Anyone else get this?

dippydoodah Member Posts: 350
edited 30. Mar 2010, 11:16 in Living with Arthritis archive
I have OA in my fingers and when I was shaking my washing, I accidentally hit the tip of my finger on the door of the tumble dryer. Whilst it hurt like h*ll, the pain eventually subsided and I didn't think about it for the rest of the day.

Just looked properly at my finger today and at the side of my nail, my finger has swollen up terribly with what can only be described as yellow 'puss' under the skin running from the end of my finger up past the cuticle :? (sorry I know that sounds horrid)

Ive 'pin pricked' it and removed most of the fluid until it was clear. Is this normal?
Anyone else had this happen or something similar?

Sorry if it sounds like a silly question :oops:

Caroline x


  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    no sorry never had this and do have oa in hands get lots of bruises as co-ordination not to good lol
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Yahhhh!!!! Caroline,

    I can only imagine how painful that was....

    never mind that it sounds horrible it must have been so sore. shock:

    how on earth could you bear sticking a pin into your poor finger. :roll: the pain must have been awful....x

    If there was puss then I think that is a sure sign that there has been infection in the finger which is bad enough......but you also need to be so careful Caroline as the last thing you need is to get an infection in the joint...(been there and it's not at all pleasant!)

    to be on the safe side please think about seeing the doc as you may need an antibiotic...he may also want to take a swab to check what nasties there might be.

    hope you are ok.

    Iris x
  • dippydoodah
    dippydoodah Member Posts: 350
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Im due to visit my GP on wednesday so I will mention it. Thankfully I have a wonderful GP who doesn't treat anything as insignificant.

    I guess I'll have to be more careful in future :oops: Im a clumsy person at the best of times!

    Even the slightest knocks on my hands or feet send a shooting pain right through me, Ive never felt so frail before and it's gonna take some getting used to!

    Thanks for the replies anyway, its appreciated :)

    Caroline x
  • dorcas
    dorcas Member Posts: 3,516
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi again Caroline,

    Glad you already have the appointment with the doc on Wednesday...she sounds really helpful....x

    I know what you mean about being clumsy....I drop everything all the time..don't even know it's happening until the crash. :roll: I very recently bought melamine plates cause they are lighter to handle and don't break when you drop them!

    We are constantly having to adapt to what we can and can't do....having arther is a right pain. :x

    look after yourself...and watch you don't take too much out of yourself. Iris x
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Caroline,

    That sounds horrible! I am glad to see your seeing a gp about it soon. Look if you have any mag sulphate it might be an idea to put a poultice on it (an old way but very effective :wink: ) and well keep it dry and keep it covered and hopefully its maybe a whitlow? Go careful and if it's worse in the morning maybe think about gong to miner injuries? You take care and hopefully it will soon settle. Cris x
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,090
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Caroline

    i had an infected wicklow when I was about 9 and I had that lanced at the hospital.

    I did have a course of antibiotics too though...

    Hope you are ok


    Toni xx
  • dippydoodah
    dippydoodah Member Posts: 350
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hiya and thanks.

    Im ok :D Takes more than a sore finger to beat me these days :)

    Ive lost count of the amount of plates or glasses Ive dropped or food thats fallen on the floor because I didn't have hold of it properly... my hubby just laughs, gives me a hug and tells me we needed new plates anyway :lol:

    Take care for now
    Caroline x