
ph1940 Member Posts: 12
edited 23. Jan 2010, 10:04 in Community Chit-chat archive
Hi everyone
I am newly diagnosed with osteo and rheumatoid arthritis in my hands and fingers. I am waiting to see a rheumatologist and am having no treatment as yet. My symptoms have only come on in the last 6 weeks and I can no longer grip a golf club well enough to play reasonablywell.
I realise this is only a trivial problem compared to many arthritis sufferers but I would be interested to hear from other golfers any suggestions as to how they may have overcome this problem.


  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    sorry do not play. but it is not trivial as it affects you and that not good but once they find some meds that work for u things should be better. some one who knows what they r talking about will be along good luck hope u back on golf couse soon
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 21. Jan 2010, 08:39
    Hi ph41 as val said it's not trivial if you can't do the things you love, trust me bin there got the flippin T shirt.
    Can't help you on golf my hobbies were RC aircraft and shooting, both have been effeted by my OA, I still fly models but I can only go on days when it's not to bad, I hope someone can advise you on golf dude, bound to be a golfer on here somewhere! :D

    Now who was it said a good walk spoiled?, was it Churchill or Mark twain??? :lol:
  • ph1940
    ph1940 Member Posts: 12
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    valval wrote:
    sorry do not play. but it is not trivial as it affects you and that not good but once they find some meds that work for u things should be better. some one who knows what they r talking about will be along good luck hope u back on golf couse soon

    Thanks for the reply and the encouraging words
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,159
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Ph
    I don't play either, but was trying to think of the problem as you would any other problem we have... would it help to get lighter clubs (probably shows how ignorant i am :oops: ) or to modify your handles like you might do a walking stick or something like that. Maybe with foam round them...

    Maybe you can google golf clubs for people with arthritis???

    Nothing worse than loosing your hobbies. Golf is such good exercise I beleive.

    Take care
    Toni x
  • ph1940
    ph1940 Member Posts: 12
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    frogmorton wrote:
    Hi Ph
    I don't play either, but was trying to think of the problem as you would any other problem we have... would it help to get lighter clubs (probably shows how ignorant i am :oops: ) or to modify your handles like you might do a walking stick or something like that. Maybe with foam round them...

    Maybe you can google golf clubs for people with arthritis???

    Nothing worse than loosing your hobbies. Golf is such good exercise I beleive.

    Take care
    Toni x

    Hi Toni
    Thanks for the reply. I think both suggestions are helpful. I have played golf quite competitively for over 40 years and would hate not to be able to play. It is a great game played in very pleasant surroundings and usually with very nice people.
    Thanks again
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh have you ever tried chilli cream for the pain?,I use it on my knees and it does help a bit, better than taking loads of pain killers.
  • ph1940
    ph1940 Member Posts: 12
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    mellman01 wrote:
    Oh have you ever tried chilli cream for the pain?,I use it on my knees and it does help a bit, better than taking loads of pain killers.

    Thanks for the response. I am prepared to give anything a try.
    Best wishes
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,159
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Toni
    Thanks for the reply. I think both suggestions are helpful. I have played golf quite competitively for over 40 years and would hate not to be able to play. It is a great game played in very pleasant surroundings and usually with very nice people.
    Thanks again
    Pleasure Peter
    hope you can solve the problem. Especially as you are obviously 'good' at it - it would be awful not to be able to play.
    Take care
    Toni x
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi PH

    I'm no golfer. I do have arthur in my hands though, and know how debilitating it can become.

    After you start treatment, you may find that you can hold a golf club again in time

    Your Docs may send you to see a Hand Therapist. They might measure what range you have at first, then give you excercises to do 3 times a day or so.

    Doing this may, enable you to make a fist again. It may take time to do this but the Therapist will measure your range to see how you are progressing. You could be given splints to wear, like a lot od us have.

    You cannot rush your treatment, everybody is different, some get there quicker than others, it is not you fault it is how our body responds.

