A Success Story!Spalding To Get Its Own Rheumatology Clinic!

eastmidlandsman52 Member Posts: 27
edited 27. Apr 2010, 09:21 in Living with Arthritis archive

Here's something to :lol: about. Back in October 2009,my local newspaper ran my letter in which I requested people to contact me if they had any form of arthritis.I wanted to try and establish a local Rheumatology Clinic at the New Johnson Community Hospital here in Spalding,Lincolnshire.

Although I only had 7 emails and one letter,I petitioned the NHS in Lincoln with them. Quite frankly, I wasn't expecting anything to come of it. However,a couple of weeks ago,the NHS wrote to me and amazingly agreed to my petition for a brand new Rheumatology Clinic to be set up soon in Spalding!

This will mean local people no longer having to travel to Peterborough, Cambridge, Stamford, Boston, Lincoln and Nottingham for their appointments and thus saving them (and their fellow companions) inordinate pain, suffering, long painful journeys and other costs and expenses in the process.

I rightly feel very proud of my small modest achievement especially when I was featured in my local newspaper sitting in my home with my letter from the NHS. I did email a copy of the newspaper item with a covering email to Arthritis Care but nobody there seems interested in my little success story.I'm :? and :( about that.

Big L 266


  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I am right proud of you too. :D:D:D:D I hope AC a least acknowledged your email with attachments. It would be a good idea for this to be published in the AC magazine that is sent to all subscription members. I for one would love to read about it.

    You are a star. You did something really positive. Too often we sit back, grumble away but not you! Even if it had come to nothing you tried your best but you have been listened to and something is going to be done in your area to improve things for RA sufferers, thanks to you.

    Good stuff! We need people like you around. If you don't ask you don't get, :wink::D aye?

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • jenniet
    jenniet Member Posts: 27
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ditto. Well done!!!
  • kathbee
    kathbee Member Posts: 934
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Very well done.

    Thats a great outcome.

  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Big L266. Well done to you - this is not a small or modest achievement, it's a HUGE one. Too often people sit and wait for things to be done - isn't there a quote from G B Shaw to the effect that the successful people in life create opportunities rather than sitting about waiting for the opportunity to arrive? You are to be lauded for your efforts. Keep us updated on its progress - I'm sure many more sufferers with arthritis will emerge when it's up and running. I'm dismayed that AC couldn't be bothered to acknowledge your success, that reflects badly on them, but again, many congratulations! Dreamdaisy (who doesn't live in Lincolnshire).
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • bertyboy
    bertyboy Member Posts: 1,860
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    well done you ,it will make it a lot of people very happy i am sure , anything that helps has got to be a good thing xxx
    I know i am a lady ,all life is a journey xx MAY xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Big L 266

    Well done you!!

    Quite right you should feel proud of yourself :D

    Power of the people and all that. Goes to show - you'll never know till you try.

    Thanks for giving us some really good news.


    Toni xx
  • speedalong
    speedalong Member Posts: 3,315
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Congratulations - power to the people!!

    Just goes to show. You should be very proud.

    I have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all,

    Maybe the email didn't get to the right person. I will check up on this tomorrow. Anyway, I think that you have done a brilliant job.

    Jean and the forum team
  • dolittle
    dolittle Member Posts: 240
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Eh! What an achievement!!!!!!!! Congratulations.

    You know, I'm sure ALL the people who will eventually be treated there will be grateful to you. Think we'll all club together and get a little plaque put up ........ what a great idea!

    Wow, you sure have some spirit. I'd have given up with only that small amount of e-mails.

    Wonder if I could persuade our local hospital to open a brand new department to give the consultants some training in 'patient communication' - the approach of some of them is awful.

    I digress ... well done you! Here's a pat on the back from me.
  • page35
    page35 Member Posts: 1,081
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Fantastic, good on you
    you should be very proud
  • eastmidlandsman52
    eastmidlandsman52 Member Posts: 27
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    When I got my diagnosis for fibro some years ago,I was told by the Insultant (err,sorry,Consultant),"You've got fibromyalgia.Here's a booklet on it.We're discharging you because theres nothing we can do for you."

    Great........six years on I still await the loan of a TENS machine and an appointment at a Pain Management Clinic. I can't be asked to go to the Stamford & Rutland anyway now. Here's to going to my own local 'Rheumy' sometime this year.

    Thank you very much for your compliments. Thet are greatly appreciated.

    Big L 266

    dolittle wrote:
    Eh! What an achievement!!!!!!!! Congratulations.

    You know, I'm sure ALL the people who will eventually be treated there will be grateful to you. Think we'll all club together and get a little plaque put up ........ what a great idea!

    Wow, you sure have some spirit. I'd have given up with only that small amount of e-mails.

    Wonder if I could persuade our local hospital to open a brand new department to give the consultants some training in 'patient communication' - the approach of some of them is awful.

    I digress ... well done you! Here's a pat on the back from me.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hey Big L

    You should get the first appointment :D

    And a plaque on the wall......

    In the meantime you'kll have to make do with this f015.gif

    Toni x