well thats its & boy im i paying for it
Member Posts: 2,328
Hi all,I really hope you had a good xmas.
We spent xmas eve cleaning the house in prep for OHs parents coming for dinner.
OH goes to pub comes back rolling drunk 5hrs later,so started xmas with a massive row :roll:
I had prepared most of the veg xmas eve.so was feeling a little sore to start with.
I got up at 9am xmas day & started to get dinner ready for 4pm.
The inlaws arrived,we exchange presents.
Im back in the kitchen, eventualy we sit down at 4.30 & i was so knackered,sore & aching i couldnt even eat my dinner( couple of mouthfuls )They left at 8pm.
Ive got up today (2pm)my fingers & knees are swollen, ive struggled for hrs to get my rings off,my back & neck are kiling me.I spent 8hrs+ on my feet yesterday. Today all i can do is sit,rest & hope i feel better for tomorrow.Not that were going anywhere.
well thats been my painful xmas. I think im going to have to give in doing dinners( i do it very wk ) & get OHs mum to do it.I do feel guilty as she's 63 next wk & i dont like making her do it.I shouldnt be like this at my age.she is fitter then me :shock: I did plate up dinners for them & us with the left overs for today & tomorrow OH can do a curry for himself & stepson.I'll just have a jacket potato.
I just feel like i could sleep my way through the new yr.Trouble is if i lay in bed i get stiff.
Hope youve all had a good xmas
& not as knackered & in pain like me.
luv debs
We spent xmas eve cleaning the house in prep for OHs parents coming for dinner.
OH goes to pub comes back rolling drunk 5hrs later,so started xmas with a massive row :roll:
I had prepared most of the veg xmas eve.so was feeling a little sore to start with.
I got up at 9am xmas day & started to get dinner ready for 4pm.
The inlaws arrived,we exchange presents.
Im back in the kitchen, eventualy we sit down at 4.30 & i was so knackered,sore & aching i couldnt even eat my dinner( couple of mouthfuls )They left at 8pm.
Ive got up today (2pm)my fingers & knees are swollen, ive struggled for hrs to get my rings off,my back & neck are kiling me.I spent 8hrs+ on my feet yesterday. Today all i can do is sit,rest & hope i feel better for tomorrow.Not that were going anywhere.
well thats been my painful xmas. I think im going to have to give in doing dinners( i do it very wk ) & get OHs mum to do it.I do feel guilty as she's 63 next wk & i dont like making her do it.I shouldnt be like this at my age.she is fitter then me :shock: I did plate up dinners for them & us with the left overs for today & tomorrow OH can do a curry for himself & stepson.I'll just have a jacket potato.
I just feel like i could sleep my way through the new yr.Trouble is if i lay in bed i get stiff.
Hope youve all had a good xmas
& not as knackered & in pain like me.
luv debs
Hi Debs
Sorry to hear that your Christmas has been so exhausting. You are the second person on here to say things haven't gone too well.
Why not suggest that you all go out for Christmas lunch next year :?: It would probably be enjoyable for all then, and you wouldn't end up feeling ill. I think the time has come when you must put yourself first , and make sure that you book early before next Christmas.
Hope you soon feel better.
Joan0 -
minky67 wrote:Hi all,I really hope you had a good xmas.
We spent xmas eve cleaning the house in prep for OHs parents coming for dinner.
OH goes to pub comes back rolling drunk 5hrs later,so started xmas with a massive row :roll:
I had prepared most of the veg xmas eve.so was feeling a little sore to start with.
I got up at 9am xmas day & started to get dinner ready for 4pm.
The inlaws arrived,we exchange presents.
Im back in the kitchen, eventualy we sit down at 4.30 & i was so knackered,sore & aching i couldnt even eat my dinner( couple of mouthfuls )They left at 8pm.
Ive got up today (2pm)my fingers & knees are swollen, ive struggled for hrs to get my rings off,my back & neck are kiling me.I spent 8hrs+ on my feet yesterday. Today all i can do is sit,rest & hope i feel better for tomorrow.Not that were going anywhere.
well thats been my painful xmas. I think im going to have to give in doing dinners( i do it very wk ) & get OHs mum to do it.I do feel guilty as she's 63 next wk & i dont like making her do it.I shouldnt be like this at my age.she is fitter then me :shock: I did plate up dinners for them & us with the left overs for today & tomorrow OH can do a curry for himself & stepson.I'll just have a jacket potato.
