What is it I have????

cutieclaire Member Posts: 134
Well back in Jan I was diagnosed with IA and was given a leaflet for RA and drugs they will be putting me on. I have seen the OT and been Ohysion twice a week. I am in pain everywhere really and really fed up.
I saw a different consultant this week where I have not got a rummy factor in my blood which casues problems!!! There is no damage in feet or hands but inflamtion is there.
They now have asked about burning eyes???? Why is this? I was in so much pain I can;t even remember what our conversations were about!!! I think I said no to the eyes. The rummy also asked about back pain where that started 25 years ago so she wanted an x ray of my pelvis and spine, why is this???
I came home feeling confused and in so much pain. She has put me on Steroids and told me if they work then it is defo IA!!!
Its just such a long waiting game and in pain, tell you what though I felt wonderful when I woke up and no pain in my feet and I could move a bit more than normal in pelvis and hips as normally washing and toleting can be difficult as I cant bend very well!!

I just am very oimpatient and dont understand much really.

Please can someone advise???????????????????




  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi claire did not even know rhummy thought i had ia till doc read letter he sent her lol so can not help you but i know so many of the arthers r nearly the same so they have to play the waiting game not much fun but they will be taking good care of you good luck had to drop one of my tabs for a week as blood pressure gone up and have been like the tin man who was out in the rain with stones in his shoes lol. (((hugs))) for you hope they sort you take some one to rhymmy with you as we never know what they said . did not take any one to my second one as thought he would tell me i was wasting his time lol but he gave me meds to take and no idea what he said to me lol
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Claire

    I cannot help with what you have but just wanted to give you a (((())))

    I hope the steroids kick in more and make your life easier for you.
    love Trish xxx
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Claire!

    sorry you're going through this bad patch :( it can be very frustrating and worrying when waiting for the consultant to decide what form of arther you have....and I know it's no consolation...but at least you're being listened too and the rheummy is trying to get to a definite diagnosis. :wink:

    Arther is such a slippery character and there are so many different types that it can take quite a long time before the specialists settle on which of the arther's it is and then what treatments to give......and over time we can develop more than one 'type' just to confuse us even more.:shock:

    None of us are patient when we're in pain and worried. :roll: but hang on in there and hopefully you'll have all your questions answered when you next see rheummy. :mrgreen:

    Iris x
  • salamander
    salamander Member Posts: 1,906
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi claire,
    I have sero negative IA and it took a good 6 months before rheumy decided the diagnosis. I think he was hoping that it was reactive and would go of it's own accord. It is frustrating not knowing exactly going on but try and be patient. I've been on steroids since last August and it is keeping me reasonably active until the other drugs kick in. I get angry and frustrated sometimes but it doesn't help in the end so have to learn to adjust. No mean feat!
  • cutieclaire
    cutieclaire Member Posts: 134
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you so much for your replys


    Steriods are working so its good feelings.

  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,706
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Claire
    This time of getting symptoms & waiting for a diagnosis and treatment can be such a frustrating time. Try & be patient & not to worry, it'll get sorted eventually.
    RA can cause inflammation in the eyes and also dry eyes so questions about your eyes are not unusual.
    I'm not sure why she's asking for xrays - maybe she's just being hyper efficient.
    I'm glad the steroids are working so well for you & giving you some good time.
    Best wishes
  • cutieclaire
    cutieclaire Member Posts: 134
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thank you so much for your kind post.

    I am wondering if they are thinking it could be AS as it was my pelvis and spine xrayed.

    My mum is adopped and found her family and I got told yesterday that 2 of my cousins have been diagnosed with AS. Weird. I have had terrible stiffness in my middle and ankles (around my heals) for months. Lets hope in 4 weeks things will be clearer,

    Love Claire

    Hi Claire
    This time of getting symptoms & waiting for a diagnosis and treatment can be such a frustrating time. Try & be patient & not to worry, it'll get sorted eventually.
    RA can cause inflammation in the eyes and also dry eyes so questions about your eyes are not unusual.
    I'm not sure why she's asking for xrays - maybe she's just being hyper efficient.
    I'm glad the steroids are working so well for you & giving you some good time.
    Best wishes
  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,706
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Claire
    It's possible they could be thinking of AS but guessing is not helpful, better to wait & see what the xrays show.
    I do hope this gets sorted out for you soon.
    Best wishes