Benefits, good or bad for society?

oneday Member Posts: 1,434
edited 16. Jul 2010, 04:14 in Community Chit-chat archive
should we scrap some benefits?
should we increase some?
should they be restricted to ones whove paid in?
should they be awarded if some community work done?


  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    benifits are there to save people who are desperate i never have claimed much and now could do with it do not qualify.
    you work all your life even when feel so ill and i pain what do you get nothing perhaps the scroungers have it right sit back and let everyone else pay .
    i do not meen that i think they are great as lots of people need them and one day will do so myself but do think doctors should be in charge of deciding those who are fit not pen pushers.
  • suncatcher
    suncatcher Member Posts: 2,174
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Why pick on the sick why are they tackling us. There are a few who are claiming falsly. The ones who are losing are genuine i wonder how many scougers they have caught. It is costing tax payer loads in tribunals phycological and counselling services as people cannot cope when this safty net is removed.

    When are they going to get cheap childcare for lone parents they are scrapping the child tax credit which helped people access childcare.
    child benefit staying the same and prices go up how can the parents help there children the poor will get poorer and the rich getting richer
    I have always worked payed into the system now the system is working against those it should help sick and elderly pensions are affected also.
    The job centre have told me to my face and see tec i have little or no chance to get work. and have told me what are you doing here. They have seen my illness and are angry for me but cannot do anything.
    I would gladly work but what and who will want me this is a cost cutting excercise by the govenment and it will course and is courseing no end of problems. I do not feel guilty nor will be made to for wanting my benefits returned to me the people who should be guilty are banks who got us in this mess who are doing alright now thankyou. The old govenment and the scroungers, fraudsters who steal from the system.
    and which benefits should be scrapped is tricky and it seems we all are paying the price for other peoples mess
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Oooooooooh, right, let me think a moment.

    Some should be increased, ie carers allowance, more often the real unsung heroes in life, paid way below the minimum wage, to be with the person 24/7. It keeps the unemployment figures down, which pleases the Government, is a challenge to get in the first place (as you all know from my recent battles). Having paid into the system for many a long year, I don't see the help I get as a God given right, it is meant to help those who are disabled and need it, therefore I claim it, for which I am very grateful indeed.

    By all means, sort out those who are miking the system for all it is worth, are capable of work, yet are happy to stay on endless hand outs, because the jobs that are available to them, pay less than they can get from the state.

    I might sound snobby, but, look around any town and or city, with the shell suit brigade, lads with the obligatory shaved heads, with teenage girls pushing prams like Vicky Pollard, who would employ them anyway, most of them cannot string a sentence together, innit.

    Now I have forgotten the rest of the questions. :roll:

    Child benefit I think should be means tested, I cannot help but smile when the huge 4 litre Chelsea Tractors roll up outside the schools, to drop one child off, these people are obviously well heeled, their cars cost more than I would get in 5 years pension.

    I wonder how the big review will affect us all, I mean those of us who suffer day in, day out, need care from another person on a regular basis. I suspect that we will be the ones that are made to jump through hoops, attend medicals that are designed on a point scoring basis, not a person based assessment. I may be wrong, perhaps those of us who are genuinely ill, with long term disabilities, will not have to go on bended knee before the DWP. We will see.
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,026
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    This is a tricky one isn't it?

    I wouldnt do too much to child ben......

    think there should only be for the first two really though - to prevent overpopulation. Children are to be valued even if we choose not to have them ourselves - after all they will be out doctors nurses etc in the future.

    Not sure why they 'pay' kids to stay on at school though....??? Sup[ose it's to keep the unemployemnt figures down?

    I dont get it when 'they' tell us we are not saving enough for our pensions....those who have never worked will never save will they?

    I so agree with what Rehab said about generations who dont is a 'culture' in some families so go on the dole.

    Did anyone see the Fairy Jobmother on TV the other night?? Some food for thought in that prog

    Toni xx
  • suncatcher
    suncatcher Member Posts: 2,174
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I am not sure if those who are ment to be helping people get into work have the relivant back ground. I would like to speak to a person who actually understood my illness.

    I dont like the fact that some people have been penalized for doing voluntry work ive met some who have had this happen. I would have great respect for people who do this. They are earning their benefit, gaining skills, experiance, confidance. voluntry work should be offered if they are looking for work and cannot find it they say then im sure they would do voluntry work or lose the benefit. They have a choice. There is lots of voluntry work out there.
  • snowball
    snowball Member Posts: 3,465
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    My son got made redundent for the 3rd time two years ago this Christmas only aged 20, he has worked from the age of 13 (paper round) and when he left school worked in retail then apprentaship motor machanic was made redundent after year. Call center work and made redundent twice. For the first time he had to sign on and he hated it, they gave him a sheet of paper and told him to write down the jobs a applied for at least 3 a fortnight well he applied for every job going even cleaning loos. He eventualy found a job after 6 weeks of dole. He had to work a month in advance and the DWP couldn't help him with bus fares because he had not been claiming long enough. Another guy who started work at his place had been on the dole for 5 years he got a grant for £400 and a months bus pass.