I just feel like i could sleep my way through the new yr.Trouble is if i lay in bed i get stiff.
Hope youve all had a good xmas
& not as knackered & in pain like me.
luv debs
Oh debs, I really know where you are coming from ..... we have not had the easiest time either , and I am paying for it now too. In fact I just put a post on LWA thread. I am sure we are not on our own.
Our CHristmas plans have changed so many times in the past weeks, that we were never sure what was going to be happening. As it was, things didn'g go to plan (plan X I think by then:roll:
) and we were woken with a phone call at 1.30am Christmas day with plan Y, only for plan Z to follow by 3pm!
The phone rang just as we were setting out dinner, so everything was cool by the time we ate it, the pork was overdone :oops: and the day seemed endless.
today has been an unexpected 150 mile round trip to take dad home, and I am so sore that I don't know what to do with myself ... as you say, laying down is ok for a bit, but sitting for any time hurts, standing hurts, I don't know what to do :? :? :? :?
still, our Christmas starts now, with just the two of us and littlelegs.
We will make it something to remember for good reasons, and the first is not to get up in the morning until I want toeven if that is the middle of the afternoon
right ... pass the tablets around, here's some arnica cream for sore joints, hot chocolate to warm our hands, lavendar to calm our frazzled nerves, and silly games to make us smile ............ after all, there are more than 360 days until we have to do it all again next year0 -
Hi Joan, Thats such a good suggestion, but have you seen the prices. :shock:
I couldnt even manage to eat half of what they serve.
I dont eat starters or pudding, so for me its a waste of money.
M-in Law did suggest it earlier in the yr.
May have to reconsider for nx yr.
They were good though,knew it was too much for me.
They cleaned the kitchen for me,loaded the dishwasher & i got told to go sit down.
Graham then left me to sleep this morning & re-loaded the dishwasher.
Ive just got to rest up now til i feel better.
luv debs0 -
Hi Wonky, I know from your PM that things were going to be a bit up in the air.
I was hoping that it wasnt going to be.
I said to my OH last night '' just leave me to sleep, as if im sleeping you know i need it'' & he has.
I hope im recovered enough for wednesday for rhymy appointment & im running out of meds. I should have picked up prescription xmas eve.
I think its a hard time of year for all of us.
Im going in a long hot bath when i wake up tomorrow,if ive not totally seized up.
luv debs0 -
Hi Wonky
Sorry to hear things were a bit disastrous for you too. I hope you will soon feel better too. There is so much pressure at Christmas to get everything perfect for everyone, and unfortunately, life doesn't always go according to plan.
Hi Debs
I know what you mean about the cost, but if you start saving early, it wouldn't seem so bad.
Also, I wouldn't worry too much if you can't eat a lot. Just eat what you want, and leave the rest.
Think how stress-free your day would be , and I think that is worth the money. You can dress up, relax, and let someone else take the strain. Go for it next year, and don't wear yourself into a frazzle again :!: :!:0 -
Thanks Joan, Ive just said that To OH & he agrees.
I'll have to disguse it with the inlaws too,but i think they'll agree.
Luckily they are away for new yr, so i dont have to do a dinner for them then.
I also think sunday dinners that they have got used to here have got to be a thing of the past.
They used to get a KFC or just have a salad,but its got to be a habit now that ive just got to break. For my sake.
I do feel guilty but i got to think of my own health,i cant carry on like this. Its madness on my own part.
luv debs0 -
Hi Debs and Wonky
I am sorry to hear that you are now suffering big time after all the preparations. It really is hard work and I was knackered yesterday by the end of the day. It is all the washing up as well if one does not have a dishwasher and all the hours it takes to get the dinner ready and then it seems to take no time to eat itand the debris is left to start again to clear up. Don't get me wrong I had a wonderful day but it really does whack one out!!
Years ago, one Christmas I put my foot down and we had pizza on Christmas Day and it was great. The family enjoyed it and there was nowhere near the amount of preparation needed! I was totally stress free! It began to annoy me, that hubby took the kiddies to the cinema on christmas eve afternoon and left me at home stuffing the turkey and sewing it up and running around like a mad women doing everything :roll:
I do hope that next Christmas you find a way to be able to do less and everyone has a good time and you are not so tired at the end of it all.
