New to forum, starting to get swelling in fingers.

snootycat Member Posts: 3

I am 58 and have recently noticed a slight swelling on one of the joints on one of my fingers. I worried that it could be arthritis but convinced myself that it could have been caused by injury. However today I have noticed mild swelling on another finger . I have started taking glucosamine, but cannot take NSAIDS as it interacts with other medication I am on for high blood pressure, however have been applying isobrufen gel to the joints.

I have very mild pain in the fingers but I cannot say its worse in the mornings.

1) Is there any point going to the doctor at this stage? Can it help to prevent degeneration?

2) I love doing craft work, including knitting, embroidery etc. I vary the actities and sometimes go weeks without knitting because I am enbroidering etc. Will this make things worse?

3) I go to the gym each week, I am worried now that I am wearing my joints out! I am overweight, which is why I go. Is OA a result of wearing your joints out? I enjoy exercise and all my hobbies and dont want to not be able to do these things . :cry:

4) Is this the end of the world and will I inevitably get worse!!

Thanks in advance for any advice



  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi pam you do need to go to gp as you need blood test to look for inflimation and they can do one for r a (sorry can not spel it) but you should be clear for that if it just one hand . keep going to the gym if you do have ostioarthritis you need to keep muscles strong to help protect joints you can ask to see physio if you r not sure what you r doing is going to damage joints for exercise you can do that will not cause problems. so please go to gp then you will know what you r dealing with good luck but if you do have arthritis with the right meds you will be ok good luck do not worry i know this easyer said than done . let us know how you get on val
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Pam,

    welcome to the forum :D

    as Val said...go see your GP and ask him to do some blood least it'll show if it's RA that's causing the finger swelling and you can start on the right kind of meds that won't interfere with your other prescriptions.

    You are worrying about it so it's better to know what's going on rather than imagine all sorts. :roll:

    whatever the outcome...your life is not ended because of it :!:
    yes, you might need to make some adjustments....but wait and see before worrying about what might be and any possible impact of arther. :wink:

    you've found the forum and will get lots of support here from all the good peeps.. :D:D

    I'm sure there'll be others along soon to say hi and offer you some more advice until the helpline peeps are back on.

    take care....Iris x
  • snootycat
    snootycat Member Posts: 3
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, I will do then, I feel aweful because I have a variety of things wrong with me, although not all at once. I just thought the GP would say 'oh its so minor and a lot of women get it, dont worry'. I assume its OA rather than RA at my age. I have looked at the NHS website ands it says it doesnt deteriorate in all cases.........but dont want to end up in pain and immobile!I lead a very active life and dont want to change as I am a great believer in keeping active as you get older. I am overweight but dont overeat, I think I am just apple shaped and be done with it! So my plan was to increase my activity like running, I just worry about wearing my joints out! I really do enjoy craft work and would hate not being able to do it, its my one real hobby and I intended to do more when I found the time after retirement. I have really been looking forward to it :(
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,706
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Pam
    Welcome to the forum, I hope you get lots of help & support from it. I see some of our 'regulars' have already sent you some good replies over the weekend - thank you folks.
    Pam, do go to your GP and get a definite diagnosis. If this is OA then self management is the key. Keep doing your craftwork, sometimes taking breaks and exercising your fingers can help to keep pain and swelling down.
    Now might be the time to start looking after your joints generally so keep going to the gym, exercising and getting your weight down to a healthy level. Exercise doesn't wear out your joints, it keeps them mobile & prevents them from stiffening up as well as being good for your muscle tone.
    The end of the world is not nigh and its not all downhill from now on - might be a bit up & down but not all down.
    At this stage you might find our booklets 'Living with Osteoarthritis' and 'Exercise and Arthritis' helpful. They can be downloaded from our website
    If you want to talk to one of us do ring us on the freephone number
    Best wishes