Here we go again



  • stlucia
    stlucia Member Posts: 392
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Tilly and Toni,

    I hope that you are doing ok today. I have still yet to get hold of anyone medical who is able to speed things up - basically I need to get the consultant to read quicker!! All he has to do is read my notes and decide what to do ....and then I will get told....hopefully!

    Today has been a better day - I've managed the stairs a bit better and also felt better in myself. Not so teary.

    Definitely time to sleep now as everything is beginning to get very painful. Why does that happen at night I wonder?

  • tillytop
    tillytop Member Posts: 3,460
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi St Lucia

    Have just replied on your other thread.

    So glad you have felt a bit better in yourself today. In terms of things getting painful at night - I find the same thing because I take my meds in the evening, so they have worn off by early evening. But I have recently twigged that, by taking my Diclofenac (anti-inflamm) earlier in the evening (6.15pm ish) it has started to take effect by bedtime (10pm ish) and that really helps. But I'd want to be careful about the earlier timing if I had also taken one in the morning).

    Good luck contacting the hospital.

    Love Tilly xxx