Jumpy Legs

woodbine Member Posts: 140
edited 20. Jan 2010, 12:37 in Living with Arthritis archive

Does anyone else suffere from jumpy, restless legs in the evening/ at night, and have you got any suggestions for dealing with them? Mine tend to jump and twitch when I sit down for any length of time in the evening, and sometimes when I'm asleep, both of which are quite annoying for me - not to mention my hubby who gets kicked! :oops: :lol:

They run strongly in my family - my cousin's partner won't share a bed with him because he kicks her so hard! - but when my OA is bad in my spine they get much worse, so I think that it may be connested somehow too.
Any suggestions please?

PS I'm so grateful to have found this board - it's great to have somewhere to go for helpful suggestions, and also to 'talk' to people who know what it's like coming to terms with a diagnosis, living with arthritis and other peoples reactions, and wondering what the future holds (I was 39 when diagnosed, and it's spreading to lots of joints!). Thanks everyone :)


  • kathbee
    kathbee Member Posts: 934
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    Perhaps you have Restless Legs Syndrome which
    I believe is a 'proper' ailment.

    Think I saw that there is some meds that can help
    so maybe your doc's advice would be welcome at
    this point.

  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Naomi

    I have RSS and it drive me mad :lol: :x :roll: You have my sympathy!

    Sometimes much worse than other times. So, for me, no rhyme or reason - just when "it" feels like it :roll:

    If sitting, in the evening and it "starts", I have to get up and walk around. When in bed, too, I also have to get up, walk around, have something to eat, heat up a wheat bag in the microwave and when I go back, usually I fall asleep.

    I have never taken any meds for it but I have a feeling there may be something that can be prescribed but don't quote me on that one!!

    You have my sympathies. My right leg sometimes "jumps on it's own" when sitting or lying which is a little disconcerting at times. I am hoping that when I have my right TKR shortly that will stop. I can but hope!!

    For me, just another thing to put up with, along with a smile :roll: :)

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,057
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sue
    I think there is a mnedication you can have for this....ask your GP Sue :wink:
    You need your sleep and your hubby needs his :wink:
    Toni x
  • barbara01
    barbara01 Member Posts: 85
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    I get restless leg syndrome when my ferritin levels are low, I take iron supplement 200mg twice a day and it settles down after a few weeks.

    Barbara xx
  • wibberley
    wibberley Member Posts: 421
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I've had restless feet and legs - seems to be worse if I've been on the go a lot - xmas shopping for example!

    Seems to have got better since I started taking iron tablets, however I've woken myself up a few times with my fingers trying to make a fist - boy does it hurt and not the best way to start the day!

    Lois x
  • madeleine
    madeleine Member Posts: 2
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi All,

    I was just reading up about arthritis as my partner has just been diagnosed with it. Still early stages and are waiting for results from the doctor. This is how I came about reading about your restless legs. I am a longtime sufferer and so is my sister and my late father.
    Here are a couple of things you might want to try:

    Just before going to bed have a real hot bath or put the shower on your legs. The hotter, the better. This relaxes the muscles. Go straight to bed. ( bath is best)

    From a healthstore : New Era No8. These are homeopathic pills and you can take up to 4 at the time, every half hour. Don't touch them with your hands but shake them into the lid and then in your mouth. Let them disolve under the tong. They still are helping my sister. As they are homeopathic, they won't interfere with your other drugs.

    Do leg stretches.

    There are websites with forums about RLS. It is often difficult to be diagnosed as doctors don't know a lot about it. I have a great GP and so I printed off a lot of info about it and pushed it under his nose and told him to do his homework !! LOL. He did and is a great support. Because of me he has now been able to diagnose and help other people. Great stuff.

    Hope this will help.

    Good luck

  • woodbine
    woodbine Member Posts: 140
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks for your sugestions and sympathy everyone :)

    I'll try to find one of those websites!
  • madeleine
    madeleine Member Posts: 2
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    one of the websites is http://www.rls.org/Page.aspx?pid=471

  • bailey27
    bailey27 Member Posts: 689
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I ws told I had this and was given tablets from the doctor They didnt really help a great deal so stopped taking them. I was advised to drink tonic water and it seemed to help jsut as much as the tabs. It stopped on its own after a while, but reading these posts I was put on ferrous sulphate (iron tablets) and havent had it since.