    ((((hugs)))) n xxxxx to ya all
  • suncatcher
    suncatcher Member Posts: 2,174
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    snowball wrote:
    My son got made redundent for the 3rd time two years ago this Christmas only aged 20, he has worked from the age of 13 (paper round) and when he left school worked in retail then apprentaship motor machanic was made redundent after year. Call center work and made redundent twice. For the first time he had to sign on and he hated it, they gave him a sheet of paper and told him to write down the jobs a applied for at least 3 a fortnight well he applied for every job going even cleaning loos. He eventualy found a job after 6 weeks of dole. He had to work a month in advance and the DWP couldn't help him with bus fares because he had not been claiming long enough. Another guy who started work at his place had been on the dole for 5 years he got a grant for £400 and a months bus pass.


    Dont make sense does it! what a system. Im glad he is working now hope he is happy. Just shows persistance pays off.
  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Well some are just plain crazy, a lot are probably a good idea but it’s purely academic as the system is something akin to Alice through the bloody looking glass incarnate.

    One of my grumps is unemployed with kids, now if you are working and you have a child it costs you money each time you pop out a cute little mini me but if your one of the space hopper/fast breeders who can be found waddling up Didcot high street wiv a pit-bull and half a dozen state sponsored feral offspring in tow then the system is totally **** about in my book, in their dysfunctional low achieving benefit consuming world they get rewarded for every sprog they produce, more money bigger house etc etc, and even better!, if one of them has a bad reaction to Sunny D and goes more loopy than normal and causes nothing but mayhem at school then your quids in!!, the Liberal professional lentil eaters will be falling over themselves to label the thug as “having learning difficulties” if they do it’s happy days for you.
    Come on down get a free car!!, come on down you don’t need to work as your now a carer!!, and once you are the door is opened to a whole new vista of benefits that will allow you and the next would be father even more free time to have even more little ASBO darlings putting even more strain on the state!!!.
    But if you only have RA or OA or some such painful genuine illness then a little pain is just an excuse to skive off you lazy pathetic git, I mean who cares if your fingers bend at 45 degrees and cant be moved, there’s no excuse to sit on your **** all day oh no it’s much better for you to keep working to stop you dwelling on the pain and becoming to “focused” on it, no no no you can’t possibly be in that much pain, I mean you take pain killers don’t you!?, so you haven’t got any pain anyway it’s got to be all in your mind.
    Sorry I went off on another one there!!.
  • oneday
    oneday Member Posts: 1,434
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    we seem to all be singing from the same hymn sheet here......
    benefits for people who need them i.e. lost job, illnesses,pensioners etc, no benefits for work shy sprog breeders..simples.......
    From today, well its a bit late, so tomorrow, govt should put a block on child benefit to just 2 kids, they should offer help with nursery care as costs more than wages in some cases. If man walks out on wife and kids and she doesnt work she needs help/benefit whilst she gets her life sorted out. Also vice versa if wife walks out instead!
    That should save some money.
    Why should they have nice free houses. I once gave a lift to an elderley lady (stranger) at doctors who could barely walk - i overheard conversation with nurse and i said i woud take her home. She lived in a high rise block - what happens to her when lift breaks etc?
    she should get the house and workshy/girls with kids (cant stand em) shoud be put in high rise blocks...all rubbish together.
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    What will they say about me. I'm on disability benefits. I have lost both legs above
    knee. I suffer with servere Asthma and need oxygen, I'm eplileptic,I have circulation problems, I have had quite a few major ops.

    I also have a curve in my spine. My lungs are damaged because of bloodclots.

    I now have arthur in my hands including fingers which are very painful. Now arthur is in my neck shoulders, wrists elbows and is getting worse.

    Will I keep my benefit? I really don't know.

    What job could I do???

    Trish x
  • oneday
    oneday Member Posts: 1,434
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Trish, this is where it isnt right, why should you have to worry if youre going to be targetted for reductions in benefit, cos the type we all seem to be complaining about dont seem to be worried at all.
  • trisher
    trisher Member Posts: 9,263
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    I know what you are saying and what you are saying is true. If they cannot get these people back to work so the amount of money spent on benefits is not as high then they will target us.

    I think when the goverment say they reduced the amount of unemployed I think they put a lot on sicness benefit so the figures went down.

    Maybe the it was a bit easy to claim then.

    When I claimed I had to go back and forth for ages. My doctors wrote letters the hospital did. I was under two professors and they turned it down until I appealed.

    Then I got it. Now who knows what will happen?

    On a lighter note wonder what job they will send me to???

    Trish xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,026
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    snowball wrote:
    My son got made redundent for the 3rd time two years ago this Christmas only aged 20, he has worked from the age of 13 (paper round) and when he left school worked in retail then apprentaship motor machanic was made redundent after year. Call center work and made redundent twice. For the first time he had to sign on and he hated it, they gave him a sheet of paper and told him to write down the jobs a applied for at least 3 a fortnight well he applied for every job going even cleaning loos. He eventualy found a job after 6 weeks of dole. He had to work a month in advance and the DWP couldn't help him with bus fares because he had not been claiming long enough. Another guy who started work at his place had been on the dole for 5 years he got a grant for £400 and a months bus pass.



    I admire your son and you too for bringing him up with such a good work ethic.

    Well done you should be proud.


    Toni xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,026
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    please don't worry.

    I dont think 'they' are after you. They are supposedly after the scroungers - the ones we all knwo who claim every benefit going - get higher rate DLA - then turn up dancing on the tables at the pub on a weekend :roll:


    Toni xx