It's not CPS

joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
edited 4. Dec 2009, 17:13 in Living with Arthritis archive
Well, at long last, I have had my electrode test, whatever. When he did my right hand, I nearly hit the roof. My elbow has now flared up thank you. He then did my left, what's with the tape measure?
I am still left with a very very painful left hand still with the sensations of pins and needles and feeling like I am gripping barbed wire and burnt too, and no strength whatsoever :cry: :x :? :?
He is going to write to my consultant and suggest it might be a trapped nerve. And now, to add to everything else, my bursitis is playing up (injection didn't last very long) in my left hip and my right ankle to the knee has flared up too. So I think I need shooting.
I am seriously thinking of seeing an osteopath. Don't know how I can afford one, but I am desperate. Needless to say, I have been told not to go to one,

Desperate Joy


  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Joy,

    I am sorry and sending you a gentle ((( ))). I don't know what to suggest. I saw an osteopath regularly for my back before it got this damaged and I was helped by it. However I a chiropractor after that cus the osteopath said with no reflexes he didn't want to do anything and the chiro put me out of action for 8 week. You do have to be careful. I saw another chiro a few years later and he just did trigger points massage an that did help but as you know I have moved onto trigger point jabs now.

    I wonder is it your neck doing this to you, I only say cus mine doe that to me. I hope you soon get some relief though. Luv Cris x
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    skezier wrote:
    Hi Joy,

    I am sorry and sending you a gentle ((( ))). I don't know what to suggest. I saw an osteopath regularly for my back before it got this damaged and I was helped by it. However I a chiropractor after that cus the osteopath said with no reflexes he didn't want to do anything and the chiro put me out of action for 8 week. You do have to be careful. I saw another chiro a few years later and he just did trigger points massage an that did help but as you know I have moved onto trigger point jabs now.

    I wonder is it your neck doing this to you, I only say cus mine doe that to me. I hope you soon get some relief though. Luv Cris x

    Hi Skezier

    I have been having trigger point jabs too. I imagine my consultant will now try this again and hope for the best.
    Anyway, said that I wasn't going to moan about it again, Just got to cope haven't you.?
    All the best
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joy, I'm so sorry that you are having such a bad time. Lots of (((()))
    and I do hope it settles down soon.

  • chris7
    chris7 Bots Posts: 2,696
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Joy

    Sorry to see this, do hope you have a reasonable night and are soon feeling better.
    take care
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    annie_mial wrote:
    Joy, I'm so sorry that you are having such a bad time. Lots of (((()))
    and I do hope it settles down soon.

    Hi Annie. Hope you ok. How you doing? Do you need a hug to??

    That's not the end of it Annie. All day, my muscle have been feeling sore. I got up this morning feeling as though I had run the marathon. Now, you know I could never do that :lol:
    Shoulders, thighs, arms and even the back of my shins. PMR flare up?
    I finished the last decreasing dosage of steroids about a week ago and now on just 2 1/2mg each day, although I know the dr said I needed to finish on 4mg. a day. So, do I take myself back up to
    20 mg and start again? or do I go and see the dr again. They are
    going to be so fed up with me. I think I am going to go up on my own for a couple of days 48 hrs (say 15mg) and see what happens. If, after that it has not died down again I have to go and see dr again.
    There is no way I want to stay on steroids every day of my life. My blood pressure is sky high as it is.

  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joy, it does sound like PMR flare. If it happens to me I usually put the Pred up a little (2 - 2.5 mg) for 2/3 days and then increase by another 2 - 2.5 if I'm still not comfortable. My Rheumy was always happy for me to do this as it saves having to come down from great heights again if just a small increase will do the trick.
    Last time I had to do this was a month ago when I had to put it up from 5mg to 7mg to get comfortable. I tapered it back to the 5 after a week and have been OK since then. If you'd like more detail let me know.

    Sorry it's all gone bananas for you! You could take an extra 2.5 tonight and see if that helps on its own. A short sharp shock has worked for me occasionally, although it's not something the Rheumy will tell you!

  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Joy

    I'm sending you some (((((())))) to you. They mesured my elbow to my wrist the put the wires there. I do not know what it was for.

    Have you had the needle one done?? They put little needles into the muscle??

    I had had the first one like you had. Then I got a referal to have this second test done.

