Non Blue Badge Holders parking in disabled bays

venita Member Posts: 56
edited 23. Dec 2009, 08:48 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi Everyone

It is getting to that time of year when everyone are out shopping for christmas, I have been out several times over the last week with my husband and I am fed up with inconsiderate able bodied ignorant people parking in disabled bays.

I am seriously thinking of starting a web site to name and shame these people.

Managers and supermarket staff do not seem bothered what is the point in having these bays and signs up saying you will be fined if no one is going to inforce them. I was told recently to go outside on my crutches in the wind and pouring rain to 'take down car registration numbers and they would ask people over the shop tanoy to move their vechicles !

I am sorry to moan but it drives me mad and its is going to get worse.

Hope you are all as well as can be expected.



  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Venita

    Yes when we go out shopping, we would always see people parking in disabled bays.

    My hubby gets so annoyed about it. One day, the car park was full and these people were not displaying badges, were in the disabled parking bays.

    I have a sign on my side asking people not to park too close because I use a wheelchair.

    When you go back to the car, they have not parked properly. We had to wait for them to come out.

    Some store's will, if you tell them the number plate will check the car, then announce it on the speakers asking them to go to Customer Services.
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I am not carrying dogs doo doo around in my bag!But might do the parking across the back of car.That is a good idea.

    Best wishes
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • jackie1955
    jackie1955 Member Posts: 632
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    delboy wrote:
    If yo have a dog carry some of his do do in a bag and smear it on their door handle.

    delboy! Thanks! I needed a good laugh this morning and reading this did the trick :D read it out to hubby and he laughed too :D

    Jackie x
  • sharmaine
    sharmaine Member Posts: 1,638
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Venita

    I agree! I've been to the village twice this week and the space was occupied by someone able bodied. The ladies in the chemist were more annoyed than I was.

    The woman and I got to our respective cars at the same time - me struggling on crutches and my medication in the pouring rain. She didn't look too bothered.

  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello Venita, Trisher, everyone

    This has always been a frustrating problem and it happens all over the country. You can't ask security to come out these days to sort the problem out. You never know, they might get a knife in their back or something. At the very least, you would get a whole lot of abuse.

    Take for instance, my beloved nextdoor neighbour, who lives in a semi detached house and owns a Rolls Royce (this is the one who I had a dispute with over our wall, use to be 'close friend' :( ) His response whenever the subject of blue badges came up and DLA, was non repeatable. So people like that, to my mind, are ignorant. He doesn't believe in the blue badge, but will park his huge Rolls Royce in a disabled space because the ordinary spaces are not big enough. So therefore, everyone who drives the large 4x4s are likely to be guilty also.

    Another point on this subject, some blue badge holders get out of their cars and seem to rush around much more than I can. There doesn't appear to be anything notably wrong with them. Obviously, people are going to park in blue badge spaces if they see what appear to be perfectly healthy people parking there.

  • chinablue
    chinablue Member Posts: 48
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi there know i might be a bit of a killjoy but i too understand the fustration of not being able to park in a disabled bay when you need it but some of the things you are suggesting seem to be a bit ott to me (dog poo for instance). When i was well enough to work i worked in tesco and was always trying to stop non blue badge holders parking in disabled bays as you say some of them were just unpleasent people who just didnt care. But in some instances it was a person who was helping a disabled person who had forgotten there badge as you can do if you go in someone elses car or they may have just forgotton to put there blue badge up as i am sure some of us have when we are in too much pain to think properly. Imagine how you would feel struggling back to your car if you were one of these people and find that someone had put dog poo on your door handle. sorry for the moan but i have seen it from the other side too. I am unable to get out very often for things other than hospital appointments
  • bertyboy
    bertyboy Member Posts: 1,860
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    i to can rant my life away about this subject who is responsible for policing these bays that are supposed to be for the people who need a blue badge , , not a **** head going to the chipy in the rain or the bookies , i have passed comment to many and got abuse for my trouble if i didnt need one i would not moan , if i can park nearer to the shops then i can probably do 2 shops rather than one because my legs have given up x

    Word deleted by Moderator YEH
    I know i am a lady ,all life is a journey xx MAY xx
  • jackie1955
    jackie1955 Member Posts: 632
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    chinablue wrote:
    ...... find that someone had put dog poo on your door handle.

    chinablue, Well I assumed delboy was joking about that really..... wasn't you delboy???

  • chinablue
    chinablue Member Posts: 48
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    bertyboy wrote:
    i to can rant my life away about this subject

    Sorry if i cause any offence i myself too have a blue badge which i despratly need and i have to choose the trips i take very carefully and cannot be long and would only ever manage one or even 1/2 a shop and need to park very near i am not saying that its right that abled body people who are just ignorant use these spaces, as if there is nowhere i can park near to the place i want to go then i have to go back home without whatever it was i wanted. But i just think there are also genuine poeple who have forgotten to put the blue badge out and if you had seen them as i have so distressed and upset about the way they had been treated then you may think somethings a bit ott too. :wink:
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, I drive a big 4x4 and don't have a blue badge. I never have had any problems reversing into an ordinary space. Large vans also use the on market day. I think your Rolls Royce driver needs to take a few more lessons! :lol: Love Sue
  • madness1985
    madness1985 Member Posts: 293
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    Ahh since becoming a blue badge holder it realli has annoyed me. It annoys me that peopl just park were they want, what annoys me mostly, is that many ppl who park without a badge because they are "old" so think they can or "have a baby" .. i understand some older people may want to use them but there are other spaces. Just wish people would consider other peoples needs a bit of rain parking a bit further away does it matter? Before i was a BB holder i didnt park in BB bays even though i couldnt walk without support from my partner i was stuggling so why crnt others just use there common sence?

