help please

anniemae Member Posts: 5
Hi everyone I am new to this forum and would like a bit of advice. I am 45 years old and quite overweight. I have arithritis in my knee and ankle. I was diagnosed about 2 years ago and have tried different medication. I have been quite good at the exercising these past six months and have lost about a stone and a half of weight. However these past two weeks I have had a bad flare of inflamation in my knees and ankle that I just about hobble about. I have seen my gp and ended up getting a steriod inj in my ankle last Friday which was so sore that I swore never again and rested for 48hrs, however I am now back on anti-inflamatory tablets and painkillers and my knee and ankle are just as painful.
Sorry for the long speech - but my question is why when I lost weight and had been exercising for so long that this flare up had to happen, and where do I go from here. I am actually scared to exercise again and if I do what are the best exercises for the knee and ankle. If anyone could give me some pointers I would really appreciate it.


  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Just popped in to say Hi and a big warm welcome to the Forums. We all try to support one another giving tips and advice.

    We also like to try and relax and have some fun, we do this on the CChat Forum. There are many topics to look at. Come to the cafe and have a cuppa and you can meet some of the peeps.

    I'm sorry you are having problems with arthur. It can be very frustrating. The steroid may kick in soon and help you. I cannot offer advice as I do not have arthur in my knees, I'm sorry. but send you a (((()))

    If you go to the say Hello zone many peeps will come to say hello also might be able to give you some advice while you wait for the helpline team.

    Trish xx
  • snowball
    snowball Member Posts: 3,465
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Just wanted to say hi and welcome to the forum, i am 41 and i have r/a in all my joints, even when i lost a lot of whieght i still flared up. Talk to your gp/ do you have a rhuemy nurse it might be a good idea to see if you can see a physio they might be able to give you some exercises to help you.
    Sometimes when my knees flare i put an ice pack on then to try and get the swelling down. Hope you feel better soon.
    ((((hugs)))) n xxxxx to ya all
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello anniemae
    I am just coming to terms with these flare ups, I have OA, and before I came on this forum, I thought you only had flare ups with RA.
    You are doing everything right by losing weight and exercising, but don't over do it.
    When you do get a flare try and rest, it does help alot.
    Sorry I should have said a very warm welcome to this site, it is so friendly and we all support one another.
    Hopefully this is some help,post any questions you have and also come on the chit chat and meet everybody.
    You take care
  • anniemae
    anniemae Member Posts: 5
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    thanks everyone who has made me feel welcome and read my first post. I'm not sure how to reply to each person as when I hit reply all comes up is what that person typed. Sorry for being so silly.

    Anyway its great to know there is people out there who want to help you in whatever way they can so all your replies are much appreciated.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    anniemae wrote:
    thanks everyone who has made me feel welcome and read my first post. I'm not sure how to reply to each person as when I hit reply all comes up is what that person typed. Sorry for being so silly.

    Anyway its great to know there is people out there who want to help you in whatever way they can so all your replies are much appreciated.
    Hi anniemae, just go further down where it says reply to topic, don't worry about it everyone has to find there way around including me.
    Barbara xx
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Anniemae,

    Welcome from me as well, they are good lot here. I think sadly flares come and go when ever they want to...... I also got this theory...... weight is bad for your joints but the bones are supported a bit by the fat.......Its got to be less stress on the joints for less weight though and I have to say you have done really well. I think the flares do just come and go but hope they soon will quieten down for you soon. Take care Cris
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,703
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Anniemae,

    Welcome to chat to Helplines. It can be really tricky managing a flare up of (osteoarthritis?). You might benefit from the reassurance of a physiotherapist to advise you over your self-management during this acute phase.

    Keeping moving is likely to be recommended and having support with your weightloss and muscle strengthening is often very helpful.

    Self-management can be a big challenge, so you might find it handy to have some of our information - just email your name and postal address to and we will post you some, and have a look at the programme of courses see:

    If you'd like anything else feel free to ring or drop us another message. All the best Guy