What was yesterday's traffic like?

katekelly Member Posts: 975
edited 13. Jan 2010, 06:54 in Community Chit-chat archive
I don't know whether it was the same where some of you live but yesterday the traffic was dire in Rugby.

Left home at 8.25 am to get Uber-cool Ellie to her AS exam for 9am. Her school is 3 miles away. Everything seemed fine until we were approximately 2 miles away when chaos reigned!!!

The road was grid locked so I thought I'd be a smart **** and cut through a housing estate. Big mistake that was grid locked through the estate and into the village. At 8.45am I rang Ellies school explaining there was a traffic problem. They told us there had been an accident at a junction near to the school but not to worry as a lot of girls had rung in with the same problem and that she could go in up to an hour late. Rang younger one's school. Explained where we were what was happening - no problem so far dozens of calls from parents saying same thing. Also that there had been an accident at 'Sainsbury's roundabout'. Rang work saying that I was going to be late and was told there was an accident on A14 and one in Dunchurch and rumours of one on Ashlawn road.

Eventually got uber-cool Ellie to exam at 9.15am and she was allowed to take it. Got little one and her friend (who I take to school mondays and fridays) into their school at 9.25am. Very sorry and all that !!!! Got back into my car to see a lady looking at hers in tears because she had slid into a kerb and ripped off the 'underskirting' off it. Hit the traffic and eventually got into work at 9.55am. It took me an hour and a half to drive less than 5 miles in total! How ridiculous is that???

So was it just Rugby or was it the weather or was it an unknown phenomenom that happens only when the big freeze starts to thaw???


Oh and just to lighten the mood -a car went into the new car park of the 'Temple of Doom' ( the above ground carpark that is!) and although I have heard 2 different versions the outcome was the same.... The driver couldn't stop and went through the plate glass window straight into where the checkouts are and the store had to be evacuated!!! I don't think anyone was seriously hurt thank goodness but I wonder if A**A use their own insurance services???? I've heard of door to door delivery but that's ridiculous!!!


  • kazpaz
    kazpaz Bots Posts: 103
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Kate

    Happy new year.

    Well Norwich was quiet. Nick had a GCSE at 9am and he got to school with my husband without any trouble.

    You live in the wrong place!

    Hope life is treating you well otherwise.

    Kaz xx
  • ninakang
    ninakang Member Posts: 1,367
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh my god Kate! You must have been very stressed that morning! Derby was OK yesterday but I got to work for 7:30 and hubby walked the kids to school as he was on a late shift.

    I remember driving to the hospital in Nottingham years ago for a pre op appointment. I thought I'd left plenty of time to get there but got stuck in traffic and was an hour late - I hate being late. I was also desperate for a wee (sorry). When I finally got in, I had to SPRINT to the toilets first then the appointment :-)

    When the nurse took my blood pressure, she said "Your blood pressure seems to be a little high, Mrs Kang, it's not usually like that" to which I replied "I'm not bloody surprised, the morning I've had!"

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,142
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Kate!!
    good to hear from you :D:D:D
    Don't thibk I will venture over to Rugby just yet then!
    Yesterday was the only day I drove! I was ok :) Had to go to the leisure centre with school because Lucy has epilepsy and i have to stand guard! :wink:
    Today however is a diferent matter all together! It's come don like mad and tomorrow my two 14/15 yrolds have an exam at 9 am at least they can walk from here :wink:
    Glad Ellie did hers :)
    Well you take care
    Toni xx
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    good lord , day from hell or wot ! :shock:

    No No No Pixy!, not hell the flippin arctic a day from the artic, oh good god do I have to spell out the contradictions here or wot!, wibble!!??~~&%$*?? :? :roll: :wink: