Does OA run in familys??

rosyred Member Posts: 150
edited 7. Feb 2010, 09:27 in Living with Arthritis archive
Wondering as my 25 yr old daughter has just today been told she has OA .

Poor soul is in a state bless her.. i have joined her up on here and told her to take her time to read up on it..But bless her she has 2 young boys and is so scared, she said mum i have seen u go down hill fast in the past yr and what am i goig to do?
I just hugged her and said im so sorry.
wish i could take it away but i cant but u will be ok babe i promise.

I feel totaly helpless . I do hope she asks loads of Questions as i did when i 1st joined .
Alli xx


  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi alli that every mothers worse night mare i feel for both of you i do not think it passed down familys but what do i know hope she gets lots of suport it is so scary
  • woodbine
    woodbine Member Posts: 140
    edited 4. Feb 2010, 14:55
    Hi Rosyred,

    Yes, it does run in families - or, at least, it does in mine!

    My mum started suffering with OA in her late 2O's and I was diagnosed with it in my spine when I was 28. However, it wasn't unitl about 3 years ago (ie when I was 36-37) that it started to spread to other joints. If a woman has this type of OA there's about a 50% chance of any daughters she has geting it - though sons fare better - apparently it's rare for males to inherit it and when they do it doesn't tend to be as bad - not fair really :roll: (My brother also has some symptoms, bu they're milder ones.)

    The type we (my mum and I)have is sometimes called nodal OA, as it leads to little lumps on the affected joints - particularly the fingers. I also have a lump on one knee now. If your family is affected by the same type, the good news is that I'm told that there often comes a point (eventually) where things settle down and it stops spreading to new bits and even some of the affected bits get less painful - or so I'm told by a GP. For some reason we were both born (me &my mum)with arms that we can't straighten completely - don't know if that's connected :roll: :?

    I, too, worry about the future, especially when I see my mum on a bad day, and found the original diagnosis took some coming to terms with but I find it very comforting that I can speak to someone - my mum - who knows precisely how I feel, what the pain's like and what can help! I hope that you and your daughter will find this too. Maybe you could suggest she comes onto this site too - I've found lots of sympathy here!
    Take care :)
  • salamander
    salamander Member Posts: 1,906
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, Sorry to hear about your daughter. I'm pretty sure it can be a genetic thing. I have always been very aware of that as both my mother and her mother had it. My mum by far the worst. There is a lot your daughter can do, I understand, to try and keep it at bay with the right exercise, diet and supplements (am sure you know all about it. I have inflammatory but some OA due to my age (in early 50's.) When I did a pain management course some years ago they told me that keeping muscle tone and fitness would help prevent OA or OA worsening - apparently by supporting the joints and therefore taking some of the load off them. I asked specifically about this because of the severity of my mother's OA. My mum battled with her weight all her life and that did not help her, neither did her well known dislike of exercise! Not that I think that this is an issue with everyone, it was just a problem for her.
    Also, not everyone's arthritis progresses at the same rate, I am told but am sure there are better experts on here than me :) Also, I have three sisters, one of them seems to be worse for OA, my older sister has none (she is a keep fit/health food type), neither does my youngest sib. I have primarily inflammatory and not enough OA to worry about. So not necessarily affecting everyone in the family the same way as Mum.
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,136
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Rosred.
    How are you getting on with your scoota.
    sorry that your daughter as oa.
    all the best to you and your son.
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, My Mum had arthritis all her life, her back was the main cause of the problem. I think they say their is a genetic factor, but its not uncommon for lots of health problems now, and also arthritis is such a common problem, I'm sure most families have someone they can think of with it. Try not to worry too much.
    Love Sue
  • sharmaine
    sharmaine Member Posts: 1,638
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    I think it does. Paternal and maternal grandparents had it; my mother has it; aunts, cousins and siblings are also cursed!


    Wondering as my 25 yr old daughter has just today been told she has OA .

    Poor soul is in a state bless her.. i have joined her up on here and told her to take her time to read up on it..But bless her she has 2 young boys and is so scared, she said mum i have seen u go down hill fast in the past yr and what am i goig to do?
    I just hugged her and said im so sorry.
    wish i could take it away but i cant but u will be ok babe i promise.

    I feel totaly helpless . I do hope she asks loads of Questions as i did when i 1st joined .
    Alli xx[/quote]
  • karenjane
    karenjane Member Posts: 90
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I def think theres a genetic link - My Mum has oa plus other issues, my brother has spodalitis and my sister is having tests for problems with her hips!... and then theres me :roll: :lol:

  • rosyred
    rosyred Member Posts: 150
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thk you all do much for ur replys.

    Humm scoota lol... well crashed in to the wall a few times but thats trying to get back into the house. Think it might be better for me to go around back as its a straight run lol.

    Other than that its been grt. Son who is 18yrs wants to play and has been up the road Granson wants to ride to school but after giving him a ride ( just up the road and back ) When i tryed to get him off he hit the reverse lever and we went backwards down the path. :lol:

    He had belly laughs and wanted to do it again .. But nanny is not gunna trust that again .

    In a lot of pain today and have just reasted up , but strange how i cant sleeep now !! love Alllixx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,136
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Alli
    go care full on your scoota. when you go backwards you should always turn the speed down
    as the scoota will go faster backwards.
    all the best joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • lizzie7ne
    lizzie7ne Member Posts: 154
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, My Mum, and her sisters have OA all have had knee replacements.. I have RA, my RA meds have done wonders for my joints with the exception of my knees, I think I probably had OA in my knee too. My 26 year old daughter complains of knee pain (but hasnt seen a doctor about it) so yes, I think OA is inherited.
