I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in toes.......

airwave Member Posts: 579
edited 23. Jan 2010, 17:42 in Living with Arthritis archive
I have OA all over from toes to my jaw and everywhere in-between, what painkillers do others use for OA?

I'm on 8X500mg Co-Dydramol which doesn't touch the sides, quite good at making me fall asleep though! I need a sympathetic drug, they seem to affect me easily, stomach, dehydration etc.

Any suggestions on what to ask for?

8) Its a grin, honest!


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,057
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Airwave
    Glad the grin is still there :wink:
    You on the 8mg codeine?? The docs can presribe co- cos v similar with 30mg codeine?? They might makje you a bit out of your tree till you get used to em, but won't upset the stomach....
    Good luck

    (love it all around me, and so the feeling goes :wink: )
    Toni xx
  • woodbine
    woodbine Member Posts: 140
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Airwave. Just wanted to say that I have OA all over the place too, and the stronger (30) coedine seems to work quite well for me. I take the lower dose tablets when things aren't too bad, and the stronger ones when necessary. The only two side effects I've noticed are a dry mouth - you may need extra cuppas - and that they tend to make me a bit constipated (well I tried to think of a euphemism, but why not be direct :lol: ). if I take them for many days on the run. Your Gp can give you somehting to take with them if this becomes a problem.

  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Airwave,

    Sorry your having this one. I used to everyday and well I do know how hard it gets and how horrible it feels.

    I found the Co-Dydramol didn't do much except as you say make me sleep but I now still take the diclo's and have Tramadol and pregabalin. The pregabalin honestly gave me back so much I thought I could never do again.

    Its very good at stopping nerve pain. If I remember rightly you got a lot of neck and back problems? Mine were given me specifically for that. Its the up grade of gabapentin and my Rumo says far superior but I know a lot of people have the gabs and say they work, some found they didn't.

    I also wonder have you been referred to the pain clinic? I know again not everyone gets the help they need and deserve but my pain clinic doctor is so good and has bent over backwards to keep me going.

    I really hope you will find something and its nice to see you and your smile but I wish it wasn't cus your in pain. Cris x
  • denpen
    denpen Member Posts: 389
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Airwave
    Like you I have OA everywhere from Jaw to feet.
    I used to take 30/500 co-codamol but they stopped working.
    Now I take Tramadol all the time top them up when necessary with paracetamol and flare ups "LIKE NOW" Naproxen as well.
    18 tablets a day seems to take the edge off it I find.
  • countessheather
    countessheather Member Posts: 114
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord...
    Sorry for the pun airwave, just having a phil colllins moment!
    Started with co-dydramol, then tramadol and oramorph for break through, so how about Oxycodone? Its good on the tum and you wont feel your bum, if like me you have sciatica :D or if you also have arthur and fibro. I would ask to see a `pain clinic' specialist if you are having on-going problems that your GP is struggeling with, as they are only licenced for `some' of the drugs that a speicalist has in thier arsenal. No, jacket required....full metal or otherewise! :lol: