Anyone from Gloucestershire?

sparkle Member Posts: 11
edited 30. Jul 2010, 09:14 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hello, it's been a while since I was last on here. I was on here quite a bit when I had my knees done 3 years ago.

Anyway, I got married and moved to Gloucestershire 2 years ago but decided to stay with my consultant in Hampshire. I have seen him since early onset when I was a child and had enough big changes happening in my life at that point without starting over with a new rheumy team, and as I only see him every 6 months it wasn't too much hassle. It has worked out ok, I get my meds here and have my blood done here and the results sent back to him.

Now I'm settled in Gloucestershire and am thinking about making the move to the rheumys here. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of the hospitals or rheumy teams here? I'm not really sure what I'm worried about, maybe worried they won't continue with my anti tnf treatment or my yearly infusion for osteoporosis as these are fairly new and expensive treatments. But I guess I won't know until I make the move.

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

S xx