Managing the pain???

rainbowmummy Member Posts: 13
edited 9. Jan 2010, 16:08 in Living with Arthritis archive

Newbie to the forum, I'm 25 and have just been diagnosed with OA in my neck, which is affecting my left arm.

How do you deal with the pain? I seemed to have been constantly 'doped' on the painkillers for the past few days, but with work and two small children, it's not a good thing.

So is there a trick to it???


  • janey124
    janey124 Member Posts: 17
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hey rainbow, ,

    i just joined tonite also, i have had psoriatic arthritis for past 8 yrs, altho i dont have it around my neck area however, i find that hot and cold compresses work, altho in this cold weather heat is prob better, tens machine after bout an hour starts kickin in, lidocaine patches which is just like a local anesthetic in a pad.

    just a couple options, hope u get sorted soon.
    janey x
  • rainbowmummy
    rainbowmummy Member Posts: 13
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you Janey,

    I bought some of the cheap disposable heat pads yesterday to see if they worked and they did make a small difference. The main problem I have is the painkillers just aren't touching the pain at all. So now I know the heat thing works, I'm going to go and buy one of the bags you put in the microwave. We have a microwave at work too, so will be able to use it there as well :)
  • minky67
    minky67 Member Posts: 2,328
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi & welcome to the site.
    I have OA & Fibromyalgia plus a few more things to long to list.
    Most of my joints are affected with OA & of all i think the neck/ spine are the worst. I dont know about coping as its an individual thing, but in time you will find your own coping techniques.

    I have swapped my chair cushions for a pillow to help support my back & relax my neck.
    swapped & changed pillows in bed to find the 1s that suit.A memory foam topper has been a great help too.
    I take my full doses of pain killers at regulars times so there all ways in my system.
    I think the hardest part is resting when you body tells you to & not pushing it so far that you have pay back the following day.
    I find a hot bath helps, try to get you shoulders under the water to relax the muscles in your neck. I find heat helps more than cold with OA.Stress & cold can tighten the muscles in the neck too making it more painful.
    Im sure as you read through some of the post you with find some great ideas to help you cope with the pain.
    I hope to see you around the site & i also hope you find it a great help to you. I know i do.
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Rainbowmummy,

    Welcome to the site (you too Janey). I just wonder if you could get a different combination of pain killers? I got oa in my neck years back and it deteriorated quite a lot in the last 3 years and mine is now 'under control' to a large degree. There are so many combinations of tablets and some do make you feel doped and some are better at letting you feel like you. I take diclo's for inflammation and then pregabalin and tramadol. Has your neck been really looked at? Mind didn't really reveal how bad it was till it had an MRI. Now its under the pain clinic and that has really helped. I hope yo can find something that works for you. take care Cris
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    A big welcome from me too.

    We all support one another on here, advise and help.

    We also like to go to CChat, where we relax and tend to have some fun too.

    I hope to see you posting soon

    Take Care

    Trisher xx
  • rainbowmummy
    rainbowmummy Member Posts: 13
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning and OWWWW!

    Right at the moment, I'm on diclofenac for the inflammation, and co-drydramol for the pain.

    I have to be careful with pain meds, a few years ago I developed a slight issue with tramadol! I've been fine for 4 years but the docs are still wary.

    I've suffered with pains in my legs for nearly 23 years. I had an MRI, I have a curve in the top of my spine (my neck basically) and they've wanted to operate for a while. Obviously there was no OA at this point, and I refused the op because I had a baby and they couldn't guarantee me that my legs wouldn't get worse after the op.
    I feel quite stupid now that I may have brought this on myself. I'm taking my daughter for her swine flu/seasonal flu jabs today so will speak to the chemist.

    Hope your all well today
  • zechariah
    zechariah Member Posts: 222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    i am on Butrans patches, they are great!
  • rainbowmummy
    rainbowmummy Member Posts: 13
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well chemist said there's nothing stronger they can give me without a prescription that won't make me drowsy!

