Pain relieving Gels



  • angie1973
    angie1973 Member Posts: 248
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I appreciate all your suggestions. Will it be cheaper to have it prescribed by my GP or buy it over the counter? I want to trial a few for a few weeks at a time, so am guessing buying it first to try would be better?

    I must also start looking for a good masseur as well. I know when I went to the Chiropractors for help with my neck issues, the bit I used to enjoy more than anything was the massage. He used this thing that looked like one of those floor polishers (rotating disk things) but was for warming the muscles etc prior to the cracking!

    It was lovely, I just would have paid to have that done once a day, as that did me more good than anything he did. Not saying it doesn't help people, it just did nothing for me at all unfortunately.


    Only 99.9% possessed by the giggle monster.........the other 0.01 % just eats chocolate..
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    HI Ange

    I do use them myself too when I am in deap do-do :wink:

    If you want to test a few then i would buy them over the counter to try.

    I have tried ibuprofen and movelat and found them very similar.

    I too beleive a lot of it is down to the actual massage, but they are soooo expensive :(


    Toni xx
  • hileena111
    hileena111 Member Posts: 7,099
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm exempt from prescription charges so sorry cant help you

  • angie1973
    angie1973 Member Posts: 248
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you for the advice. Maybe I should send hubby off to train as a masseuse. Problem solved then! I could pay him in beer or something!

    Only 99.9% possessed by the giggle monster.........the other 0.01 % just eats chocolate..
  • angie1973
    angie1973 Member Posts: 248
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    babycham wrote:
    Hi Angie I didnt know what to do about jells this time as I normally rave madly on the merits of s.b.c. arnica jell but this last couple of weeks it has failed me completely however it has served me well in most circumstances for the last five years as a usful standby so maybe you could try it with other things its could for reduceing bruiseing in general and sinks in well but dont try the heat one thats terrible xxxL/Babycham

    Thanks BC. I will have to see what I can use in combo for really bad days.

    I decided as I got a spurt of energy from somewhere on Sunday I would clean the kitchen to within an inch of its life including a deep clean of the cooker, proper job too!

    Why do we do these things when we feel good, only to realise it was a stupid thing to do! My neck was awful, and my hands were so stiff and sore after, and I got the tension headache from hell! I had to take some co-codemol to ease that, but then my stomach played up, grrrrr!

    So getting a good gel solution is going to pay dividends for me.


    Only 99.9% possessed by the giggle monster.........the other 0.01 % just eats chocolate..