new person

dodgyback Member Posts: 11
edited 1. Feb 2010, 09:48 in Say Hello Archive
Hi All

I had a back problem last year and ended up in A&E and after lots of hassle I have been diagnosed with osteo arthritis of the spine + prolapsed & herniated disc + 2 discs impinging on nerves,L4,L5 & S1 my work will finish my sick pay in about a month and they asked if I would like to leave if something could be "arranged" I said no thanks if I cannot work I want to go under sickness retirement, I have the Union to back me up, I asked my GP if I am going to end up disabled he said no but I would be in constant pain and he would not like to be in that level of pain.

Well that made me feel good, I am waiting for my referral to the pain management clinic to come through and they have told me that surgery is not an option, they have not said why, I am having a few urinary problems, living on Tramadol, Co-Codamol, Diazepam and Ibuprofen, thats about it, oh they also said I have a worn out back and I am 45, getting to know the day time TV schedules backwards and feeling well not brilliant, I had a mental breakdown in the late 90's so wreck really.

Anyway any advice welcome, I have just completed DLA form and ordered a walking stick, to be honest I can only just cope with walking round the supermarket by leaning on trolley, is it difficult to get a "blue badge" as more than 50 yrds and I am looking for a wall or trolley to lean on.

thanks for listening


  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Just to say a big welcome to this forum, I have OA in multiple joints, so I know a bit of what you are going through,it is not hard to get a blue badge, I got my DLA first, then applied to my council for my badge and got it know trouble.
    People on here are very supportive, and friendly, you can have a moan , ask questions or have a laugh, hope to see you posting soon.
    Take Care
    Love Barbara xx
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    A big welcome from me too.

    We all try to support one another. If you are felling down, tell us, if you need to ask questions, ask us.

    We also like to have a bit of a laugh, we do that on the CChat Forum, you are welcome to come on there as well.

    I hope things are sorted out for you and you get that Pain Clinic as quick as possible.

    Hope to see you posting soon

    Trisher xx
  • countessheather
    countessheather Member Posts: 114
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    You are (as barbara said )entilteld to a blue badge, but the councils issue this when general only when you have been granted DLA. It is normal to have your first application refused for DLA but dont give up - you should have a `specailist disabilty advisor/ officer working in your regional council who will come out to your home and help you appeal and advise you on how to do it correctly to get results. In the rare occation that the appeal fails, they will help you go to a tribunal.
    You can go to your regional councils website and fill in an applicaiton form on line and say that you are waiting to hear from the appeal regaurdless and then, when you do get the DLA they will deal with this swiftly. You will also be entitled to be road tax exempt for either a car you drive or for someone else who will drive you in their vehical. Hello and welcome, Heatherxx
  • dodgyback
    dodgyback Member Posts: 11
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you for your warm welcome to the forum, I must admit I am a bit perturbed about the DLA being refused as a mater of course, thanks for advice on blue badge, I am finding the simple things so infuriating I accept that I cannot do the big things but trying to do the little things, sorry don't mean to winge.

    thanks again

    dodgy back
  • chile168
    chile168 Member Posts: 384
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Dodgy back,

    First of all wanted to express a warm welcome :)

    Sorry to hear you are having problems with DLA but don't give up, I went through appeals and finally got it.

    Blue Badge, I applied even when I had not yet been awarded High Rate Mobility (at the time). I called the council and they gave me a number to contact. I filled in the form and sent it together with copies of letters from doctors to support it. I was lucky and awarded the badge. Guess what Im trying to say is - Don't give up. My GP didn't want to support my application at the time but all the same, I applied and send letters from rheumy.

    Take care xxxx
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi dodgyback!

    a warm welcome from me too!

    you don't ever need to apologise for 'whinging' on this forum..we all have a need to let off steam from time to time or just to share how things are for us on a bad one judges you and everyone will support you!
    from what you've posted about yourself sounds to me as though you are having a rough time of it..hope you can get things sorted out with DLA etc...and that you get the right meds to ease your pain.

    take care. Iris x
  • countessheather
    countessheather Member Posts: 114
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Dodgyback, you will find a `Welfare Rights Officer' at your regional city council within the area that you live. It is they that will come out to you and help you fight an appeal and they will help wth ALL the forms and they will also keep a record and contact them on your behalf. I had a wonderfull lady called Kerry from shrewsbury. I had applied once before and was turned down 2 years before hand. She came out and filled in the form as it was difficult for me. And they act as an `independant' witness at the same time. DLA is if I remember correctly, comes from Warbreck House in Blackpool in my area and It could be different for your area eg. ESA for my area is Birmingham, in Oxfordshire its sent to Cosham in Kent.
    The Welfare Rights Officer will ensure that you will recieve any `back payments' owed - no pun intended. I have thought In getting the Welfare Officer involved with my ESA when that comes back `nul point'. BUT, I have also been reading other people who have had thier ` renual' for DLA regected - again ANYONE WHO IS DUE TO RE-APPLY FOR DLA CONTACT YOUR AREA `WELFARE RIGHTS OFFICER' AT YOUR REGIONAL COUNCIL` and dont leave it to chance! Heahtrerxx
  • countessheather
    countessheather Member Posts: 114
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    ALSO PEOPLE - it was KERRY WHO TOLD ME THAT DLA IS REGECTED AS A MATTER OF COURSE! I was Green as Grass untill then, Im learning faster now.H xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,137
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Dodgy

    Very pleased to meet you :):)

    Why won't 'they' do surgery?? I thought having urinary probelms should mean the actively consider it????

    I had back surgery about 6 years ago and do still have some pain but nothing like before....have you seen an orthopaedic surgen type person???

    Oh yes good luck with the DLA :)

    Toni xx