  • madness1985
    madness1985 Member Posts: 293
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    Ahh since becoming a blue badge holder it realli has annoyed me. It annoys me that peopl just park were they want, what annoys me mostly, is that many ppl who park without a badge because they are "old" so think they can or "have a baby" .. i understand some older people may want to use them but there are other spaces. Just wish people would consider other peoples needs a bit of rain parking a bit further away does it matter? Before i was a BB holder i didnt park in BB bays even though i couldnt walk without support from my partner i was stuggling so why crnt others just use there common sence?

  • eckstardeluxe
    eckstardeluxe Member Posts: 1,192
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi all :D

    I've posted about this before a while back. I am a young looking 33 and have had abuse like you would not believe parking with my badge. I never park in the disabled bays on good days as someone might need that space more than me.

    I hate people abusing the spaces. I report them often, saw a WAG wannabe actually park her car over two!!!! Yes two spaces once, came out in heels that Slade would have fallen in. She got a mouthful and looked petrified. Asda fine you here now in Scotland and it is really improving things. Morrisons are great too, they actually go straight out and post a sticker on there cars telling them what they have done and not to do it again and it's a big white thing, very noticeable.
  • jenzie06
    jenzie06 Member Posts: 708
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I've posted about this before. I've had many looks and comments from a wide range of people. I'm 26yrs old, had RA and fibro for 11yrs. My blue badge is the most important support I've been given (I don't qualify for benefits other than DLA). I won't park in a disabled bay if its a good day but if I'm shopping I know that after a maximum half an hour I'm totally pooped and in incredible pain (if there is someone with me I can go in my wheelchair but it messes up my hands if I try it myself).
    Recently I attempted some Christmas shopping on my own and it was a disaster. I ended up spending a few days in bed to recover as walking about had hurt my legs, back and neck and trying to carry the bags had hurt my hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders. I ended up sat on a bench desperately wishing the car was closer (I tried using my nonexistent telekinetic ability to get the car to come to me!!). It's when I feel properly rubbish and I get a comment of some ignorant person that I can't cope.
    I'm now also 5months pregnant which has caused numerous flares (I'm having a good week though - keep your fingers crossed it lasts more than a week!!) so I'm loving the internet shopping!
  • eckstardeluxe
    eckstardeluxe Member Posts: 1,192
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    jenzie06 wrote:
    I've posted about this before. I've had many looks and comments from a wide range of people. I'm 26yrs old, had RA and fibro for 11yrs. My blue badge is the most important support I've been given (I don't qualify for benefits other than DLA). I won't park in a disabled bay if its a good day but if I'm shopping I know that after a maximum half an hour I'm totally pooped and in incredible pain (if there is someone with me I can go in my wheelchair but it messes up my hands if I try it myself).
    Recently I attempted some Christmas shopping on my own and it was a disaster. I ended up spending a few days in bed to recover as walking about had hurt my legs, back and neck and trying to carry the bags had hurt my hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders. I ended up sat on a bench desperately wishing the car was closer (I tried using my nonexistent telekinetic ability to get the car to come to me!!). It's when I feel properly rubbish and I get a comment of some ignorant person that I can't cope.
    I'm now also 5months pregnant which has caused numerous flares (I'm having a good week though - keep your fingers crossed it lasts more than a week!!) so I'm loving the internet shopping!

    Yes, internet shopping is a godsend for us with mobility problems. I actually banged into the car with my trolley once I couldn't control it, yet this old couple still came over and asked why I was using someone's pass!! I told her I am using my own pass thank you and rattled off everything I have wrong with me which took about 5 minutes. At least the husband apologised. Hope they will think twice next time.
  • venita
    venita Member Posts: 56
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    jenzie06 wrote:
    I've posted about this before. I've had many looks and comments from a wide range of people. I'm 26yrs old, had RA and fibro for 11yrs. My blue badge is the most important support I've been given (I don't qualify for benefits other than DLA). I won't park in a disabled bay if its a good day but if I'm shopping I know that after a maximum half an hour I'm totally pooped and in incredible pain (if there is someone with me I can go in my wheelchair but it messes up my hands if I try it myself).
    Recently I attempted some Christmas shopping on my own and it was a disaster. I ended up spending a few days in bed to recover as walking about had hurt my legs, back and neck and trying to carry the bags had hurt my hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders. I ended up sat on a bench desperately wishing the car was closer (I tried using my nonexistent telekinetic ability to get the car to come to me!!). It's when I feel properly rubbish and I get a comment of some ignorant person that I can't cope.
    I'm now also 5months pregnant which has caused numerous flares (I'm having a good week though - keep your fingers crossed it lasts more than a week!!) so I'm loving the internet shopping!
    I would like to thank everyone for their replies and experiences, I just wish able bodied people would be a bit more considerate I hope you all have a restful christmas and a safe new year
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    My brother used to drive my sister in law around and if he had no choice, would use the badge legally, but always parked in an ordinary space if he could.