    I hope it all goes well for you.
    Trisher x
  • ph1940
    ph1940 Member Posts: 12
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    mellman01 wrote:
    Hi ph41 as val said it's not trivial if you can't do the things you love, trust me bin there got the flippin T shirt.
    Can't help you on golf my hobbies were RC aircraft and shooting, both have been effeted by my OA, I still fly models but I can only go on days when it's not to bad, I hope someone can advise you on golf dude, bound to be a golfer on here somewhere! :D

    Now who was it said a good walk spoiled?, was it Churchill or Mark twain??? :lol:

    Hi mellman01
    Thanks for the reply.
    I only joined this forum today and feel better already because of the positive responses from everyone
  • ph1940
    ph1940 Member Posts: 12
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    trisher wrote:
    Hi PH

    I'm no golfer. I do have arthur in my hands though, and know how debilitating it can become.

    After you start treatment, you may find that you can hold a golf club again in time

    Your Docs may send you to see a Hand Therapist. They might measure what range you have at first, then give you excercises to do 3 times a day or so.

    Doing this may, enable you to make a fist again. It may take time to do this but the Therapist will measure your range to see how you are progressing. You could be given splints to wear, like a lot od us have.

    Hi Trisher
    Thanks for the reply.
    I shall certainly ask my GP and/or the Rheumatologist (when I see one) about the benefits of seeing a hand therapist.

    You cannot rush your treatment, everybody is different, some get there quicker than others, it is not you fault it is how our body responds.

    I hope it all goes well for you.
    Trisher x
  • moonseed
    moonseed Member Posts: 289
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    mellman01 wrote:
    Oh have you ever tried chilli cream for the pain?,I use it on my knees and it does help a bit, better than taking loads of pain killers.

    What on earth is chilli cream? Do you buy it somewhere or make it yourself. Sounds interesting.
  • annie_mial
    annie_mial Member Posts: 5,614
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've used it for many years, you can get it on prescription now. Literally has chillis in it, the heat helps the pain. It does burn a bit till you get used to it, but it works for me.

  • bobbid
    bobbid Member Posts: 85
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I am afraid I don't play golf but my passion was athletics until Arthur put an end to it. So I sympathise very much with your predicament. I hope you manage to find some treatment which will improve your situation. I am now in the position of looking for alternative sporting hobbies which I could take part in regardless of A.
    Good luck, Bobbi D
  • ph1940
    ph1940 Member Posts: 12
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    bobbid wrote:
    I am afraid I don't play golf but my passion was athletics until Arthur put an end to it. So I sympathise very much with your predicament. I hope you manage to find some treatment which will improve your situation. I am now in the position of looking for alternative sporting hobbies which I could take part in regardless of A.
    Good luck, Bobbi D

    Hi Bobbi D
    Thanks for the message. It is early days for me so I am hoping for the best. Best of luck in your search
  • chile168
    chile168 Member Posts: 384
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Ph,

    I don't play golf either although I used to enjoy going to the driving range. I like dancing, SALSA mainly and for obvious reasons cannot do it so on that level I understand what is like to want to do something you really enjoy and find you can't or cannot do it as well.

    Hope you can get the advise from other golfers in the same position and support from all us sufferers.

    Take care
    Eve x
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    No probs ph1940 anytime dude,mind you my mind is working overtime trying to figure out what bobbi D has in mind! :oops:
  • ph1940
    ph1940 Member Posts: 12
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    chile168 wrote:
    Hi Ph,

    I don't play golf either although I used to enjoy going to the driving range. I like dancing, SALSA mainly and for obvious reasons cannot do it so on that level I understand what is like to want to do something you really enjoy and find you can't or cannot do it as well.

    Hope you can get the advise from other golfers in the same position and support from all us sufferers.

    Take care
    Eve x

    Hi Eve
    Thanks for the support. I think I am lucky in having a GP who is trying her best to help and is hopeful I shall be able to continue playing golf. I am sure there are many sufferers out there who also play golf and I welcome their advice.
    Best wishes