C-Reactive Protein advice please

maud48 Member Posts: 170
edited 30. Jan 2010, 08:50 in Living with Arthritis archive
My GP has been treating me for OA and there has been some concern for a long time as to whether I actually have inflammatory arthritis.
I eventually persuaded her to do some blood tests and the results for C-Reactive Protein were 7.8. I understand this is high from looking on the internet but what I don't know is how high.
If anyone could let me know what sort of level this is and how high these readings can go in inflammatory arthritis I'll be really greatful.
I can't get an appointment with the GP for over 2 weeks and I'm afraid she'll just fob me off again so would really like as much information as I can get before I go.
Thanks a lot,


  • janie68
    janie68 Member Posts: 1,186
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi maud

    I'm not sure that your result is high, as Lynn says below 5 is norma and yours is just over thatl, did you have ESR done as well as that is an inflammatory marker too. My highest has been I think( CCP) 21 but ESR 74.

    The internet can tell you lots of things but the best people to ask are the health professionals, do you have a rheumy at all? If not then ask your GP when you next see them.

  • lizzie7ne
    lizzie7ne Member Posts: 154
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, I think the norm is about 5 but it varies from person to person and I think something like a recent infection or virus can send it up as well as arthritis. I have RA, my readings vary, last month they were 4, during the first year of my diagnosis they were about 80 each month and during a huge flare they peaked to 292. I think I would speak to your GP and ask if he will repeat the test again to see if things have improved.

  • babette
    babette Member Posts: 128
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Maud

    My Doc checked my CRP during the process of getting an OA diagnosis. It was just over 5 (5.6 I think) he told me that that was a little above normal and not high at all and that I shouldn't worry about it unless it hit double figures.

    B x
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    the test 'norms' do tend to very from area to area I find, so what one of us is told may not be what others are told.

    I know that I was told that for the CRP it would be an aim to get it between 2-5, but that up to 8 was ok-ish.

    My GP used to do the ESR test as well, but in this area that test has been replaced by the plasma viscosity test (PV) which has a very small window of what is 'normal' and I never have been :lol::lol:

    sorry not to be more help but ask your practice nurse or GP and they are usually very happy to explain
  • maud48
    maud48 Member Posts: 170
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you so much everyone who replied to me. It’s really helpful, to have this information before I see my GP.
    I'm pretty sure I have OA as have all the signs of it but sometimes get flare ups which are a bit different. Other joints in my body which are not affected by OA, become very painful and also painful to touch which the OA ones aren’t. I also feel really tired and knocked out as if I have flu.
    My GP has been saying for ages maybe I also have PA. I've had psoriasis for 57 years and have bad pitting and separating of my nails.
    I'm not sure how these tests work for PA and I know my readings aren't very high but presumably they show some inflammation. I'm not sure if the fact that I'm taking strong anti-inflammatories would affect the results, also I wasn't having a flare up when they were done.
    Perhaps I'm being a bit neurotic but I'd really like to know what I have. My GP doesn't seem to think it matters as she says the treatment for OA and PA is the same. I'll see how I get on when I see her and am thinking of seeing a consultant privately if I don’t feel I get anywhere.