    He was fined once by a traffic warden who did not believe that he had a disabled person with him, as his car was an estate car and had a few of his work things in it. The traffic warden never waited to see him with my sister-in-law. He appealed, but the council ruled that the car could well have been used for his work and he couldn't prove he had the badge holder (my sister in law) with him. It was the days before digital camras on mobile phones. :?

    Love Sue
  • venita
    venita Member Posts: 56
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you everyone for your variety of replies it makes a difference knowing that I am not the only person having this problem. :?

    I just do not see the point in notices being put up saying that the illegal use of these bays may result in a fine or clamping when no one bothers to enforce it ! :shock:

    It just does not make sense to me and everyone else by the sound of it. :roll:

    Thanks again everyone enjoy your christmas as best you can have a restful one.

  • theresa4
    theresa4 Member Posts: 696
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    HI Joyful
    Please remember that although sometimes some of us can move a little quicker by the time we have done our shopping we struggle to get back to our cars so parking in a disabled bay is necessary even if not obvious at the start.
    I agree it is so frustrating when there is nowhere to park because some selfish able bodied person is parked in a disabled spot I had to walk quite a distance the other day by the time I had reached the shop I was ready to go home x

    As for being yelled at because I am a very young looking 38 without obvious disablity other than a pronounced limp (which I am constantly asked have I sprained my ankle!) when I use a disabled bay one woman wanted to know where my wheelchair was even though I have a valid and much needed blue badge. People need to realise that with RA you dont want to give in to a wheelchair unless you really have to but that doesnt mean that walking is not a struggle or extremely painful.

    Theresa :?

    joyful164 wrote:
    Hello Venita, Trisher, everyone

    This has always been a frustrating problem and it happens all over the country. You can't ask security to come out these days to sort the problem out. You never know, they might get a knife in their back or something. At the very least, you would get a whole lot of abuse.

    Take for instance, my beloved nextdoor neighbour, who lives in a semi detached house and owns a Rolls Royce (this is the one who I had a dispute with over our wall, use to be 'close friend' :( ) His response whenever the subject of blue badges came up and DLA, was non repeatable. So people like that, to my mind, are ignorant. He doesn't believe in the blue badge, but will park his huge Rolls Royce in a disabled space because the ordinary spaces are not big enough. So therefore, everyone who drives the large 4x4s are likely to be guilty also.

    Another point on this subject, some blue badge holders get out of their cars and seem to rush around much more than I can. There doesn't appear to be anything notably wrong with them. Obviously, people are going to park in blue badge spaces if they see what appear to be perfectly healthy people parking there.

    There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart...pursue those. --Michael Nolan

    Theresa xxx
  • rosyred
    rosyred Member Posts: 150
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    Im with u on this topic... I have been putting xmas shopping on hold. But its here so of i went..with my daughter got to town found no where to park Daughter got out AND TO OUR SUPRISE ONLY ONE CAR HAD A BADGE IN THE WINDOW!!
    What amazed us more is the trafffic wardens were there and done nothing...

    Mad as hell i did find a space and parked. went to asda bought pad a pen.. and wrote a lvely mess to each car and placed it on wind screen... Then of i went shopping feeling rather pleased with meself for 1 going shopping and 2 just venting on paper and leaving it for them to see..
  • jenzie06
    jenzie06 Member Posts: 708
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I once saw some official signs in France on disabled bays that said 'if you want my space, take my disability!' I loved it!
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,057
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    jenzie06 wrote:
    I once saw some official signs in France on disabled bays that said 'if you want my space, take my disability!' I loved it!
    I saw that one here Rosy - or very similar 'if you wants my space then you can have my wheelchair'
    no real answer to this one while some people remain so selfish
    Toni x
  • annebr
    annebr Member Posts: 730
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    There is a sign in a sports centre in Glasgow that says:

    Stupidness is not a disabliity.

  • sarahpeps
    sarahpeps Member Posts: 13
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi all, I am so glad of this forum as I have become a very irate driver/parker since getting my blue badge (only a couple of weeks ago) I am 41 and have OA, I have used my badge in a few supermarkets and only once on a double yellow.
    I cannot believe the filthy looks I get from other BB holders (sorry but they are ALWAYS the older generation) I do drive a big 4X4, but it is an automatic and I need a higher car to be able to get in and out easily.
    I have just been to Morrisons and an elderly man drove into a space that it was obvious I was waiting for, he scowled at me. The space opposite him became available so I drove round and parked facing him, I got out my badge from the glove compartment, held it up in the windscreen and pointed to it!!
    Im sure people look at me and think that Im too young/got a nice big car and therefore am illegally parked.
    It makes me SO angry and Ive only had the badge a couple of weeks :roll: