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nanasue Member Posts: 465
edited 24. Aug 2010, 10:23 in Living with Arthritis archive
Sorry I didn't reply to the messages everyone sent me, I don't know what the problem was but my password wasn't accepted and when I asked for it to be sent it didn't come throughstraight away. Anyway thanks for all your replies, my husband still has PMT, miserable so and so, my grandson is ok thank god, no lasting damage, just a bad headache and stiff neck and shoulders. We have made an official complaint to ofsted about the playscheme and it's being investigated. I finallly got to see my doctor about my blood test results and you'll never believe it, but it was an insufficiant sample so I'm still waiting for the results, in the meantime I'm in increasing pain and on maximum painkillers, it's just so frustrating.


  • speedalong
    speedalong Member Posts: 3,315
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Nanasue,

    glad you are able to post again, let's hope you get your results through soon and some decent pain relief. Glad your poor Grandson is improving poor thing. As for the husband ... DD always comes up with some great suggestions involving trip wires ... (which might at least make you laugh!)

    I have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    New plans might be required. Food for thought. How grumpy are you with him nansue? Muchly? I can rise to this challenge.

    it's good to have you back. Let's hope you can stay this time! DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben
  • nanasue
    nanasue Member Posts: 465
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks DD, I'm not just grumpy with him, but everyone cos of the pain which is much worse today. I'm very short tempered and don't have a lot of patience which isn't like me, I'm normally very laid back. I'm hoping to get my results this afternoon, will post later if I do. The reason I'm worse with him is cos he's under my feet all the time as he has AS and arthur in his knees and can't work at the moment. When he has pain in his knee he does nothing but moan, he can't understand I have that pain in all my joints, I try not to complain unless it's really bad like now, I just usually try to carry on and be upbeat. But at the moment it's pain, horrible rheumy and frustration at people's incompetence, so as you can see I'm really cheesed off. I need people to send me some really funny jokes so I can have a good laugh, or perhaps I'll watch the Full Monty, that always makes me laugh !!!!
  • nanasue
    nanasue Member Posts: 465
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    nanasue wrote:
    Thanks DD, I'm not just grumpy with him, but everyone cos of the pain which is much worse today. I'm very short tempered and don't have a lot of patience which isn't like me, I'm normally very laid back. I'm hoping to get my results this afternoon, will post later if I do. The reason I'm worse with him is cos he's under my feet all the time as he has AS and arthur in his knees and can't work at the moment. When he has pain in his knee he does nothing but moan, he can't understand I have that pain in all my joints, I try not to complain unless it's really bad like now, I just usually try to carry on and be upbeat. But at the moment it's pain, horrible rheumy and frustration at people's incompetence, so as you can see I'm really cheesed off. I need people to send me some really funny jokes so I can have a good laugh, or perhaps I'll watch the Full Monty, that always makes me laugh !!!!
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy Member Posts: 31,520
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Poor you, I sympathise. Men have more pain receptors than women, so that is why they are so feeble at times. Women face discomfort all through their adult life, with periods, childbirth, hormonal disturbances causing headaches etc, so we do get used to carrying on regardless. They are not used to this: the slightest little thing and they're off. Hunter/gatherers my ****, as Mr Royle would say. I truly think they are the weaker sex sometimes, when it comes to stamina and just getting on with things. Bless.

    You hang on in there. I know all well the deleterious effects of conitnual pain - it does get you down, it makes one tired and yes, short-tempered. People who don't live with it in their own bodies have no idea. He, however, should have some appreciation of what you are undergoing. Is AS ankylosing spondylitis? Another lady was very fed up with her spouse so I suggested getting creative with fishing line (and some took me seriously). Honestly. As if I would advocate murder on an open forum.

    I did post some silly jokes on chitchat yesterday, but the thread was spoiled so I haven't returned to it. Rondetto's your man (or woman!) Lots of funny stuff from them on there. Do let us know how your results go - I just typed that as resluts! Hee-hee! DD
    Have you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben