do you take MTX as well as biological treatments?

Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
edited 6. Feb 2010, 18:42 in Living with Arthritis archive

just trying to get my facts straight for my decision-making regarding future treatment.

Have read on the NICE documentation that adalimumab, etanercept & infliximab are usually given AS WELL AS MTX.

I had thought that one of these would replace the MTX - have any of you moved from MTX & Leflunomide combo onto biological drugs and did you keep just the MTX, both MTX & leflunomide, or did you not keep on with MTX?

just wondered what seems to be people's experiences ....... it's so confusing!!!!



  • scattered
    scattered Member Posts: 326
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I take Humira and MTX. I also take hydroxychloroquine and prednisolone. Befoe I went onto injectionable MTX I was on azathioprine.

    If you can, they like you to be on MTX as well as an anti-TNF. If for any reason you can't take MTX (I couldn't take the tablets and injections weren't available) then you get another DMARD and the Anti-TNF. I take 2 DMARDs and an anti-TNF. It may be that they keep you on both the MTX and the leflunomide if neither upset you and they are both doing something.
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Wonky,

    Can't help you but just dropping you in a big ((((((( ))))))) and hope it will all make sense to you...... Me I know I'm heading for at least an add in so I shall keep watching to see if I can understand any of it actually :wink: Luv Cris, oh and even here he sends his very best behaved slurps........ xx
  • rb1234
    rb1234 Member Posts: 24
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I take Enbrel and MTX together. Before that i took inflixamab and MTX. I thought they preferred it if you continued taking MTX if you can tolerate it. I don't think you have to though. The good news is my MTX dose is much lower now than it was when i took it on its own without anti TNF.

    Good luck with your decision!
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 3. Feb 2010, 17:56
    thanks a lot

    it is tough knowing what to do for the best, but I am definitely going to need to increase the MTX from 15mg to 17.5mg, but we know that any higher won't work with the Leflunomide, but it is helping more than the higher dose of MTX on its own.

    hence the need to add in something else it seems,

    I just hadn't realised that they would want to continue the MTX, but in a way that makes my decision easier .... I'd opt for an injection rather than an infusion as I would already be going for an injection at the surgery anyway, as my practice nurse does the MTX injection for me as I wimped out a while ago!

    Just wondering .... can you take the MTX & the anti-tnf drugs on the same day if you injecting both? Might have to do one myself if not!

    thanks again
  • scattered
    scattered Member Posts: 326
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yes you can inject on the same day. My Humira goes into my thigh every two weeks and the MTX goes into my tummy every week. Not had any problems yet!

    I think it's just like taking a handful pill at breakfast.
  • poppy30
    poppy30 Member Posts: 67
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I tried to replace mtx with Humira a few years ago as I didn't like the thought of taking too many meds. :shock:
    I found that for me mtx didn't work on it's own and the Humira had no effect on its own either. :x However, when I took them both my joints significantly improved within a couple of months. :D My specialist nurse told me that the anti TNFs tend to work better with mtx.

    Poppy x
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    poppy30 wrote:
    I tried to replace mtx with Humira a few years ago as I didn't like the thought of taking too many meds. :shock:
    I found that for me mtx didn't work on it's own and the Humira had no effect on its own either. :x However, when I took them both my joints significantly improved within a couple of months. :D My specialist nurse told me that the anti TNFs tend to work better with mtx.

    Poppy x

    HI POppy & Scattered,

    thanks to you both for such positive news :D:D:D

    I am starting to feel that it is not such a bad thing that I might need to add these in ....... I know that I am lucky to be given the opportunity ... others in the past didn't have the choices of meds that we do have today.

    Been to see OT today and feeling soooooooooooooooo positive for a change :D:D:D:D

    thanks a lot
  • janie68
    janie68 Member Posts: 1,186
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I take enbrel as well as mtx both injections, I was also told that the anti=tnf works better with mtx thrown in. I have another DMARD, sulphasalazine, pred and painkillers. Have had it since October, but I don't think it's working.

  • bevman
    bevman Member Posts: 107
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Wonkylegs wrote:

    just trying to get my facts straight for my decision-making regarding future treatment.

    Have read on the NICE documentation that adalimumab, etanercept & infliximab are usually given AS WELL AS MTX.

    I had thought that one of these would replace the MTX - have any of you moved from MTX & Leflunomide combo onto biological drugs and did you keep just the MTX, both MTX & leflunomide, or did you not keep on with MTX?

    just wondered what seems to be people's experiences ....... it's so confusing!!!!

    hi wonky i am on MTX and enbrel i was also on sulpha and take predesalone .I was on 20 MTX but was taken off it due to blood tests showing it was doing damage to liver i have now been put on 10 i inject the MTX on a thursday and embrel on a friday embrel has never been very effective for me i have been on it for 18 months but rummy is reluctant to try anything else i think it is because i also have problems with my kidney's.
    hope this help's laurence
  • nuttynana
    nuttynana Member Posts: 44
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I tried Enbrel with MTX, plus all my other meds - RA was good and actaully had energy, that lasted for 4 months and then I reacted to the Enbrel - re-challenged and had the same problems (stomache problems). Was then started on Humira last July and RA was ok - did not seem as effective as the Enbrel, but, unfortunately now having problems which they think could be Humira related so it has been stopped!!! They want me to have a re-challenge but I am reluctant, and reluctant to try anything else new.

    My MTX was not reduced during any of this time - I continue to inject that and have been fortunate to not have side effects with it.

    Am off work at the mo getting over the side effects of the Humira - hopefully will feel better soon. Work say they understand but I don't think they actually mean it - feel bad about being off - especially as I had time off just before Christmas with a heavy cold!! Can't seem to win....

    Hazel x
  • kmt297
    kmt297 Member Posts: 24
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have taken Infliximab, Enbrel and now Humira and always had MTX aswell. I was told it supports the biologic meds by generally supressing the immune system and stopping your body reacting to the biologics (especially with infliximab which is made of mouse proteins or something). I am now injecting MTX (20mg) as well as Humira weekly because MTX tablets make me too sick and the Humira isn't working as well as it was. My Consultant told me it's taking a risk to take Humira weekly as not licensed to be used that way but if it helps it will be worth it...
  • Wonkylegs
    Wonkylegs Member Posts: 3,504
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hiya wonky,im on both MTX and Enbrel--I inject the MTX on a Wed and the Enbrel on a Thursday...this combo is working well,ive had the sulfasalazine discontinued and my MTX reduced from 25mg inj to 15mg inj...good luck with your new treatment.

    Hi scottishlass - good to hear from you!

    I am glad that your treatment is working well for you ..... doubly good to read all these positive posts about the biological treatments. I suppose it is just scary because it is new and different.

    I'm to ring rheumy nurse on Wednesday and then i WILL :oops: have to pick up some 17.5 ml syringes from a local hospital for a few weeks, until we are sure that I can take the increase, then they will want me to be on the higher dose for a while to see if it helps. Fortunately I am seeing an OT at the mo and getting help, otherwise I think I would be wanting to slip quietly into a corner and go quietly mad. (may already be a bit mad :wink: )

    hope to see you posting agian.
    take care