Atos questionaire

handsy Member Posts: 209
edited 7. Jul 2010, 05:08 in Living with Arthritis archive
I have read on the Forum about these and have recieved on today i have rang up Steve Bailey for Newcastle wellfare rights. He has said the nearly everyone he has dealings with is getting these forms. More than likely due to the huge cock up the government has caused in the transition from incapacity benifet. I had to go to appeal to get what is in reality allready due to me. I am just sick of the whole situation. RA has so much to answer for I just wish i could go back to being a normal (if there is such a thing) living and working. The amount of medication I take is trully unbeliveable to most people. I can get you down just trying to list it never mind taking the bloody stuff every day and to add insult to injury (literally) you get these stupid forms that only cause more stress. I hope that in the future they can sort out this bloody mess that Us disabled people feel we have to prove at there will. when we already have consultants reports doctors report medical assesments and any of the other crap we go through on a regular basis. I am sorry for turning this into a rant loads more no room :x :x :x :x


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,086
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi John

    Rant away :(

    We ger it!

    It is so wrong isnt it? :(

    What they are doing to the 'real' people who have disabilities is criminal :(

    Hope you are doing ok in genreal John - havent seen you around for a while? (sorry if youy cant read this am having some sort of migraine!)


    Toni xx
  • fester
    fester Member Posts: 98
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Totally agree with you John and feel free to rant away, trust me i've done it with regard to ATOS etc. These people make me so damned angry and depressed i'm not quite sure what i'm likely to do if i get summoned apart from tell to shove their medicals where the sun don't shine, then again i ain't doing myself any favours am i?
    Come the glorious revolution, they'll be first against the wall,Power to the disabled!!
  • speedalong
    speedalong Member Posts: 3,315
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi John,
    the system sucks!! If they took notice of all the doc reports etc they would be able to save time and money on pointless reassessments and concentrate on finding the real scroungers!!
    Feel free to rant.

    I have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    well they have to keep them selves in jobs some how and you are an easy group to pick on the gps must feel like they waste there training as they are not belived and some jumped up on one can decide if you are fit to work some one who gets paid far to much if the government got rid of all these no do wells there would be more than enough money to pay all of you (and me when get to that stage) the world has gone crazy it all look after number one **** the little guy sorry rant over hugs val
  • fester
    fester Member Posts: 98
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Sorry to say i've been saying the same thing for a while now Val,but what can we do. No point contacting your MP (or even Osbourne) as they have'nt got the decency to even bother to reply. Why because as you say we're an easy target and we will be used as sacrificial lambs when the need arises. Maybe a few demonstrations in our home towns may help but then they'd say if we're fit enough to demonstrate we're fit enough to work! :x
  • sharmaine
    sharmaine Member Posts: 1,638
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    The whole system sucks. It would save a lot of hassle and precious time if they simply contacted our doctors/specialists about the degenerative effects of arthritis on an individual. I don't think they realise how painful arthritis is or how physically draining it can be.

    This system lacks organisation and wastes time and money.

  • livinglegend
    livinglegend Member Posts: 1,425
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    fester wrote:
    Sorry to say i've been saying the same thing for a while now Val,but what can we do. No point contacting your MP (or even Osbourne) as they have'nt got the decency to even bother to reply. Why because as you say we're an easy target and we will be used as sacrificial lambs when the need arises. Maybe a few demonstrations in our home towns may help but then they'd say if we're fit enough to demonstrate we're fit enough to work! :x
    Send an email to every tv, radio station and newspaper that you can think of, both local and national, whether you read/listen to them or not. Just sitting there wailing about it among ourselves works in Atos/DWP's favour. I know that a radio station or newspaper asking the questions is far more meaningful than an individual. But they need the impetuous to be started by YOU.

    Email them NOW, don't leave it to someone else.

    Joseph 8)