Election results

bailey27 Member Posts: 689
edited 8. May 2010, 08:21 in Living with Arthritis archive
Just wondering what people views were with regards to who may be leading the country enxt.
All other matters aside, which political party is more likely to help us arthritis sufferers?
I am self employed and foten need time off work, but dont get sick pay, still have to pay NI etc.

good and bad points?


  • sharmaine
    sharmaine Member Posts: 1,638
    edited 7. May 2010, 14:25
    Hi Bailey

    You've got some good questions and I wish I could answer them! I think it's a case of waiting and seeing what they're going to do. There's a lot of talk of cutbacks but let's hope it's not in the areas that really matter. The country has some huge debts. I'm waiting to see if Clegg will join forces with the Conservatives....nothing is as yet written in stone.

    Could you apply to Incapacity Benefit ...it's now called ESA? Have a look Direct.gov.

    With regards

    bailey27 wrote:
    Just wondering what people views were with regards to who may be leading the country enxt.
    All other matters aside, which political party is more likely to help us arthritis sufferers?
    I am self employed and foten need time off work, but dont get sick pay, still have to pay NI etc.

    good and bad points?
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I think that the only good point about the election is that it may make MPs' more likely to listen to constituants worries and problems, as they know that the likelyhood of another general election is round the corner. The world financial crisis is such, that I can't see any extra money for us!!! :? Something, must have been on TV, suggested that their may well be a 'cut' in disability payments to allow the re-payment of the Governments debts. I don't really understand international finanace!!! :lol:

    I know that its likely to mean that more money will be spent on another election sometime in the near future, I remeber Ted Heath being in Gorden Brown's position and he had to go after a few days and let Harold Wilson form the Gov. That Gov. only lasted, I think a few months.

    Oh, Gosh, I'm getting old, I voted in that election for the first time! :shock:

    I'm afraid, basicly that its going to be bad for the country, with in-fighting amoungst the MPs and party splits, but it could also make, as I said before, your local MP want to prove how helpful they are as they will soon need your vote again. Maybe the time to contact MPs about problems with being awarded benfits and medical problems, like the money for drugs, lack of resources etc, but the protests would need to be done in group and individual form to make an impression, ie lots of pressure from an organised group directed towards the Minister responsible and individuals saying the same thing to their own MP's. :roll:

    I'll be arrested if I go on like this! :lol:

    Same old, same old, I'm afraid. :roll:

    Love Sue

    I think I'm just a cynical old b/////r.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,901
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Sue! Sue!!

    are you ok??

    Sit down and take a breath :wink:

    I just hope they hurry up and decide what they are doing :roll:

    Think the tories wanted to do away with the wihter fuel payment.....?? is that right??

    I think - if you are self employed you take out some sort of insurance for health issues as you dont get any state support...might be wrong there too. But my husband has it as he is self-employed...you pay your stamp at a lower rate by coice or you can pay it at a higher rate and then would be entilted to sick pay...

    Oh sorry i'll shut up too....

    I'm starting to confuse MYSELF :oops:


    Toni xx
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Whoops, sorry I was suffering from an overdose of TV election coverage and lack of sleep! :oops:

    I'm not sure about self-employed people, although I used to be when I worked as a Nanny for a 4 years. I paid my stamp, but I never needed to claim sick. I think you are right, though, it was a long, long time ago and things must have changed! :oops:

    Sorry, this election coverage is really going to my head.....
    Love Sue xx
  • border
    border Member Posts: 94
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I think the situation is going to be very difficult and I don't think the rethink on prescription charges is going to go ourway. People with cancer were able to have prescriptions recently, this is not going to happen for arthritic folk and if they winter fuel payments/allowance is stopped, there will be a considerable backlash.

    Never mind, pain is not too bad at least my leg muscles are working better today :):)
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,901
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    You ok Sue??

    He he!! I watched too much yesterday too, but it IS interesting isnt it?

    What if...tories and libs dont agree then lab and libs have a chat and they DO agrree....

    will the two loosers be in power????

    Toni xx