neck problems

valval Member Posts: 14,911
edited 23. Jan 2010, 02:35 in Living with Arthritis archive
hi been having physio on my neck she did not really hurt me BUT since then have been feeling awfull . can not think straight like i am on something strong lol. every thing so much effort neck although not awfull is uncomfy. keep typing wrong letters ,words all back to front. has any one else had this. i phoned physio and she said some people get this though did not discribe it very well as head was all over the place. it could take 24/48 hours to get over it lol. but why do i feel like this could understand if was in loads of pain then feeling would make sence but seeing as not why ???? help


  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Val,

    necks are odd things and can do a whole range of strange feelings at times. If it doesn't settle by monday maybe you could see your doctor? I hope it does soon settle and well maybe physio isn't helping at the mo? Cris x
  • minky67
    minky67 Member Posts: 2,328
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Val. I had physio on my neck before i was dx with OA.
    Its not a good idea to mess around with necks when they dont know whats wrong.
    Mine tried Tens,massage,some thing that caused massive pins & needles & spasms(ultra something),When he tried the manipulation he put me out of action for weeks.
    When i went again he refered me back to my GP says he cant help me any further.
    Report said''did not respond to treatment''Turned out i have Fibromyalgia,which affects muscles,tendons & ligaments,CFS,IBS,on top of the OA.
    Im now under the pain clinic awaiting acupuncture & injections into the neck under xray.
    If you feel treatment isnt helping you can refuse it & go back to GP or rhymy.
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    Don't leave it will you? See your doctor, maybe you need some other treatment.

    Just wondered if anyone has said about a soft collar, see if that helps you, but your doctor is the one to see Val, he knows your medical history.

    If he cannot do anything then ring rheumy, ask them.

    I was under a pain clinic and I had acupuncture and it did help a lot.

    love Trish xxx
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    thanks all it bit better never felt like that with out being very drunk u know when you go to do something and your co- ordination not there and your thoughts not straight if was in loads of pain would have understood but she was very carefull and do want to get normal use back in right hand can not lift or do anything takes lots of effort with it as it starts to shake. my fault should have gone hospital when fell but did not feel like hanging around a and e all morning just wanted to lie down lol. thankyou all for your posts she phoneing me tue (when she in work) but did tell me not to leave it if felt any worse so will see how it goes .