Help please! - RA & OA mild, but unusual easly symptoms

mikeyoung Member Posts: 3
edited 11. Apr 2010, 03:19 in Living with Arthritis archive

I'm new to the forum so please give me all the help you can!

Has anyone else had similar symptoms as described bellow who could shed some light as to what is going on inside my body?? In particular is the joint pain associated with early RA normally sore to the touch?

I'm 38 & for the past 2 months I have been having relatively mild pains in both hands, particularly around the base of the thumb & the knuckles in the back of my hands.

Apart from the pain and that several joints are affected, I don't seem to have the classic symptoms for RA. I have no obvious swelling, or heat from the joints, and the symptoms are not worse at night or during the morning. I also had a blood test for RF which came back negative.

The pain seems to come and go for no particular reason, and move around between locations. Sometimes it feels more nervy other times an obvious pain in the joints.

I am office base and use a computer, though not excessively. At present typing this causes pain in the fingers and knuckles.

I also have strange aches and twinges in my toes, which last for few a minute before disappearing. However I don't know if this just me being paranoid about RA!

I have been to see a physio, who is giving me ultra-sound in the hands, which doesn’t see to help much. He is treating it as tendonitis or carpel tunnel, though he is also puzzled because the symptoms don't really fit! He doesn’t think it is RA because the joints aren’t sore to the touch, but I’m not convinced (hence the question above).

Normally I would go and see my doctor and ask for a referral to a specialist. However this isn't possible as I'm working away from home at the moment.

To make things more complicated, I am think of starting a new job in Europe, which is a great opportunity. I don't want to turn it down if there is nothing major wrong with me, but I really don't want to start it if there is!!!

I guess my main fear is that I have the early symptoms of RA, which although mild at present could get much worse.

Can anyone help, as I am seriously worried about this!


  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi firstly even if it did turn out to be one of the many types of arthritis it will not stop you doing what you want. you just have to get the right meds. you do need to see a doc and go to see a rhummy even if only to put your mind at rest, can you get back even for day or two to see your doc it would make things much easyer if you knew what was going on and the sooner meds started the less chance of joint dammage.welcome and good luck
  • gypsy14
    gypsy14 Member Posts: 15
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Mike

    I think that before making your decision about work you should see a specialist. I realise that this is currently difficult however i think it will be the only way to put your mind at rest.

    The trouble with RA and other forms of arthritis are that peoples symptoms differ greatly so it would not do you any favours to giveyourself a diagnosis based on some one else experiencing similar symptoms.

    There are a number of other reasons for joint pain such as acute illness, fatigue and stress,carpel tunnel etc.

    if you do end up with a diagnosis of RA this would not necesarily mean that you are going to become very ill This diagnosis would not necessarily prevent you from working abroad-a warmer climate may actually help!

    I would get help sooner rather than later as a more speedy diagnosis will mean you can be started on treatment sooner thus limiting joint damage etc
    I ignored my symptoms in the beginning thinking that i was simply training too hard (running) which resulted in a masive flare up however i had all the obvious symptoms such as morning and evening pain/stiffness fatigue and swelling

    I don't know if this info has helped however i think the fact that you are missing a lot of the obvious symptoms is positive and hopefully means you will not be lumbered with RA

    I would stress again however to get back to the docs as they are the only ones who can diagnose you.
    best wishes and i hope you take that job abroad

  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, Glad you've joined the forum.

    Firstly, you don't need to see your own doctor, you can ask a surgery near your work place to see you as a temporary patient.

    The doctor can prescribe any pain relief you might need and send you to see a specialist. These days he should be able to ask you which hospital is best for you, one near your work or one at home.

    You may not have arthritis, though, so try not to worry too much. Just get some medical advice.
    Lots of love Sue
  • caprica
    caprica Member Posts: 195
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    You've had some good advice there, best to get referred to a rheumatologist and they'll be able to do more tests.

    I'm currently trying to find out what's wrong with me, I have a whole host of mild ailments that come and go, including some aches and swelling, but negative in tests etc. It's been 4 months and they're still trying to figure me out but at least I'm in the system now at the hospital and hopefully will get some medication soon. I hope yours goes away but if not, there is lots out there to help so try not to worry too much, easier said than done though I know!!!
    I think you should try and just live your life normally, and apply for whatever you want to apply for. Even if it's RA (and that's a big IF) it might not affect you that badly and then you'd regret not taking the opportunity! Good luck!
  • marion1952
    marion1952 Member Posts: 963
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Dear Mike

    I agree with the other members who have responded.. It would be best if you saw a Rheumatologist for a proper assessment. I hope it turns out to be nothing serious, but it's much better to be 'in the system' so that you can start treatment early, if necessary.

    My RA started 2 years ago with pains in my hands, which I just assumed was tendonitis due to walking my dogs, so I didn't bother going to my GP - and then 4 months later I had a big flare up which affected most of my joints... I had shooting pains in my left big toe too. I was off work for 5 months but thanks to an excellent rheumatologist and good treatment I have not had one day off work in the past 18 months. I'm due to have a hip replacement shortly, but that's because of osteo arthritis not RA.

    Do keep in touch with the forum - I am keen to know how you get on.

    Best wishes

  • mikeyoung
    mikeyoung Member Posts: 3
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Thanks for your advice guys. It's good to know that there's friendly people out there!

    To save time I was thinking of getting a private appointment with a Rheumatologist.

    Does anyone have experiance of this?
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    some one did but can not remember who good idea at least you would know what going on
  • kathbee
    kathbee Member Posts: 934
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Mike

    Sorry to hear you are having problems and decisions to make based upon your health.

    I saw a private rheumatologist in 1998 when I had a big flare up.

    I wasnt told anything positive at the private consultation, in fact he was rather obnoxious and I didnt take to him at all. I then had to go to my GP for blood tests and then waited a couple of weeks before my GP confirmed I had RA.

    But the best thing about going private was the fact that I got into the rheumatology clinic more speedy than I would have had I been referred to the hospital by my GP.

    It was the same rheumatologist I saw in the NHS clinic and I never did take to him, however I was soon referred to a teaching hospital to see a professor who really knew his stuff got me on the medication, so no complaints there.

    Hope you can see someone quickly and then make a decision about your career move etc.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,061
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Mike

    hello and welcome from me :D

    See someone do :) There are meds which need to be started if it is early RA and you would be wise to get on them asap if it is.

    Good that you are still working but you may be able to get some splints of something to support those hands to keep working longer.

    Well done for thinking about the possible job change too :) Dont let anything hold you back.


    Toni xx