    Hopefully work will be closed tomorrow due to the weather and I can keep warm and relax at home.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,149
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Rainbow
    Sorry you are in pain, but very pleased to meet you :D
    Just want to reiterate one of Debs' points (minky) which is to take the pain killers regularly if you can - you need to keep AHEAD of the pain - if that makes sense. If the so-dyds make you spacey then you can buy co-cos at a lower dose (8mg codeine) which might be better if you can at least take them regularly with the anti inflams.
    Heat is good - those ones you have tried do help a little don't they and the wheaties can be good. Tens too. All of theses put together can help a lot.
    Your neck is such a painful place as most of what we do affects it eh?
    Well good luck and hope to see you around the site
    Toni x
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Rainbow ( I love those),

    I really think the best thing for you would maybe to go back to your gp and see if you can get a different combination. I also wonder if seeing the pain clinic could help you? Might be worth talking to your gp about it or your consultant if you have one? I find neck pain is a 'funny' one to control. Mine was brought to hell via the pain clinic and pregabalin. The pregabalin didn't make me drowsy but it did make me slightly high for a bit, still can on 3 but its a case of you adjust to them and well I rally hope you can find some relief. Cris x
  • rainbowmummy
    rainbowmummy Member Posts: 13
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks guys,

    I was only diagnosed on Monday so it's all very new. I'm waiting on referrals and stuff at the moment. Think a TENS machine might be worth a try, so will find one of those and go grab it.

    Hoping work is closed again tomorrow with the weather, the inspection is taking place right now! Gonna tidy up, take some more pain killers and then play some games with my daughter. I never thought about keeping ahead of the pain, but that makes sense. Think I might give syndol a go, they make me slightly less drowsy, and I take them for most pains I've had!

    Chemist were no good to me, but if I'm off work tomorrow then I'll book in with GP and ask them about pain relief that actually works. Also I was only given 5 days of diclofenac, so I'd like some more of them!

    Is there anything I shouldn't ask the GP for? My GP has a habit of fobbing me off everytime I go so would like to be prepared.
  • brownowl
    brownowl Member Posts: 6
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi everyone
    is anyone else struggling with pain contgrol in this freezing weather i cant seem to get mine under control i have arthritus all in my spine, hands, ankles , knees and hypermobile hips as well i take ecoxobib and co-dydromol but i cant seem to get a balance right at night when i get to bed my hips and hands are very painfull i also use those stick on pain heat patched which i think are great but dont last all night any idears anyone.

    brownowl x
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Brownowl,

    Welcome to the site, they are a lovely lot here and I hope you find it as useful as I have. I wonder if its a good idea for you to se about a different combination to help with the pain better? May be worth seeing your gp again and talk to them. I really hope things get better for you soon. Oh the cold weather..... I don't think it helps when its this cold. Lets hop for warmer days and better night. Take care Cris
  • lifeisadream
    lifeisadream Member Posts: 27
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning and OWWWW!

    Right at the moment, I'm on diclofenac for the inflammation, and co-drydramol for the pain.

    Hope your all well today

    Sorry to butt in, a question on anti-inflammatory drugs, what do you all find effective.

    I have taken Ibuprofen for my OA shoulder pain and found it t be effective. But it gives me stomach pain after 4 to 5 days.

    I am on 30/500 Co-Codamol and Tramadol for pain but buy the Ibuprofen "over the counter"

  • brownowl
    brownowl Member Posts: 6
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    skezier wrote:
    Hi Brownowl,

    Welcome to the site, they are a lovely lot here and I hope you find it as useful as I have. I wonder if its a good idea for you to se about a different combination to help with the pain better? May be worth seeing your gp again and talk to them. I really hope things get better for you soon. Oh the cold weather..... I don't think it helps when its this cold. Lets hop for warmer days and better night. Take care Cris

    hi thanks for the reply,
    i am very new to all this on a laptop so forgive me if i get it wrong, I am going to see the rhumatologist next monday for my second visit I got my results by letter so he will hopefully explain them all to me i have had six weeks of physio which unfortunalty diddnt do any good i will talk to the dr about pain meds for the night time, my daughter has been diagnoised with ellos danlos syndrome and she is on a medication that you get for depression but it seems to work for her so i might ask for that but i am a diabetic and have a heart problem and reflux as well so i am limited to what he can give me but fingers crossed for me xxx helen
  • salsal
    salsal Member Posts: 49
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi rainbowmummy
    firstly if you are not already i would get refered to a specialist at the hospital for investigation and treatment. if you already are under one ring their secretary for an immediate appt. Tell your gp and specialist that the pain limits your ability to live a normal life and care for your children. its very hard to get taken seriously when youre young which is grossly unfair.
    very difficult with young children to follow some of the great advice you have been given but try to pace your self, take time out for you and ask for help if you have a partner/family
    you may find a change in nsaid (your dicclofenic) may work better than changing your painkiller or ask if a steroid injection could help you either locally in to the area or a general one.
    experiment with cold packs and heat packs as to what is best for you also if its your neck you could try supporting it with a scarf.
    hope you get some relief soon xx