JIA related Uveitis in a 4 year old

worriedmum Member Posts: 72
edited 5. Jul 2010, 04:32 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi everybody,
I'd really like to know if anybody has a child with arthritis who has also had Uveitis?
My 4 yeaar old daughter went for her routine eye screening yesterday and we were told she has it in both her eyes and has been started on hourly steroid eye drops. We've to go back next week for review and revise meds accordingly.
Currently terrified of the consequences and the long treatment it's going to take to shift it, I would love to hear from anyone who has already been there.
My daughter was diagnosed with JIA at the age of two and is cared for brilliantly by a great paediatric rheumatology team. We also now have a Uveitis nurse! Last joint injection was almost two weeks ago, so she seems fine at the mo, but the hidden dangers behind the eyes have just come to light.
I'd be really grateful if anybody can offer any advice or the benefit of their experience.