rheumy appointment last tuesday

englishrose Member Posts: 99
edited 19. Dec 2009, 08:55 in Living with Arthritis archive
I have posted about problems due to not being allowed anti-inflam. I fell out with the rheumy consultant that I saw for about a year - they have now put me back to original rheumatologist consultant - thank goodness. Anyway I recently had test and things for anti-tnf but at the last moment the nasty rheumy said no and put ne on leflunomide.
On Tuesday the consultant was horrified to find that I had been put down to 10mg MTX, and promised to sort that out. Furthermore she is going to look again at ant-tnf since she feels that I am not doing well on leflunomide.
All very well but since it is the Festive season nothing is going to happen till New Year. Meanwhile I have had flare in left hand, right knee and this morning right wrist. I did give myself a brief wallow in self pity but popped a few pills and feel a bit better now.
Very happy Christmas to you all.


  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    They are taking an interest in you Jane,that is good.
    I expect Christmas will be difficult for you so I hope you have an understanding family to help look after you.
    Have a good Christmas and hope things improve 2010!

    Best wishes
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    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein