09angel11 Member Posts: 87
edited 13. Mar 2010, 02:23 in Living with Arthritis archive
If you go to Benefits and works, they offer tips on how to about claiming DLA, also if you are appealing. Here is just one tip, could not get anymore on
Some people believe that there are certain ‘magic’ words connected
to getting DLA.

The theory is to that there are certain key words and phrases that the
decision maker is looking for and that if you use these you will get an

Sadly it isn’t true. The much duller reality is that it’s detailed, relevant
and persuasive evidence – and plenty of it – that’s most likely to get
you an award of DLA. Using the four-step system described in our
guides can help you create precisely that sort of evidence.

However, whilst there aren’t any magic words, there are some material
numbers associated with DLA. These are the numbers created by
caselaw that help to decide what award of DLA you should get.

For example, the law says that you get the lower rate of the care
component if you would benefit from help with bodily functions like
washing, dressing, eating, moving around, etc ‘for a substantial
portion of the day’. Case law has decide that a substantial portion is
about one hour.

So, when you fill in the pack, a very worthwhile thing to do is count up
the numbers in the daytime ‘How long each time?’ boxes.
If the amount of help you need adds up to at least 60 minutes over
the course of the day, then you may be eligible for the lower rate care

At night, 20 minutes attention may result in an award of the middle rate
of the care component.

Hope this helps

Monica :?:


  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 11. Mar 2010, 12:24
    Hi Monica

    I only recently found this site and it is quite helpful. It can be a bit of a minefield to say the least and knowing this advice was around, a few years back, would have been very helpful. It probably was, but I didn't know where to look :roll:
    As it says, tell it like it is, warts and all, sometimes it is embarassing to write things down, but it is necessary and all information received by the DLA is confidential and should not be shared with any other party. There seems to be a lot of people struggling with the DLA at the moment, myself included. My GP said they are forever changing their criteria, which doesn't help matters.

    I am going for a BAFTA in DWP form filling and letter writing, I already have a Golden Globe. :|
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hey Monica,
    what a really useful post. :D :!:
    I'm sure lots of peeps will benefit from your advice.

    You read so many posts of peeps being refused DLA when they so obviously deserve it, so this will dispel some of the myths as well as the one hour rule being a real help.

    I'm already on high rate mobility and low rate care but just wanted to acknowledge your post and say thanks Monica. Iris x
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It isnt key words as you rightly state but some questions can be ambiguous and therefore not answered correctly. Can you cook a meal? well we can all stick something in the microwave but do they mean peeling spuds, filling up pans, carrying them to the cooker, turning on buttons and switches! I think it is the latter.
    Some peeps say they are okay at night but is that because they dont dare get up for the toilet but would rather stay safe in bed.I know I have been in that position many times and needed my partner to help me.You have to read the questions very carefully.

    Best wishes
    Elizabeth xxx
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • 09angel11
    09angel11 Member Posts: 87
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    tkachev wrote:
    It isnt key words as you rightly state but some questions can be ambiguous and therefore not answered correctly. Can you cook a meal? well we can all stick something in the microwave but do they mean peeling spuds, filling up pans, carrying them to the cooker, turning on buttons and switches! I think it is the latter.
    Some peeps say they are okay at night but is that because they dont dare get up for the toilet but would rather stay safe in bed.I know I have been in that position many times and needed my partner to help me.You have to read the questions very carefully.

    Best wishes
    Elizabeth xxx

    You are right Elizabeth it is the latter, the :)y consider microwave meals as not cooking a proper meal, but i will post more info on.

    Take care
  • pols090607
    pols090607 Bots Posts: 126
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks for this very useful post. I am one of the people on here struggling to get any sort of DLA even though up to 2007 I was receiving the care component element.

    My very lovely rheumatologist :roll: decided on the report to let them know that I was doing well using evidence from my very last visit, he didn't bother reading back to the 6 weeks prior appointment informing him that I was really struggling to cope and carry out day to day tasks......so another question is - how honest do you need to be at your appointments, having a good day and mentioning it seemed to (in my case) go against me.

    I am re-applying this year. It was just too stressful and emotional to go through last year, I know I should have fought for it but I just felt interrogated.

    Thanks again and sorry for the rant..... :wink:
  • suncatcher
    suncatcher Member Posts: 2,174
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have found this thread so very helpfull as you may be aware i am faceing a tribunal in june so i need all the help i can get . this info is so helful if you have anymore ideas please post them. I feel a little more confidant noe thanks from joanne :D
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    If any forum user would like to read the information provided by the benefits and work website please visit their site.

    copying large amounts of text from another source is unlawful - we have created house rules to help us all to use the forum - rule 5 says

    Please be careful when you copy and paste text, that does not belong to you, into your posts. Quoting a few lines with an attribution is acceptable and know as 'fair use'. If you copy large pieces of text without permission, you (and Arthritis Care) may be liable to legal action from the content owner. We recommend you create a link to any major content to which you wish to refer.


  • 09angel11
    09angel11 Member Posts: 87
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Moderator

    This adivice i am posting on the site is quite legal, they have stated to post on any site i feel it fit to post on. I am an ex civil servant but would not use information i know that could not be used, but know you have to be careful, but honest this information you can use.


  • fester
    fester Member Posts: 98
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks for the tips Monica,my wife Gill has just applied for DLA so they have been very useful to note as the claim proceeds :)