RA and red meat?

page35 Member Posts: 1,081
I was wondering if i should stop eating red meat?
i have RA and a few people (not doctors)have said i shouldn't eat red meat or anything acidic?
there seams to be a lot of different advice depending on where you look and i know everyone is different and what may help one person may not help another but in general is there food i should avoid?


  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,659
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    There is an awful lot of conflicting and confusing 'advice' out there about diet. First of all, forget the old wives tales about acidic food being bad for arthritis - there is no evidence for this at all.
    Studies did seem to show that people who eat large amounts of red meat could be more prone to developing inflammatory arthritis but there is no evidence to suggest that stopping eating it once you have RA can be helpful and it is a good source of iron.
    The best advice is to eat a balanced 'mediterranean' style diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables and fish and to keep your weight down to a healthy level.
    There is evidence to suggest that taking large quantities of Omega3 Fish Oils (3.5G a day) can be helpful in RA. See the following link pages 38-40
    Best wishes
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 3. Mar 2010, 18:22
    Hi Page,

    I kinda think you should....... Nothing to do with ra though :wink::lol::lol::lol: Hope your all ok and just leaving you a ((( ))) and shed loads of bubble xx

    I just thought I ain't eaten meat for a very time..... still got pa and boy can it flare :lol::lol::lol:
  • chile168
    chile168 Member Posts: 384
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Page,

    I have been told the same as I have RA and I notice a flare up if I have minced meat in tomato sauce like a bolognese. I know tomatoes are acidic so that could be why. ???

    I also notice certain products like eggs and cheese can bring on a flare. I can't say I have noticed a problem with other red meat but certainly if it has tomatoes which is a shame cos I love them. I still eat them but not as much.

  • page35
    page35 Member Posts: 1,081
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks All

    Val thanks for that think i'll try fish oils, ive been trying to eat more fish but i dont like it.

    Del interesting report, did you read all the peoples comments? there is nothing left to eat if you follow everyone's advice :lol:
    i wonder if we should all be allergy tested? that would be helpful wouldnt it? Thanks Del.

    lynn i think you seam to be doing the same as me, searching for anything that might help, to help yourself. its a mine field isnt it?
    i often end up more confused than when i started :?

    Cris i have tried to be veggie before but i didnt last long :oops:
    i think i could cut out eat red meat though, as dont eat it too much anyway.
    Bubbles back at ya xx

    Chillie i eat alot of dairy and like an omelette so maybe that's something i should look at too, oh dear.

    Thanks again x
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,659
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Everyone

    It seems, from all the comments here and comments after the article that Del posted a link to, Thanks Del very interesting read, it shows that immune systems and dietary links are a very individual thing. That is probably why there is no conclusive research on the subject. The reason that not everyone will react to dairy or red meat etc is because your immune systems will have reactions to specific things based on unique diets and lifestyles. Therefore if you did decide to try the elimination diet it may be wise to keep a food diary and also note you physical and emotional reactions after eating /drinking whatever you usually have. Also Note pain/mobility levels. This way it may highlight certain days and certain food connections in your current habits.

    I'm sure you are all ware of this but just to be safe, Please do seek proper dietary advice before embarking on elimination diets. We all need certain nutrition to keep us functioning in order to avoid further weakness and fatigue. Whatever you do take your time to notice the differences and be sensible about what you eliminate.

    Best wishes
