phone call from HR

margie1 Member Posts: 57
Hi everyone

i was due to go back to work on monday 1st march, have been off since 6th jan with OA, I got a call from HR today saying my manager was concerned regarding the nature of my job!!!! I work with adults who have a learning disability/difficulty and i have been told not to return to work until i have seen occ health and to get a sicknote to cover me till then. I see the nurse in 2 weeks. I keep wondering if manager is trying to get rid of me or is she really concerned????? can they sack me? I cant afford to lose my job



  • cutieclaire
    cutieclaire Member Posts: 134
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, You sound really stressed and I really understand how you feel.

    I think they might just be covering their bottoms!!! :!: :!:

    It would make sence for you to see occ health as they need to **** weather you are fit to be be back in work doing the same job.

    I have no clue anymore about if they can sack you when you are sick as I will be getting a written warning for having over my sick days. I was offered some advise as to finding out what their sick policy is and see if they are running in line with that hun.

    Hope it goes ok and try not to worry.

    Good luck and keep in touch
  • topgirl
    topgirl Member Posts: 290
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Please try not to fret too much :roll:
    Easy to say I know....
    This happened to me when I wanted to go back to work in retail..
    Basically HR ARE covering their backs...because if OC health will tell them:
    If your condition comes under the DDA( in that case they LEGALLY have to make reasonable adjusments to your job)

    Your prognosis

    So you may find that this works in your favour( it did for me!)
    Can they sack you?...not untill they have proved that under the DDA they have tried EVERYTHING to keep you in work...Only you know what would work for you...have a think and keep notes ...
    Even if they cant offer you anything they would have to offer you ill health retierment first( if your in works pension scheme)
    Good luck....
    We are always here to help...

    Kay xx
  • snowball
    snowball Member Posts: 3,465
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I saw an oc on Monday i've been off work for over 2 years (i work in retail and have r/a) have a meeting on the 4th March with manager and HR. OC said he couldn't see me going back to work yet.
    ((((hugs)))) n xxxxx to ya all
  • margie1
    margie1 Member Posts: 57
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you so much for your support, it really helps to know others have been in my position, sorry if that sounds awful.

    I will take notes and hopefully all will go well :lol:

    will keep in touch hope you are all ok

    marg :D
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Margie,

    First of all, they cannot just sack you. As others have said if your OA comes under the protection of the DDA then your employer has a duty to provide you with support and what is called 'reasonable adjustments' to assist you in remaining in your current post.

    Your employer should not have asked you to go back to your doc for another sick note! As they don't want you to return to work until you've been seen by occy health then they should have asked you to remain at home but on full pay....without any sick note being necessary. If you have a union check this out with them. I've been off work on full pay since December for similar reasons so I know that's what should be done.

    Your employer may not be trying to get rid of you....they might just have realised that you might need additional support at work (I'm being positive ) and therefore need assessments to get a steer on what they should/ must do under DDA.

    There are useful leaflets on this website dealing with work related issues that will guide you through the do's and dont's. (look under publications tab)

    The other piece of advice I would offer is that if you are off work due to OA make sure that is exactly what the doc puts on the sick note (not sore back, or sore knees etc) Reason is that your employer cannot count any time off work which is due to OA, ( RA or PsA) when considering absences that might lead to disciplinary action.

    If I can help you in any way please let me know. Irisx
  • topgirl
    topgirl Member Posts: 290
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    snowball wrote:
    I saw an oc on Monday i've been off work for over 2 years (i work in retail and have r/a) have a meeting on the 4th March with manager and HR. OC said he couldn't see me going back to work yet.

    Me too!!!!....Retail and RA's not a good mix is it?
  • margie1
    margie1 Member Posts: 57
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi thanks for all your advice

    Iris, I did ask my gp why he puts back pain on my note and not OA, he just said my employer doesn't need to know and that as long as his name is on the note that's all that matters!!!!

    I saw a different GP last week (female) as i thought she would be more understanding :shock: she put backpain also, but she did send me for a C3 x-ray which is more than the other gp did, but i wasn't in as much pain by then it was a lot better so i'm now worried that nothing will show up i wish i had the x-ray when i was in pain but hey at least i got to have one lol

    take care
    marg x
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    margie1 wrote:
    Hi thanks for all your advice

    Iris, I did ask my gp why he puts back pain on my note and not OA, he just said my employer doesn't need to know and that as long as his name is on the note that's all that matters!!!!

    I saw a different GP last week (female) as i thought she would be more understanding :shock: she put backpain also, but she did send me for a C3 x-ray which is more than the other gp did, but i wasn't in as much pain by then it was a lot better so i'm now worried that nothing will show up i wish i had the x-ray when i was in pain but hey at least i got to have one lol

    take care
    marg x

    Hi marg,

    I hope you get the result you want from the x ray and proper treatment and support and that you don't have as much pain.':roll:'

    The reason I mentioned getting OA on the sick note came from advice I was given by the OH consultant I saw some months ago. He said it is really important to get the condition written on the note (for me it was PsA) and not just what pain it's causing.

    So since then I've asked my doc to be precise, for example I've had 'wrist pain as a result of PsA' and another line that said 'back pain due to PsA'. These absences then don't count towards sickness absence and disciplinary action. It has worked for me ever since.

    I can understand that your doc thinks he's protecting you by not disclosing the OA, but in actual fact he's not !

    hope all goes well for you. Irisx
  • ailsamary
    ailsamary Member Posts: 38
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi there

    I have had similar issues, daiganosed initally with OA, i have had 3 different matrons tell me i'm not fit for my job or fit for my grade,

    under the disability act they need to show that they have attemted to adapt for you to continue working, in my case this means workig in areas where i dont have to stand for long periods, have regular breaks, ensure that transport is feasible for me to get back and forth from work, they are not allowed to down grade you if the lesser work is due to your disabilty,

    also something that has not been mentrioned, it is generally considered good practice for disabilty leave to be counted sepreatly from "sick" leave, best to get hold of your organisations poilcy on both eqaulity and for sickness, depending on the size of the organisation they should also have an equality and diversity manager

    dont expect HR to have all the right answer ( i know this to my cost) and check everything out yourself,

    i do understand how tiring and wearing this can be so good luck

  • snowball
    snowball Member Posts: 3,465
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    topgirl wrote:
    snowball wrote:
    I saw an oc on Monday i've been off work for over 2 years (i work in retail and have r/a) have a meeting on the 4th March with manager and HR. OC said he couldn't see me going back to work yet.

    Me too!!!!....Retail and RA's not a good mix is it?
    no its not and my employer has done nothing for me. julie
    ((((hugs)))) n xxxxx to ya all