Elna xThe happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.0 -
im sorry to hear you had a very exhausting christmas. take it easy now. hope you feel more rested soon from joanneJoanne0
well managed stress free chrismasday but boxing day was sh** oh and lads went out to watch football did not go as feeling sore lol . oh and oldest came back after i had gone to bed argueing woke me oldest stormed out slaming door then came back bit later tried to patch things with oh but he still to full of beer lol so they fell out again i got up in tears had hug off each but feel so stressed and joints bad today stress really not good for us they not been in same room so far today god knows what it will be like when they r why do people drink so much why do they get stroppy when they do . sorry for moan but feel so alone at momentval0
Hi Val
I am so sorry that yesterday was not good and today has started off badly too. Oh, the demon drink. :roll: It does affect people differently, doesn't it? I have not had the experience of stroppiness when people have had one too many, thank goodnesss., more like talking nonsense, repeating themselves and falling fast asleep. At least they are quiet then except perhaps for the snoring. :roll:
I do hope that it gets calmer for you and you begin to feel better too.
Christmas often does not turn out quite like everyone would wish and it is often far too overrated, I think so anyway. I can well see how so many people loathe this time of year for so very many reasons.
I really don't know why we all follow like sheep, regardless and all do what is expected of us at this time of year. There are some people who do exactly as they wish and get talked about, but at least they have broken away from the "norm" and they are doing what they really wish to do at this time of year.
Chin up, my lovely,
Elna xThe happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.0 -
Hi Val, Im sorry youve not had a good time either.
Your not alone luv, youve got us.
I know where your coming from I really do.
I hope the lads sort themselves out, my stepson causes so many rows in this house Im on the verge of chucking him out, i cant cope with it. But thats another row due, i have told OH & he's not happy about chucking him out. But he needs to sort him out, Quick.
So to all the others that have over done it. I hope you can all rest up now til we all feel better.
As Wonky says,'' only 360 odd days til we have to do it all again.'' :roll:
Take care all (((())))s
luv debs ( who's feeling a little less sore today )0 -
thanks all had nap feel bit better. it oh who thinks they should agree with him lol. he does not realise they got minds of there own. was worried lad would storm off but he good lad and would not do that to his mum . mind u four adults in one small house a tight fit. lad even fetched paper this morning bless him. any way nearly a new yearval0
Hi everyone.
i'm so sorry everyone's christmas was hectic.
my xmas was quiet as i only have my sister[sue]
we do the same thing every year and have what we want to eat.
i dont have alcohol because of tabs.
have a good 2010.
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Well I always expect and get an arguement.I am left to do everything it seems and then expected to have packed kids bags for staying at nannys house whilst wrapping last of pressies and looking after ill daughter with my arthritic pain and do all this with good humour!SO I make a comment and it all kicks off.
In the end we didnt stay at nannies cos son wanted his home comforts and OH reckoned he was okay to drive us home.Later he went back to his mums and stayed and next daywent shooting and then drinking with large party of mates,something I cannot do cos of babysitting issues.But we were happy at home and played games and made things with new presents.
So OH could drink and I was out of the firing line!And all the cooking was done on Xmas day as no way could I manage that too.
Best wishes
ElizabethNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
minky67 wrote:Thanks Joan, Ive just said that To OH & he agrees.
I'll have to disguse it with the inlaws too,but i think they'll agree.
Luckily they are away for new yr, so i dont have to do a dinner for them then.
I also think sunday dinners that they have got used to here have got to be a thing of the past.
They used to get a KFC or just have a salad,but its got to be a habit now that ive just got to break. For my sake.
I do feel guilty but i got to think of my own health,i cant carry on like this. Its madness on my own part.
luv debs
But going back to eating out it is expensive for Christmas Day. Pity you can't choose a day in between Christmas Day and New Year. Back to half the price then.
Never mind. it will all be over soon.
Sleep well I hope
Joy0 -
Hi Joy, we did have 1 of them 3in 1 birds. I cooked that & the turkey crown, M-in-law cooked the beef.
She rang today & said there was far too much meat (yes)
weve agreed that we will only have 1 meat nx yr.
Even with the electric knife, carving 3 joints knackered my already knackered hands.
she also did the veg, which was a great help & also did all the clearing up.
I was just on my feet for far to long & now taking time to recover.
Thanks debs0
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