Some helps please. Aneurysm

joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
I finally received a phone call today from my consultant who organised my CT Scan.
Initially he said that my scan had come back ok nothing there but,
"There is an aneurym which is pressing on the front of my skull".
Remember when I asked the question about do we get arthritis in the head. My consultant said no, we didn't.
I get sudden headaches, sometimes a very stiff neck. Other pains have felt like shingles, with a shadowy feeling over my left eye. Been going on for quite awhile now
Nothing to worry about, I thought. He asked me how I was feeling with it, told him the above. Again, he says there is nothing to worry about. So I ask him where do I go from here. All he said was "The present medication I am taking will help me."
I have heard of the word Aneurym, and think of it as a kind of timebomb.

I have posted this in LWA, but wondered if anyone on the helpline could help me stop worrying.


  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,802
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Joy, thank you for your posting. It is understandable why this is worrying for you Joy, we are not medically qualified and so it would be best to speak to your consultant and try and book an appointment to talk through what is going on. You need a good explanation of what is happening and an idea of how the medication you are taking is helping so this can bring your anxieties down. If your symptoms do change or get worse get this checked out quickly. If you can get an appointment with your GP quickly that might help with your worries right now, also you may want to ask your GP for a referral to an eye specialist just to get this checked out.

    Please feel free to ring the helpline if you want to talk anything through.
    Best wishes