    Trisher xx
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    trisher wrote:
    Hi Joy

    I'm sending you some (((((())))) to you. They mesured my elbow to my wrist the put the wires there. I do not know what it was for.

    Have you had the needle one done?? They put little needles into the muscle??

    I had had the first one like you had. Then I got a referral to have this second test done.

    Trisher xx
    Thanks. I will pursue it. I have just got up again. Tried to get to bed, but couldn't settle, but have got up to take some extra preds to see if they will help. They didn't do the needle one. Mind you, they did put wire rings round my fingers and stuck wires on other parts. When they did my right hand and arm, it set my elbow off again. That's screaming at me now.
    Always something isn't there. I still cannot get my head round all these pains that keep hitting me. Sometimes in places that have never hurt before.
    Anyway, I said that I wasn't going to moan again. You are very kind trisher. speak to you tomorrow.
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    annie_mial wrote:
    Joy, it does sound like PMR flare. If it happens to me I usually put the Pred up a little (2 - 2.5 mg) for 2/3 days and then increase by another 2 - 2.5 if I'm still not comfortable. My Rheumy was always happy for me to do this as it saves having to come down from great heights again if just a small increase will do the trick.
    Last time I had to do this was a month ago when I had to put it up from 5mg to 7mg to get comfortable. I tapered it back to the 5 after a week and have been OK since then. If you'd like more detail let me know.
    Sorry it's all gone bananas for you! You could take an extra 2.5 tonight and see if that helps on its own. A short sharp shock has worked for me occasionally, although it's not something the Rheumy will tell you!

    I have just got up again, couldn't settle. So I am having a cup of tea and taking another 2.5 pred now and then I will take a five tomorrow and raise it to 7 mg I do know that my gp said that he didn't want me to keep going up and down because of my blood pressure. great fun isn't it.

  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Joy, Sorry you had such a bad time at the hospital, still, at least the consultant should be able to get the right treatment for you. And the bursitis too, just one thing after another sometimes, I hope you soon feel better.
    Love Sue :wink:
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    How are you feeling today, Joy? Have things settled down, yet?

    I had both EMG and NCS tests done this morning. While neither of them were exactly comfortable, they really were no problem, although my left arm, elbow and hand are aching now, it's no big deal.
    No additional probs showed, just the nerve damage on my right foot, which was already suspected (by them). It's my foot and I didn't just suspect it!

    Swine flu jab tomorrow and Rheumy appointment next week and then I can relax and enjoy the Christmas hols.

  • sharmaine
    sharmaine Member Posts: 1,638
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry you're feeling so dreadful. I've been feeling rough all week. I also wished that someone would shoot me!!! I told my OH today that I was a cripple and bloody useless - started to cry and muttered something like I can't even do the housework!! He started to laugh which made me giggle. Nothing like a laugh to make you forget the pain if only for a little while. He said he expected me to say I can't even walk or something else but not the housework! My OH says he's looking forward to pushing me around the shops when I get the wheelchair next week. I bet he won't say that when I start looking at clothes!!!

    It's frustrating when you're in pain. Sorry to hear that your bursitis is back. Has your GP given you any medication for the pain?

    I hope you feel better soon Joy. Have a soak in the bath, put on your pyjamas, watch a funny film and relax.


    quote="joyful164"]Well, at long last, I have had my electrode test, whatever. When he did my right hand, I nearly hit the roof. My elbow has now flared up thank you. He then did my left, what's with the tape measure?
    I am still left with a very very painful left hand still with the sensations of pins and needles and feeling like I am gripping barbed wire and burnt too, and no strength whatsoever :cry: :x :? :?
    He is going to write to my consultant and suggest it might be a trapped nerve. And now, to add to everything else, my bursitis is playing up (injection didn't last very long) in my left hip and my right ankle to the knee has flared up too. So I think I need shooting.
    I am seriously thinking of seeing an osteopath. Don't know how I can afford one, but I am desperate. Needless to say, I have been told not to go to one,

    Desperate Joy[/quote]
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Annie and Sharmaine. thanks for messages

    Those tests are quite funny really. You're sitting there chatting away and your hands and arms are jumping all over the place, you don't have any control over them yourself. Rings on your fingers, sticky patches everywhere rulers. Now we are back to what I thought it was in the first place - trapped nerve.
    The same with my right elbow. He say's there is a nerve trapped there to. Will wait to see what my consultant comes back with.
    And all we were talking about my painting and he wants to see some of my work.
