your own wheelchair.
    It takes about 6 weeks once they have seen you and fitted you for the chair, but it does help when it comes to shopping. Otherwise I now use and electric wheelchair from our local shop-mobility and it doesn’t cost a thing to borrow. I give them a donation after every use.
    I must admit the first time I got into a wheelchair I thought ‘This is it, down hill all the way now’, but I have got use to it and borrowing the electric one in town does give me some independence for going shopping by my self.
    Good luck
